"Hehe, don't worry, if I come out, let alone a few young princes, even the entire Great Yan Dynasty will be trampled under my feet!"

"From today onwards, you will be born again. From now on, there will be no flames and colds in the world, only flames!"

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"Thank you for your righteousness, son, and thank you for giving me your name!"

"From now on, I will be the young master's man. I, Yan Zhatian, swear to the sky today, from now on, only young master Li will follow his lead!"

Yan Liang immediately worshiped at the end, he didn't care what means he used, and he didn't care who stood in his face, as long as he could stand out and fulfill his mother's last wish before she died, he would be satisfied.

For this reason, even if he lent his appearance to others, he would not hesitate to be a shadow with peace of mind from now on.

"Don't worry, on the day I leave, the Great Yan Dynasty will be your world. After returning, I will call you when necessary."

Li Xiaobai nodded, very satisfied with Yan Liang's attitude, although he is a bit useless, but so far he is the only one who makes him look more pleasing to the eye, because he knows etiquette and respect, maybe only those who grow up in adversity will have this understanding Bar.

Put it back into the gourd.

At this moment, several people around came together.

"Good guy, I didn't expect the old beggar to see this face again, it's so delicate, it's just like a miracle, it's exactly the same!"

The old beggar was amazed, and circled around Li Xiaobai, rubbing his teeth in his mouth.

"Yes, Mr. Li, I didn't expect you to have such a unique skill. You don't show your face!"

"666, I have never seen such a superb disguise technique in hundreds of years in the fairy land. This is not a disguise, it is a different person. I would like to call it a unique skill!"

Liu Ren and Kun also showed astonishment on their faces, and the sound of amazement was endless.

"Woof! When will Master Er Gouzi get one too!"

"Heck, I want it too!"

"It's nothing more than a trivial skill. I'm actually not interested in disguise, I just do it casually." Li Xiaobai said with a smile and waved his hands.

Everyone was speechless, but they were pretty good at pretending.

"There are a few sets of clothes here, which were collected by the lake just now. They are all the clothes of the outer sect disciples of the Great Yan Dynasty. You change into them and follow me to the city!"

"From now on, I am the eighteenth heir of the Great Yan Dynasty. Yan Liang, Yan Zhatian, you just need to be my personal guards. Let's stabilize at the feet of the emperor first, and quickly digest the gains of this trip!"

Li Xiaobai threw out several sets of clothes and spoke.


"In addition, there are five fruits here, which were picked from the fire tree and silver flower just now. You three people, two beasts, one for each of you!"

"Thank you Mr. Li!"

The group quickly changed their clothes. The monks were all dressed in loose robes, which fit them well.


After leaving the magma, the outer area is no longer dangerous.

Without saying a word all the way, a group of people walked out of the monster mountain along the road marked on the map.

As far as the eye can see, it is a huge building, covering the sky and the sun, and the three big characters of Yanwang City hang above the city gate, exuding a bloody and masculine air.

There was an endless stream of monks coming and going from the gate of the city, and they were in a hurry. Most of them were monks, and there were almost no ordinary people here.

Li Xiaobai tidied up his attire, and then walked towards the gate of the city.

The guards at the city gate immediately knelt down and saluted, "See Prince Yanliang!"

"free gift"

"From today onwards, I will no longer be called Yan Liang, my name is Yan Zha Tian!"

Li Xiaobai put his hands behind his back, and said calmly, the words were not shocking and endless, which attracted the surrounding people to stop and look sideways.

"My name is Gou Ritian!" Er Gouzi also stepped forward abruptly and shouted loudly.

"My name, Ji Batian!" Ji ruthlessly pecked at his feathers gracefully, and said lightly.

"Eh... Prince Yan, you seem to be acting a little differently than usual today, but what happened to you outside?"

"If there are my brothers who can help, just ask."

The guard in front of the door said suspiciously, he couldn't figure out what state his eldest son was in, although it was true that he was stared at and oppressed all day, but he shouldn't go crazy, right?

"There's no need for that. In this world, there is nothing that can stop my explosive pace!"

"Quickly step back and let this son enter the city!"

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"Then these people are..."

The guard looked at the old beggar and his party behind him.

"These are all my friends. The oldest one is my security captain. Is there a problem?"

"Uh...no problem."

"Then don't let it go quickly?"

"Understood, come on, gentlemen, please come inside!"

The guard showed a flattering smile on his face, and welcomed Li Xiaobai and others in.

After watching the show, the surrounding traffic resumed its movement.

It wasn't until the few people walked away that the guards got together and began to discuss cautiously.

"Hey, did you see just now that the son of Yanliang actually called himself Yan Zhatian, and he made friends with a group of dubious guys, so what is Lao Shizi, the security captain, I think he is even old enough to be his grandfather, what is he doing? What have you experienced outside, what stimulated you?"

"Ahem, from my point of view, the prince may not have been stimulated outside. After receiving so much ridicule and supercilious looks in the Yan Dynasty, it is understandable for him to become like this."

"Yeah, he has endured humiliation for twenty years, and today he is finally completely crazy!"

"Hey, it is estimated that he will be expelled in the near future. In the future, there will only be seventeen princes left in our Great Yan Dynasty!"

"Shh, don't dare to say these words indiscriminately. If people listen to it, it's a crime of losing your head. Let's just guard the gate carefully!"

Several guards couldn't help feeling sorry for Li Xiaobai, and after chewing their tongues, they quickly returned to their posts and continued to guard the gate.

In the city.

The scene in this city is quite bustling, with endless streams of stalls and hawkers, all kinds of monster materials, magical treasures and elixir are placed on both sides of the street, monks stop and point from time to time, nodding frequently.

Li Xiaobai led a group of people wandering aimlessly.

He didn't plan to live in Yanliang's mansion, because it's not hard to imagine that it's extremely shabby, and maybe someone would come over every now and then to pick things up, which is pretty bad.

Now they need a quiet place to digest the income from the monster mountain range.

"Go to the core area of ​​the city. The rooms there are often prepared for big people. The space is wide enough, the distance is large, and it is very private."

Liu Ren suggested that she is also the second in charge of Aolai Country, she has never eaten pork but has seen pigs run, and she knows what the basic plan of a country is like.

"Then let's go to the inner circle to earn money. There are plenty of fairy stones, and it's not short of this money."

Li Xiaobai nodded, and continued walking along the street with a group of people.

But at this moment, a sharp and ear-piercing voice suddenly sounded, and those who heard it couldn't help frowning.


"Isn't this Prince Yanliang? I haven't seen you for a while. Why do you have time to wander around today? What's the matter? You're rich and can afford food?"

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