Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter Seven Hundred And Sixty Seventh Life Is Not As Good As A Dog

"Huh? Come to live?"

Er Gouzi woke up from his sleep in a daze. After reading the scriptures all night, he was very tired. He was just reading according to the scriptures, but he felt that his mind was exhausted after reading it, so that he couldn't even do anything. Ideas are gone.

"Go and show them how easy it is to accumulate merit."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

Hearing this, Er Gouzi woke up instantly, glanced disdainfully at the group of people in front of him, paced back and forth in the hall, curled his lips in disdain.

The highest one is only two hundred and fifty-two, which is simply rubbish.

"Zhi Tianzi, what do you mean, why do you want a dog to examine us, are you humiliating us?"

The faces of all the monks were gloomy, looking at the broken dog on the ground, wanting to kill.

"You are not worthy of being humiliated by Lord Ergouzi. Let me open your eyes today and see the merits of your Lord Ergouzi!"

After all, Er Gouzi trembled, and the hall was filled with golden light again. The golden light on the top of his head was distorted, and finally formed a thousand words, which is a thousand points of merit.

Everyone was astonished, their eyes were full of disbelief, how could a dog have such profound merit?

What did it do when it fell down, saving a village?

Or did it acquire some profound Buddhist scriptures?

In the Zhongyuan Realm, the level of the scriptures also determines whether the merits increase or not. They are in the Eastern Continent, and there are not many scriptures handed down. If they want to really find good scriptures, they have to go to the Western Continent.

But the existence of this dog right now has broken their cognition, and it has a full thousand points of merit, which rubs their three views on the ground!

At this moment, not to mention them, even all the princes felt that they were being scolded, the kind of silent abuse, the kind that killed people.

They practice the scriptures day and night, and strive to increase their merits, but in the end, they are not as good as a dog?

"You... how did you do it?"

"Have you got some great scripture?"

Someone asked.

"Kindness is a kind of realm. Ordinary people, with deep desires in their hearts, how to accumulate merits, can only understand it if they see their nature clearly and look down on everything in the world!"

"In the eyes of my disciples, even if you have a mark of merit and virtue on your head, you are still a person in the way of the devil in your bones. Tell me, how can you cultivate yourself well?"

Er Gouzi sat cross-legged, and the old god said.

Opening his mouth is a lot of illusory truths, everyone who listens is stunned, Ma De, is this something a dog can say?

This kind of truth was never pointed out by their enlightenment teacher, but now they are taught by a dog?

"It's amazing, this little dog actually claims to be a Buddha, that's a title that only people with profound merits in the Western Continent have!"

"Old Eighteen, when did you meet such a divine beast? It's a natural blessing!"

"It is my dynasty's fortune that it can come to our Great Yan Dynasty. Its prosperity is just around the corner!"

The Taishang Emperor's eyes became hot and excited in an instant, and he ignored the ugly faces of the Holy Majesty and the other princes. There was hellfire before, and then there was this beast. In his opinion, the current eighteenth child is the chosen one. qualifications.

If other princes heard his true inner thoughts, he might be spit out with anger. "Everything is fate. Fate is something that cannot be met. If you meet it, it will be yours. If you don't meet it, it will be useless. This Buddhist disciple can come here, naturally he has an extremely deep fate with the Great Yan Dynasty. As for whether it is a lucky fate or a bad fate, it will have to be observed slowly in the days to come."

Er Gouzi said lightly, and his words immediately elevated his status by several levels.

Li Xiaobai was dumbfounded, when did this guy become so awesome.

"Hahaha, it's a lucky fate for you to have a good relationship with my old eighteen."

The Supreme Emperor seemed very happy, and surprises always came into his eyes continuously.

The surrounding disciples fell silent, they were beaten in the face by a dog, what else could they say, they would not dare to say that merits are not easy, even a dog can cultivate merits like this, so why don't they work hard Woolen cloth?

Looking back on their wasted years in the past, many disciples not only lamented sadly, if they had worked harder and been less promiscuous, maybe their status would be higher now, right?

"Well, Ben Fozi also hopes so."

Er Gouzi nodded and said.

"Come, come, drink!"

Taking advantage of everyone's toasting, Li Xiaobai whispered, "It's almost enough, don't pretend too much, or you will die."

Er Gouzi shook his head and shook his head, "Where is this? Let me tell you, it's only 1,000 merits, and that's it. When I have accumulated 10,000 merits, I will go to the Western Continent to inherit the great cause of Buddhism and solve the confusion for all living beings in the world!"

Li Xiaobai's forehead is full of black lines, if this guy goes to Buddhism to solve the confusion for all living beings, then he will be a real tormenting being!

"The Great Yan Dynasty is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!"

"Over the years, the old man occasionally has poor hospitality, please don't take offense, old man!"

"Yes, yes, the Great Yan Dynasty will let you know where it is useful later, and I will definitely help you!"

"It's just that, two days ago, the old man heard that the Mighty King returned to the Zhongyuan Realm from the Earth Spirit Realm, why didn't he see him today?"

"The princes of my Sword Dynasty have disappeared since they went to that barbarian land, and I want to ask King Mighty if they have seen it!"

After several compliments, the old man of the Sword Dynasty asked again, his words were rather ambiguous, and he didn't dare to show the slightest hostility. The surrounding powers all pricked up their ears, wanting to hear the old man's answer. Many of the disciples of the disciples also disappeared, and none of the monks who went down in the first batch was able to report their safety.

However, they are more concerned about how to deal with the geniuses brought back by King Mighty, whether to stay in the Great Yan Dynasty, or to sell them to other sects as a favor.

"Hehe, I knew you would ask this question. In fact, this is not a secret. You will all know it sooner or later."

"In that barbarian land, there is a young monk with aptitude against the heavens. It is said that he broke through to the human fairyland in that uncivilized land in his early twenties. The first batch of disciples and monks who went down were all tied up by him. gone."

"One of the eldest sons of my Great Yan Dynasty was also taken away by him, and his whereabouts are still unknown. King Mighty has now returned to the spirit world there to find the whereabouts of this thief."

The Supreme Emperor said slowly.

"The old man heard that the Mighty King came back this time and brought back a few super geniuses. I don't know how the Yan Dynasty plans to deal with it. If you intend to transfer it to other sect forces, why not consider my Sword Dynasty?"

"Ahem, there is also my dynasty..."

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