Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 765: Sending You A Ball Of Hellfire

Li Xiaobai stepped forward to salute, and spread out his palms, and a ball of pitch-black flames emerged, which was hellfire.

This Hellfire needs a lot of resources and genius land treasures to be able to achieve such a slight promotion. It is really a gold swallowing beast. Li Xiaobai felt that instead of raising it himself, it would be better for others to raise it.

The Supreme Emperor in front of him looked like a man with a strong family. After obtaining such a treasure, he would be full of surprises. He would willingly throw the treasure for feeding. After a year and a half, he would come back and take back the hellfire. It would be no effort at that time That is, Hellfire can be promoted.

For this kind of treasure, he can even take out a few more distributions and feed it to many big forces. Anyway, he will make a wedding dress for him in the end, so why not do it?

Looking at the black flame in the palm of Li Xiaobai, everyone opened their mouths slightly in surprise. They have never seen such a flame before, and they can feel the powerful aura conveyed by this flame. This is definitely possible. The treasure of the Traumatized Wonderland cultivator.

Unexpectedly, the eighteenth son could really come up with a decent treasure. There were so many things to think about at once, and they didn't know where to think of them.

"Old eighteen, your flame is indeed somewhat strange, but Grandpa Huang is the existence at the peak of the fairyland, how could he use such a pediatric thing?"

"Don't be ashamed of yourself here, retreat quickly!"

The Seventh Prince was the first to attack, and he was a little shocked in his heart. It seems that his stupid brother's adventure is not small, he can easily take out a treasure of this level, and snatch it for him when he leaves this door.

"Brother Seven's words are wrong, I haven't introduced this treasure yet!"

"The name of this thing is Hellfire, and it is a rare growth fetish. It can absorb immortal energy to strengthen itself. Don't look at it can only hurt people and monks in the fairyland. If the emperor is willing to cultivate it carefully, feed it With more resources for it to consume and incinerate, it will soon reach the level of the Heavenly Wonderland!"

Li Xiaobai said with a light smile, such a treasure, anyone who sees it will be tempted, and when the Supreme Emperor regards it as a treasure, it will be completely reduced to his leeks.

"Is this thing so miraculous?"

"Just burn Xianyuan to become stronger?"

Now the Supreme Emperor is also interested, he found that the old eighteen in front of him has become a little different from before.

"Come on, try it!"

He casually took out two treasures from the pile of gifts, all of them were swords, impartial, and they were the magic weapons presented by the seventh and ninth sons. At this moment, the two of them looked as if they had eaten dead flies, and their expressions were extremely ugly.

It was obvious that Grandpa Huang had already set his sights on them. This move was intended to test Hellfire's ability, but at the same time it was also beating them, so don't make any mistakes.

The two big swords were thrown into the flame in Li Xiaobai's palm at will by him, and the black aura rushed around in an instant, wrapping around the two swords, burning and absorbing them.

At the same time, the values ​​on Li Xiaobai's attribute value panel jumped.

Hellfire's current initial coverage area is 10.1 kilometers.

With the blessing of Xianyuan, Hellfire finally crossed the ten-kilometer dividing line and stepped into a brand new world.

All the cultivators present felt such an obvious change, their eyes widened involuntarily, and their expressions were full of horror. They were nothing but two swords rich in immortal essence, but they actually directly raised the breath of flames to a higher level ?

What kind of flame is this, is it too overbearing?

If it is thrown on the battlefield, or thrown into a certain sect, wouldn't it be a catastrophe?

What they can think of, the Taishang Emperor can naturally think of it, not only excited in his heart, this is definitely a treasure, his grandson is right, this is a growable magic weapon, this kind of treasure is a treasure no matter where it is placed. There is a price but no market. I didn't expect that he could get such a treasure on his birthday today.

At this moment, he even had an urge in his heart to throw all the birthday gifts into the flames, but for the sake of saving face, he still held back for the time being.

"good very good!"

"Old Eighteen, you have to worry about it. Today's birthday gift of yours is worthy of the word finale. This old man is very pleased!"

Taishanghuang haha, with this flame, no one from the old guys in the past will be his opponent, and even this flame can deter the surrounding heroes who are staring at them. What is the birthday gift from Li Xiaobai today? This gave the Dayan Dynasty an opportunity to increase its national prestige!

How does he see Li Xiaobai so pleasing to the eye now, why didn't he realize it before, his grandson is really fucking talented!

"Congratulations, old man!"

"Today is the old man's birthday. It is a small thing to get this treasure. It is a big thing to witness the rise of another son. Compared with the future, the Great Yan Dynasty will be even more prosperous!"

"Congratulations to the old man in advance!"

A group of monks complimented each other, but there was a coldness in the depths of their eyes. They didn't expect that a birthday banquet could witness the upcoming birth of the Great Yan Dynasty. After returning, they must be the first Time to report to their respective families.

This is a big event, no less than the return of Mighty King a few days ago.

"Old Shiba, you did a good job this time, and I am very pleased. It is considered intentional to give your grandpa such a congratulatory gift. Let's talk about the name change later."

The saint on the stage also showed a smile on his face, and said to Li Xiaobai with a smile.

I thought it was an embarrassment to lose the family's face, but I didn't expect it to be such a development. His useless and useless son seems to be a bit promising.

"Hey, Nian'er, you can't say that. The old eighteen's thoughtfulness is enough to prove the importance of the old man in his heart. Now that he has made such great contributions to our dynasty, it's just a name. Give him Yes, old Eighteen, from now on you will be called Zhatian!"

"Your child has been lonely and helpless since he was a child. His mother left early. Now that things are turning around, it is a blessing to embark on the journey with a new name. The emperor supports you!"

The Supreme Emperor said with a smile, he used great means to imprison the black flame to prevent it from coming into contact with the objects with immortal essence. The more he looked at this thing, the more he liked it, it was tailor-made for him.

"Hey, thank you, Grandpa Huang!"

Li Xiaobai said with a cheerful smile, the old man in front of him didn't realize that he had been sold and was still happily helping count the money!

But then again, who can refuse the temptation of hellfire?

"Old eighteen is not easy."

The eldest prince took another sip of his wine, and for the first time looked at this younger brother who was known as a wimp.

At this moment, the complexions of the Seventh and Ninth Princes have turned blue and purple, and the purple has turned black. This result is more embarrassing than being blamed by their father. Li Xiaobai is slapping them in the face! , will think of the performance just now, they are like clowns.

"Cough cough, speaking of it, the trial of the Sword Sect is about to start again. The Yan Dynasty has been in the limelight recently, so they can win a lot of places in one fell swoop, right?"

After the birthday gift was delivered, and after drinking for three rounds, the monks began to talk freely, and the topic was led to the place they were most concerned about without any trace.

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