Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 763: The Emperor’S Birthday Banquet

"Tomorrow is your birthday?"

Li Xiaobai's heart shuddered. He was still thinking about how to get close to the top of the family. Isn't this an opportunity to catch up?

The Holy One and the Supreme Emperor should be the highest-ranking people in the Yan Dynasty, so it is impossible to hear the whereabouts of his wife and senior brothers and sisters from their mouths.

"Then I will have a good life to do my filial piety to the old man, thank you Brother Jiu for your suggestion!"

Li Xiaobai laughed.

"Hehe, you don't have to be polite, brother, there are many rare treasures here, if you can't come up with a birthday gift, brother can lend you one."

The Ninth Prince shook his feather fan lightly, pointed to a big bell that was being played by the musicians outside the room and said, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, he returned to the calm and breezy appearance before.

In his opinion, even if Li Xiaobai has an adventure, it is absolutely impossible to offer it as a birthday gift with both hands. It is not easy to come up with a satisfactory birthday gift in one day.

After all, there will be an endless stream of guests tomorrow, if Li Xiaobai makes a shabby move, it will not only discredit the Supreme Emperor, but also slap the Great Yan Dynasty severely in front of the world, and lose the face of the Great Yan Dynasty.

At that time, no matter what happens to this kid, there is only one way to die.

"Hehe, Brother Nine is really ingenious. He actually wanted to give the bell on the emperor's birthday. It's a bit naughty, but I'm prepared, so I don't need to bother Brother Nine."

"It's a trivial matter, don't worry about it, take it with you, if you don't need it, you can keep it for yourself, and it will be given to you by Brother Nine!"

"Since this is the case, the younger brother will not be disrespectful. When Brother Jiu's birthday comes, he will definitely offer this treasure with both hands."

Li Xiaobai smiled faintly, and put the big clock in his pocket. The radiance on the top of this thing doesn't seem to be ordinary. If he sells it somewhere in the future, he can earn two immortal stones and flowers.

Seeing his leaving figure, the three corpses jumped up violently, Hao Xuan couldn't hold back a slap.

Not to mention the person who killed him in front of him, but also want to kill him?

Courage is not small.

Really completely changed his face.

"Eighteenth brother, you are so courageous. I thought you were just a wimp, but I didn't expect to have such an amazing side. I underestimated you before!"

"However, you jumped to the wrong opponent. Not everyone can provoke you with a ruthless spirit. Sometimes you have to pay a price for doing something wrong, and the price is your life!"

"I'll see how you die tomorrow!"

The face of the Ninth Prince was distorted, and there was infinite killing intent in his eyes. Today, his eighteenth brother has sharp teeth and sharp mouth, so he didn't take advantage of any advantage, and even killed many of his people. This debt is certain. I want to get it back.

"What are you still doing, keep playing music, keep dancing!"





next morning.

The old beggar and his party seem to have fallen into a state of seclusion. Yesterday Li Xiaobai had roughly explained to them about today's banquet, and they don't need to do anything. Help me a little.

Er Gouzi is still soaking in the bathhouse and chanting scriptures, but now he is completely obsessed with this feeling, and the number on the top of his head has increased to 500 points.

Li Xiaobai felt that if he gave it a share of his attribute value system, he would probably be beaten day and night.

As for Ji Wuqing, she just disappeared yesterday. According to Er Gouzi's statement, this guy took away the Zijin gourd. It can be said that he didn't listen to a word of his instructions. As for what he did, it must be Go catch the Holy Son and the Holy Daughter.

But judging by the immortal nature of this guy, there is no need to worry too much. Even if he offends a big shot, he will die once, and he will be a good chicken again after an hour.

"Come on, let's go to the banquet and wish the old man his birthday."

Li Xiaobai confiscated Er Gouzi's scriptures, got up and went to the palace hall.

Today, not only the high-level officials in Yanwang City arrived, but also the masters from the surrounding sects and two dynasties.

The masters of the Li Dynasty and the Sword Dynasty sat at the front, followed by the masters of the other sects, and the juniors were last. In order to show the hospitality of the Yan Dynasty, the 18 princes were specially arranged at the end to show the court etiquette demeanor.

It attracted a burst of praise from the monks.

Li Xiaobai is now the eighteenth prince, so the seat is naturally behind everyone else.

When he brought Er Gouzi to the scene, almost no monks noticed him, and even the other dozen princes ignored him.

Even though he did a big thing in Yanwang City yesterday, everyone still didn't pay attention to him today, or in other words, they all made a special trip to see his jokes.

"Today is the old man's birthday. We invite all guests and friends. Thank you for giving me this face to come and join us. From now on, we will be so close to each other between our big families!"

On the high seat, an old man with white beard and hair stroked his beard and said with a smile, his face full of kindness and kindness.

"Where is this coming from, Mr. Yan's birthday, even if there is a big event, I have to rush over to celebrate the old man's birthday, right? That's right!"

"This is a precious sword forged by my sect with thousands of years of cold iron. It is the best choice for sect disciples."

The person who spoke was the head of a certain sword cultivating sect, a small force, very discerning, knowing that his gift was of little value, so he took the initiative to stand up and throw bricks to attract jade.

"Well, the door master has a heart."

The Taishanghuang nodded calmly, and said lightly, his eyes swept across the sword without any waves.

"Old man, my Sword Dynasty has brought you something good, and you will definitely need it this time."

"Seven Stars Qingyun Sword, the Holy Master of our Sword Dynasty personally pulled it out for you from the Sword Tomb. I hope you like it!"

An old man from the Sword Dynasty cupped his fists and said with a faint smile.

The waiter at the side brought up a long sword, which was inlaid with seven strangely shaped gemstones. The inner spirit was surging, and the sword energy could be released by swinging it at will. It is a rare and good treasure.


"That really bothered Holy Master Li. I will tell your Holy Master later that Yan thanked him for his kindness. I will definitely come to thank him someday!"

The Taishanghuang's eyes lit up, this is definitely a good thing.

"We, Li Dynasty, knew that your Sword Dynasty would send you a weapon. This time, what we are offering here is our unique elixir, the Strengthening Tendon and Bone Forging Pill!"

"A monk of this pill can only take one pill in his life, but this one pill can make people wash away the impurities in the body and return to the peak of physical fitness. The Supreme Emperor is now in his prime, and another pill like this is just like a tiger with wings added. !"

The cultivator of the Li Dynasty stood up and smiled, and offered a brown elixir.

"Okay, this thing is wonderful, and you Li Dynasty also took great pains, thank you, old man!"

The Taishanghuang haha, with excitement in his eyes, in old age, who would not want to live longer with a strong body, this elixir is exactly what he wants!

Li Xiaobai at the side looked silent in his heart. The monks of the Li Dynasty looked mighty and majestic and looked like an honest man, but he didn't expect to be so cunning, and he opened his eyes and talked nonsense. Why is he in his prime?

If you want him to say, this is sending charcoal to a dying person!

But don't dare to talk nonsense, if you say it, you will lose your head...

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