Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 762 Are You Teaching Me How To Do Things?

"Hmph, since my virtuous brother said that all the time, I'll let you bitch go today..."


"and many more!"

"Eighteen brother, what did you just say?"

The Ninth Prince spoke as if he suddenly realized something, looked at Li Xiaobai with a somewhat astonished expression, and asked in a daze.

"Didn't Brother Nine ask my younger brother if this woman should be killed? My younger brother thinks that this woman not only wants to be killed, but also kills the Nine Clans!"

"Ninth brother, your body is not comparable to that of ordinary monks. The blood of the Yan Dynasty flows in your body. It is very precious. This woman is lucky to be able to massage Jiuge, but she is half-hearted. This is contempt for the majesty of the royal family. I suggest not only to kill, but also to announce to the world that from now on, members of the royal family of my dynasty will be sacred and inviolable!"

What Li Xiaobai said was righteous words, and he stared straight at the Ninth Prince, a playfulness flashed in the depths of his eyes, he saw through the opponent's routines and ideas at a glance, I know what you want, but we It just doesn't come according to your order, so what do you do?

As soon as this remark came out, Tweety felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave. She also realized that the Ninth Prince was just making a show for her to make the other party look ugly, but she never thought that this young man who was fascinated by her in the past Now, she actually wants to kill her nine clans directly with one sentence!

This joke is too big!

It is very possible that the Ninth Prince really killed her for the sake of face. If so, it would be too worthless!

"Brother Yanliang is really good at joking, presumably he still has a grudge against Tweety in his heart."

"In fact, since ancient times, it has been difficult to have the best of both worlds in matters of love. There will always be shortcomings. Although Tweety is not by Brother Yanliang's side now, she has always believed that Brother Yanliang can soar into the sky. I hope that Brother Yanliang can get out of his knot as soon as possible. what!"

While talking, Tweety walked gently behind Li Xiaobai, and pressed his shoulders for him, quite gentle and pleasant.

Seeing this scene, the Ninth Prince on the side had a look of approval in his eyes, and he was very satisfied with Tweety's impromptu performance.

"The name Yanliang is already in the past tense, now my name is Yan Zhatian, remember that."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

Cui'er and the Ninth Prince were stunned. As the prince, they changed their name without authorization?

This is a crime of disrespect!

Moreover, what is Yan Zhatian's name?

Why does it sound so shabby?

"Cough cough, brother Yanliang's new name is really unique, but should I ask the current emperor for instructions on this matter? If the son of the Yan Dynasty changed his name without authorization and spread it, it would be a crime of disrespect!"

A smug look flashed across Tweety'er's eyes, and she also subconsciously smug when she spoke.

Even if you have an adventure and become stronger, so what?

But it's still that useless old man, she can make him submit obediently with a little bit of tricks, why pretend to be aloof, seeing the approval in the eyes of the Ninth Prince, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But what Li Xiaobai said next made her a little dazed.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Li Xiaobai said coldly with an indifferent expression.

"No... dare not, Tweety is just taking into account the past love, and hopes that the son will avoid detours."

"I also hope that the prince can listen to Tweety's advice, don't provoke the giants, otherwise, it will bring disaster."

Tweety looked at the person in front of her, with a look of surprise and uncertainty in her eyes. She could clearly feel that something was wrong with this former licking dog, but she couldn't figure it out for a while.

"What are you, dare to interfere in the decision of the royal family?"

"You mere scumbag, today I will clean up Brother Nine's house!"

Li Xiaobai's eyes suddenly became fierce, a cold light flashed in the void, sword energy was flying horizontally, the beauty's head was thrown high, landed on the table, and rolled down in front of the Ninth Prince.

There were still some stunned servants around who were screaming in shock after being sprayed with blood.

Red light flickered in the void, and the value on Li Xiaobai's head became six thousand one.

"Hmph, noisy!"

"Don't let my ninth brother displease me, but now he dares to educate me. This bitch obviously doesn't take us brothers seriously. He deserves death!"

"Ninth brother hasn't spoken yet, but this woman started talking endlessly. She has no manners in her heart, and she has no respect for my royal family members. She should be punished!"

"Ninth Brother, tell me about such a lowly maid, can you have it?"

Li Xiaobai's face was full of anger, and he said to the Ninth Prince with righteous indignation.


"This woman should indeed be killed!"

The Ninth Prince's face turned blue with anger, he almost gritted his teeth, and forcefully squeezed out a few words from between his teeth.

His heart was bleeding, Tweety was the woman he admired the most, she had the tenderness and tenderness unique to a young girl, before he could love her, she was slaughtered.

The most important thing is that he still can't refute the other party. The princes of the dynasty all want face. The guy in front of him has been talking about the royal majesty of the blood of his clan. No matter how big his resentment is, he can't find fault.

"Big brother shouldn't blame the younger brother for this mere lowly maid, right?"

Li Xiaobai continued to ask.

"No, those who dare to despise my royal family will be killed without mercy!"

"Then Brother Jiu, tell me, did you do the right thing?"

"You did the right thing!"

The Ninth Prince's forehead was throbbing with blue veins, and he wanted to have an attack, but when he saw the series of blood-red numbers on the opponent's head, he immediately suppressed the anger in his heart.

"It's just that the eighteenth brother seems to have killed a lot recently!"

"Being like this, how is it different from people in the devil's way?"

"For the sake of the prestige of my Great Yan Dynasty, Brother Nine will make the decision for you. In the next year, I will go to the ancestral hall to recite the scriptures, so as to save my own demonic nature."

"Tomorrow's birthday banquet, brother Jiu will plead with father for you."

The Ninth Prince changed the subject, and said calmly, his voice was a bit cold, in his opinion, the number on Li Xiaobai's head was looking for his own death, killing people in front of righteous people, everyone has the right to arrest him.

A mere useless idiot, he thinks that he can fight with him after some adventures, and he will let the other party understand what is called means.

"Birthday family banquet?"

Li Xiaobai keenly caught some words, which he had never heard of before.

"The eighteenth brother went out to practice for a few days, did he even forget such an important day?"

"Tomorrow will be Grandfather's birthday, and it's the monthly family banquet. It can be said to be a double happiness. Father will combine the two banquets into one, and invite heroes from all over the world. Didn't my virtuous brother find that in Yanwang City, Are there many more monks?"

The face of the ninth son calmed down, and there was a playful expression in his eyes. Tomorrow is the birthday of the Supreme Emperor. One of them counts as one, and they all try their best to prepare gifts for the old man. Not to mention killing people on the street every day, even the matter of birthday was forgotten.

If you can't get a gift tomorrow, you will be in bad luck!

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