Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 761 Don't Kill And Save It For The New Year?

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Li Xiaobai flicked his wrist, this servant is also a cultivator in the Immortal Realm.


"Sure enough, there is an adventure!"

"It's just that I have made a breakthrough in my cultivation base, and I have the courage to fight with me. It seems that this adventure is not small!"

The servant's complexion changed, his eyes flickered with coldness, and he said with a sinister smile.

"Give it to me!"

"Just don't kill me!"

Several thugs around took advantage of it, and the powerful fairy spirit suddenly gushed out, and all of them were monks from the fairyland.

Several people stretched out their hands to grab Li Xiaobai, and intentionally or unintentionally hit the dantian of his lower abdomen with their fists.

Li Xiaobai's complexion is gloomy, and these people want to take advantage of the chaos to destroy his foundation. If it is really cold to stand here, I am afraid that the Taoist foundation has been damaged at this moment. Unfortunately, he does not need to practice. This group of people Small calculations are doomed to fail.

With the long sword in hand, several powerful sword auras swept across the entire first floor, leaving a series of pitted sword marks on the wall. Several heads in the room flew high, drawing a beautiful parabola and rolling down to the ground. , blood spilled on the spot.

Bloody rays of light flickered in the void, and the evil value above Li Xiaobai's head increased sharply, directly becoming six thousand.

"you you you!"

"How dare you kill someone!"

"Who gave you the courage, we are from the Ninth Prince!"

The servant's face changed drastically, and he couldn't help trembling when he pointed at Li Xiaobai's finger, and said tremblingly, the scene in front of him frightened him a lot.

Although these thugs were slightly weaker than him, they were all monks in the fairyland after all. How could they be killed by the opponent with such a simple move?

"It's nonsense, the ninth son and this son are brothers and sisters, they were born by an emperor, how could he ask you to kill me?"

"It is already a crime of disrespect to take action against the prince of the dynasty, but this time you actually spread rumors and stir up troubles, sowing the relationship between me and the ninth prince, the crime is aggravated, and you should be punished!"

Li Xiaobai said calmly, raised the long sword in his hand, and a flash of the sword flashed across, directly beheading the servant's head.

"You two take it here, don't run around, I'll go upstairs!"

Li Xiaobai gave Er Gouzi and Ji Wuqing an order, and strode up the steps with several heads in his hands.

Pedestrians in the past were horrified when they saw it, and gave way one after another, not daring to make the slightest mistake.

The evil value on the opponent's head has not subsided yet, and the eye-catching bloody six thousand is constantly stimulating everyone's minds. They have lived in the righteous sect all the year round, and they have never seen someone so arrogant and arrogant, running all over the street with the evil value , Aren't you afraid of being targeted by the law enforcement team?

"This seems to be the eighteenth son of the Great Yan Dynasty, isn't he a useless one? Why do I feel that he is completely different from what the rumors say!"

"Is there even a need to ask? People say that they are all princes. The rumors are not credible after all!"

"Yeah, but the place he's going to seems to be the second floor, it seems to be reserved by the Ninth Prince!"

"Could it be that the sons of the Great Yan Dynasty are fighting today?"

"We can't join in the excitement. If we are involved in the vortex of this dynasty's power struggle, we will have to peel off our skins if we don't die!"

"Hurry up and let the boss come over and clean up the mess."

A group of monks watched Li Xiaobai go up to the second floor, and then fled through the door in a panic. They had a premonition that something big might happen today. In order to avoid harming the innocent, it is the best way to protect themselves wisely.


In the second floor.

It is still singing and dancing, and Yingying Yanyan sings like an oriole bird, and the listeners can't help being intoxicated.

At the entrance of the steps, several guards were staring at the exotic beauties dancing in front of them without blinking.

But looking at it, they suddenly felt a pungent smell of blood.

Not only did they frown slightly, they looked around, looking for the source of the smell, and when they looked down the steps, their pupils shrank suddenly.

"What the hell am I!"

"what is this!"

Below, Li Xiaobai was holding a bunch of heads upside down in his hand, walking up the steps slowly, like a normal person.

"That's Brother Wang's head!"

"And over there, that belongs to Brother Sun!"

"This is Brother Li's!"

"Didn't they go to find the eighteenth prince, the prince killed them!"

Seeing Li Xiaobai getting closer, the faces of several guards were pale, and the hairs all over their bodies stood on end.

"Is Brother Jiu in there? I need to find him."

Li Xiaobai smiled with a mouthful of white teeth.

"My son... is inside..."

Looking at the bloody eyes staring at them, the guards felt a little pissed off, pointed to a certain door behind them, and said tremblingly.

"Very good, thank you!"

Li Xiaobai followed the singing and dancing in the aisle with strides, and wherever he passed, no matter whether it was music playing or moving singing, all stopped abruptly, as if someone had been stuck in his throat.


"What's going on, why did the music outside suddenly stop?"

In the private room, the puzzled voice of the Ninth Prince came.

"Ninth brother, little brother is here, long time no see, I miss you so much!"

Li Xiaobai laughed loudly, and walked into the private room with a bunch of human heads in his servant's horrified eyes.

The strong smell of blood permeated the entire private room, the pupils of the Ninth Prince constricted for a while, these were all his people, and his complexion involuntarily sank for a moment.

"Eighteenth brother, what is the meaning of this?"

"Ninth brother, don't get me wrong, look at these monks now, all of them are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, but these few have the audacity to directly break into my cave to kill me, and they say they are under the instruction of Ninth brother, you Can you believe this little brother?"

"We brothers are like brothers, not to mention Brother Nine lives upstairs. If the upstairs wanted to kill the downstairs, that's what a fool would do. So I snapped them off right away."

"No, I just took this opportunity to come up and explain clearly to Brother Jiu, and have a good time talking over wine. These people shouldn't be under Brother Jiu's sect, right?"

Li Xiaobai sat down next to Brother Jiu with a carefree face, and asked with a smile.

"Hehe, these are naturally not my subordinates. The Eighteenth Brother is doing the right thing. What is it these days? Cats and dogs dare to bluff and deceive, so as to provoke and understand the deep friendship between us brothers!"

"Come on, let's have a toast. The eighteenth brother is very different today from the past, and his temperament has undergone an earth-shaking change. But what adventure do you have?"

The Ninth Prince's face was full of smiles, and he had a drink with Li Xiaobai, with endless anger accumulated in his heart.

The person who killed him didn't say anything, but brought his head to show off in front of him. Is this a demonstration to him?

"Hehe, I didn't have any adventures. It's just that I broke through my cultivation and killed some people outside the city."

"The taste of killing is extraordinary, especially killing a young and beautiful woman. I'm afraid Brother Jiu has never tasted the thrill of it."

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully, his eyes unconsciously glanced at the woman in the green skirt behind him.

He had already inquired clearly with Yanliang before that he had an old friend named Tweety, who was deliberately sent by the Ninth Prince to seduce him to stage a heroic rescue drama. Since then, the word Yanliang has been completely reduced. For a joke.

After that, even if the resources that originally belonged to him were divided up by the princes, the people above turned a blind eye and did not intervene.

This pair of dogs and men are also on his must-kill list.

It can be said that the entire Great Yan Dynasty is on his must-kill list, and a few servants are just appetizers. After he is promoted to the fairyland, he will be truly tough.

At this time, the girl in the green skirt behind the Ninth Prince's face was pale, and the fingers on the Ninth Prince's shoulder couldn't help trembling.

"Bitch, you can't even do a massage, so what's the use of keeping you!"

Brother Jiu slapped the woman in the green skirt on the face, and drew out the long sword at his waist, making a gesture to kill her.

"My son, I know I was wrong, I will not dare in the future!"

The woman in the green skirt was so frightened that her calf twisted, she knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Hmph, it's useless for you to beg me. Today, my son is entertaining distinguished guests. Your actions just now hurt me. It's a small matter. It's a big deal to be rude to my eighteenth brother. Do you think my eighteenth brother is a terrible person?" People can't do it?"

"I dare not!"

"Eighteenth brother, just tell me, will this girl stay or not!"

Ninth Brother looked at Li Xiaobai with an angry face and asked, his emotions were three parts real and seven parts fake, and his purpose was to make his eighteenth brother make a fool of himself.

He knew that his younger brother had never let Tweet go, so he must be very distressed at this moment, hehe, if he dared to kill his servant, he must pay the price!

Then what Li Xiaobai said next made him breathless, and his expression was a little stunned.


"I can't even pinch a shoulder well. If I don't kill this kind of woman, why don't I keep it for the Chinese New Year!"

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