"This is a birthday gift from my royal family. Seven-color glazed birthday peaches are carved with strings of flowers. The interior is hollowed out. The craftsmanship is extremely exquisite. It has been rested in a cold spring. Its artistic value can be regarded as elegant. It can be said that this birthday peach is inedible. , the other aspects are top-notch!"

"Hahaha, the treasures offered by our clan are different. Let's be more serious. The five hundred magic weapons of flying swords are all used by the disciples of the Immortal Realm. I hope they can be used by the young talents of the Great Yan Dynasty. the splendor!"

The masters of the Zongmen family presented gifts one by one, followed by the wishes of the juniors.

All kinds of birthday gifts were colorful, there were only unexpected ones, and nothing was left undelivered. The Supreme Emperor on the high seat couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear. Receiving gifts was really a joyful thing.

It can be seen that everyone present is very concerned about his birthday, and there is no slightest neglect, which makes him quite satisfied.

"Hehe, very good, very good, the old man has recorded your kindness. If we encounter difficulties in the future, my Great Yan Dynasty will not stand by and watch."

The Supreme Emperor said with a smile.

"Grandfather, don't worry, there is still one person who hasn't given you a birthday gift. My grandson thinks that the one who dares to be the finale must be the most special thing among all the birthday gifts today!"

The Ninth Prince had a smile on his face, making people feel like a spring breeze, and said to the Supreme Emperor with a smile.

"Haha, right to the extreme, I didn't expect the ninth brother to notice such a small detail. He is worthy of being the eldest son of my Great Yan Dynasty, and my grandson also believes that the finale will definitely be a sensation in the audience!"

The Seventh Prince also said with a smile, agreeing to the Ninth Prince's words.

It's just that the meaning in his words is much richer and more colorful. If Li Xiaobai can come up with precious birthday gifts to celebrate his birthday, then naturally there will be no problem.

But if he can't get it out, or if he can only get out some Xibei products, his words just now will become the fuse of the conflict, making the dissatisfaction of everyone in the field directly aimed at Li Xiaobai, and even giving up because of him alone. It ruined the face of the entire Great Yan Dynasty.

The Ninth Son, who first brought Li Xiaobai to the stage, could not escape the guilt, noticing such "details" can even be said to be deliberately messing up and sabotaging.

And he, the son of the seventh generation, can almost put aside his responsibilities, killing two birds with one stone, beautiful!


"In my Great Yan Dynasty, there are such characters?"

"Who is he, please come out quickly?"

Hearing what the two said, the Supreme Emperor also became interested, and said with a smile on his face.

At this moment, the eyes of all the princes of the Great Yan Dynasty looked a little weird, and even the Holy Majesty who was sitting next to the Taishang Emperor was not very good-looking. Obviously, they all guessed who the last person was.

Originally, they were all planning to selectively ignore the eighteenth son and let him be a transparent person. Anyway, there are so many monks who gave gifts, and no one will be discovered if they miss one of them.

But it never expected that the Ninth and Seventh Princes would directly point out this person.

What is this for, deliberately disrupting the birthday for the sake of a momentary dispute between brothers and sons?

In order to suppress the eighteen princes, he did not hesitate to embarrass the Yan Dynasty?

At this moment, the Holy Majesty was extremely displeased. He didn't expect anything from the eighteenth son, but he was extremely dissatisfied with the ninth and seventh sons. !

"Ninth brother, who is the last person you mentioned, why don't you invite him out quickly?"

"Everyone is very much looking forward to this last treasure, which can be personally recommended by the ninth brother. I think the ninth brother already knows about this case."

The Seventh Prince said with a smile, his attitude was very gentle, but it was so harsh to the Ninth Prince's ears.

Knowing that at this moment, he just reacted, he was stupid, what happened at this time, not only did he not tell people, but also smashed his own feet.

The most important thing is that the Seventh Prince actually ran out to add insult to injury, this is to bring him and the Eighteenth Prince together!

But at this time, it is useless to regret it, after all, the words have already been released, so many eyes are staring at me, I can only bite the bullet and say, "Return to Grandpa, this last person is the eighteenth son of the Yan Dynasty." Bo Tian, ​​grandson watched him sitting upright, calm and composed, he had always prepared gifts for Grandpa Huang, and he was waiting for Grandpa Huang to ask!"

The Ninth Prince cupped his fists and said respectfully.

As soon as these words came out, there was a complete silence in the hall.

All the monks present had their eyes widened. Naturally, they knew what happened to Yan Zhatian. The news of the murder in the street yesterday spread faster than the virus. The people in the entire city of Yan Wang were talking about the eighteenth prince. Suddenly changing his temper, killing people in the street, and even changing his own name is an anecdote.

But the eighteenth son has always been a waste, so what if his temperament has changed now, it is destined to be difficult to do anything.

How could such a person get a birthday gift? Could it be an act of framing each other among the princes?

For a while, many monks did not pay too much attention to Li Xiaobai, but turned their attention to the ninth son and the seventh son, and the atmosphere seemed dull and strange.

"Seventh Brother, Ninth Brother, you have taken a step forward, you are too anxious, this will not accomplish anything."

The eldest prince poured himself a drink, muttering in his heart.

He didn't care about the farce on the field at all, and he could guess the ending. Li Xiaobai would be expelled because he couldn't come up with a birthday gift, and the Yan Dynasty would be reduced to a laughing stock. Old Nine, it's easy to get rid of three opponents at once.

"You mean Old Eighteen is Yanliang?"

"Why do you call him Yan Zhatian?"

The Supreme Emperor was a little puzzled, and didn't understand what these young people were up to, but he also felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere. He had heard many rumors about the eighteenth son in the past, and he also had some bad premonitions in his heart.

"Reporting to Grandpa Huang, my grandson only has a first name, but no brand name yet. In the future, my grandson's surname is Yan and his name is cool. Today's younger generation is all following the way of heaven, no different from pigs, horses, cattle and sheep. Grandson My son has a dream, which is to kill all enemies in the world, gods block and kill gods, if the sky stands in front of my grandson, my grandson will blow a hole in it, hence the name "Zhatian!"

"Seventh Brother and Ninth Brother are right. Grandpa Emperor's birthday is today, and grandson dare not neglect it. He purposely escaped death a few days ago and retrieved a treasure that was naturally conceived between heaven and earth from a ruin outside the city. , I want to congratulate Grandpa Huang on his birthday!"

"Its name is Hellfire!"

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