Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Seven Hundred And Fifty Eighth Imperial City Standing


"Who are you?"

Li Xiaobai turned his head to look, and saw a father-in-law standing in the middle of the mainland, with a playful expression on his face, and beside him were a group of eunuchs who kept fanning him, full of style.

This should be a certain eunuch in the palace, with some status, it seems that he often bullies Yanliang on weekdays.

"You bastard, why don't you kneel down and salute when you see me!"

"But it's been a few days since I saw you, and you have become so impolite?"

The father-in-law's expression suddenly changed, and he scolded sharply.


"A mere dead eunuch dares to be unreasonable to my family's eldest son, and he can't find death!"

"Believe it or not, I chopped off your other two legs too!"

The old beggar immediately shouted, possessed of drama, now he is the captain of Li Xiaobai's security, his words and deeds are full of dog legs.

However, Li Xiaobai enjoyed this kind of feeling quite a bit. It turns out that powerful people are all like this.

"In public, openly insulting my family's eldest son is to despise the national prestige of my Great Yan Dynasty. If people like you are allowed to live in this world, what face will members of my royal family have to walk outside in the future?"

Liu Ren's expression was indifferent, and he directly put on the eunuch a high hat of treason, which still couldn't be taken off.

"Kill him, this kind of shemale has always looked down on me, she's so yin and yang!"

Kun looked disgusted.

"Shut up, you lowly people dare to slander my lord. I'm afraid you don't know that just two days ago, Eunuch He was promoted to the position of great eunuch. In terms of status, he is equal to the disciples of the inner sect!"

"A mere 18th son, who is like a dog, dares to bark in front of my adults?"

"Who gave you the guts!"

The little eunuch on the side immediately raised his eyebrows and cursed at Li Xiaobai and the others.

The surrounding monks stopped to watch this good show. In the past, Yanliang met everyone in the Great Yan Dynasty with respect and courteousness. No matter how bad he was, he would take a detour to avoid it. Today, he took some wrong medicine. How did you act so arrogant and arrogant?

And the group of followers who followed him, they didn't look like good people no matter what!

This 18th son, could it be that he made friends with some bad people outside?

"Ranking eighteen is not the son of the world, I have the blood of the Great Yan Dynasty flowing in my body, but I want to ask Eunuch He, whose blood is flowing in your body?"

Li Xiaobai said lightly.


Eunuch He was so choked that he couldn't speak, and he was at a loss for words for a while.

Li Xiaobai asked again, "My son, ask He Gonggong again, what is the duty of a eunuch?"

"Naturally, serve the members of the royal family well."

Eunuch He replied involuntarily, he could feel that some kind of change had taken place in this worthless son in front of him, something had become different.

"Then this son is considered a member of the royal family?"

"What is the crime of insulting and provoking the royal family?"

Li Xiaobai's eyes flashed fiercely, and he asked word by word.

"Ah this..."

Eunuch He's eyes were a little dodgy, and the little eunuch beside him didn't dare to breathe too loudly. He was just bullying the good-for-nothing prince, how did he rise to provoking the royal family in a blink of an eye?

But then Eunuch He realized something again, his face calmed down a lot, and he said lightly, "In this world, strength speaks, and big fists are the truth. The face of the Great Yan Dynasty, you are a disgrace to this Yanwang City!"

"In front of miscellaneous people, you'd better be honest, otherwise, you will suffer!"

"The 18th son is teaching the miscellaneous families today, I hope that in the days to come, you can still be so tough, let's go!"

Eunuch He put down his harsh words, got up and prepared to leave, always felt that the Yanliang had become a little different, just in case, he had to report it to the Seventh Prince to be at ease.

But at this time, he suddenly felt a strong sense of trembling, and before he could react, he felt a burst of warmth in his chest, and when he looked down, a huge sword energy burst from his chest When it came out, the blood mist burst, and he vaguely saw his shattered heart, and then his vision went dark, and he fell to the ground with no life left.

"A mere servant, dare to provoke this son, what kind of biscuit are you?"

Li Xiaobai waved the long sword in his hand and said calmly.


"The prince of Yanliang killed a man!"

"He actually killed Eunuch He openly, is he crazy!"

"No, look at the top of his head, his crime is worth more than five thousand!"

"Oh my god, how many people did he kill? He just disappeared for a while. What happened to him? Could it be that he had something to do with the Demon Sect?"

"This is already a devil's act, but just now that sword energy was able to instantly kill He Gonggong, a celebrity fairyland master, which shows that his cultivation level is at least this level, and he has broken through!"

Eunuch He's blood splashed all over the ground, and the ground was bright red. The surrounding crowd who were about to watch the show were stunned by the scene in front of them. Did you kill someone?

But they forgot that normally, no one in the Great Yan Dynasty dared to be disrespectful to other princes, it was purely because Yanliang was used to being unwelcome, and they took him for granted, and they no longer regarded him as a prince.

The death of Eunuch He today seems to be announcing to the residents in the city that he is still the son of the prince and cannot be violated.

The bloody light flickered in the void, and a string of blood characters five thousand two was condensed.

Eunuch He has twenty points of merit, and after being killed, it is automatically multiplied by ten times and added to Li Xiaobai's crime points.

The rest of the young eunuchs were so frightened that they went limp and collapsed to the ground. They never dreamed that the Eighteenth Prince would dare to kill, and he did it so simply. Looking at the crime value on his head, they felt as if they were Saw a monster.

As a decent sect, the monks all have golden merit points. When have you seen such blood-stained crime points?

"Don't...don't kill me!"

"We are all from the Seventh Prince. If you kill us, he will ask you to ask for your punishment!"

"Yes, yes, if you dare to kill us, the Seventh Prince will not let you go!"

Several young eunuchs screamed again and again.

Li Xiaobai shook his head and sighed, it was the Seventh Prince again, the Yan Xiao who escaped before seemed to be related to the Seventh Prince, but he didn't expect the eunuchs in front of him to be the same, what a fate.

"It turned out to be Brother Seven, but Brother Seven and I are siblings. What are you, a group of hermaphrodites are worthy of sowing discord between our brothers?"

"Could it be that you think this son's weight in Seventh Brother's heart is not as important as your few low lives? I'll die for you!"

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