Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 768: Law Enforcement Team Named

"Hehe, I understand what you mean. The whereabouts of these people is up to the old man to decide freely. You don't need to bother to inquire about it."

"The temple is too small to accommodate the Great Buddha, and even the Great Yan Dynasty of this old man can't hold their talents. This old man will send them to a place that is more suitable for them. We old fellows should do our duty to cultivate the disciples of our sect?"

The Supreme Emperor laughed, with a look of disdain in his eyes.

The ideological level of this group of people is not at the same level as him. Among the several great dynasties, only he has traveled outside the Eastern Continent when he was young, so he knows much more than ordinary monks.

The situation of the few people in the spirit world there is exactly the same as some of the rumors he heard when he was young. He can be sure that the geniuses in the spirit world here will definitely become great figures in the future, and it may only take a few years. It can be cultivated to catch up with him.

Instead of letting them feel resentful and tie them to the Great Yan Dynasty, causing unnecessary disasters to the Dynasty, it is better to be a favor and send them to the real powerful forces of all parties. , It is also an opportunity to build a good relationship with various major forces. In the future, the Tianjiao will be grateful to the Yan Dynasty for their achievements.

In the eyes of the Supreme Emperor, people from these dynasties and sects are all a bunch of frogs in a well, without exception.

He only saw the small profit in front of him, but didn't see whether he could swallow it or not.

"So that's how it is."

"Even the Great Yan Dynasty can't tolerate these geniuses, is it really so mysterious?"

"The Supreme Emperor has said it himself. He has a golden mouth, and there is no need to deceive us about this kind of thing."

"That is to say, those people will not participate in the trial of Jianzong?"

"In this way, the opportunities for our disciples are a bit more."

The monks whispered and whispered to each other. This is good news. Listening to each other, it is obvious that they have no plans to leave a few geniuses to the surrounding powers. Even the Great Yan Dynasty can’t keep them, at least they have to It can only be swallowed by giants like Jianzong.

"Jianzong's trial, my Great Yan Dynasty will naturally not use outsiders to grab the quota. You can rest assured about this."

The Holy One also spoke.

"The Holy Majesty and the old man are indeed generous-hearted people, and they are willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of everyone. This old man admires it very much!"

The old man of Jianzong said cheerfully.

At this point in the banquet, all the cultivators with their own ulterior motives had achieved their goals and were about to leave.

Regarding this, the Supreme Emperor just waved his hand, he didn't care about it at all, the birthday gifts that should have been received have already been received, and it's meaningless to keep these people for dry food, not to mention that he wants to go back as soon as possible to slowly cultivate his little black flame!

Everyone got up to leave one after another, and the princes were no exception, only Li Xiaobai was left alone.

He clearly saw the vigilant eyes of the rest of the princes on him. At such an important moment, he was summoned alone. There must be something important to discuss with him. Normally, everyone only regards the eighteenth prince as a wimp. Who would have thought that This cowardly person suddenly rose up suddenly and became famous in one battle, which made them feel a little unbalanced in their hearts.

There will be one more opponent in the royal family in the future!

The Seventh Prince and the Ninth Prince gave Li Xiaobai a hard look with resentful eyes, and left without saying a word.

Today they were very angry, trying to frame Li Xiaobai failed, but they got themselves into it. In the future, in the dynasty, I am afraid that they will not be seen by the father and the emperor for a long time.

"Eighteenth brother, congratulations. You have shown great power for my Great Yan Dynasty at the birthday banquet. I have to thank you for being the eldest brother. It is your opportunity to be favored by the Supreme Emperor. You must seize it."

The eldest prince smiled faintly, cast a look of approval, and quietly declared his sovereignty, implying that no matter how good Li Xiaobai's performance was, he was the boss after all, the future head of the family of the Yan Dynasty.

"Brother, your situation is too small. The Yan Dynasty is a small place, and the little brother doesn't care about anything. The journey of the little brother is the sea of ​​stars!"

Li Xiaobai said calmly with his hands behind his back.

"Good ambition."

The eldest prince was tepid, no sadness or joy could be seen on his face, but a cold light flashed in the depths of his eyes, and he walked away slowly.

Inside the hall.

Only Li Xiaobai, Yan Nian and Tai Shang Huang are left.

After Er Gouzi finished pretending, he fell into a deep sleep again, snoring in front of the door, sleeping soundly.

"Old Shiba, your performance today is very good. You didn't lose face to my Great Yan Dynasty. This old man is impressed."

The Supreme Emperor said with a smile, seeming very kind, but Li Xiaobai understood that this old man's kindness was just pretending, and the other party probably kept him just to extract more good things from him.

"To be praised by the emperor's grandfather, my grandson is terrified."

Li Xiaobai was very respectful, the other party wanted to ask about the whereabouts of more treasures, so why didn't he want to know the whereabouts of senior brothers, senior sisters and Long Xue?

"Can you tell Grandpa Huang, where did you find this flame, and where did you meet your buddhist friend? Grandpa Huang speculates that there may be a treasure in that place, which is worth exploring." .”

The Supreme Emperor said with a smile.

"It was found in the Monster Beast Mountain Range. My grandson strayed into the core area and found this thing by chance."

Li Xiaobai said honestly, and casually mentioned a dangerous situation marked in the depths of the monster mountain range before.

"Sure enough, the depths of the Monster Beast Mountain Range are mysterious and unpredictable. If you want to encounter something good from it, you need an excellent opportunity. Countless disciples have been to that place, but you are the only one who discovered the existence of this hellfire. Are you Blessed man!"

The Supreme Emperor nodded, and silently recorded Li Xiaobai's words in his heart.

"However, the evil value on Old Eighteen's body is a disaster after all, it's better to wash it off as soon as possible, so as not to cause misunderstanding!"

Yan Nian looked at Li Xiaobai and said indifferently, his eyes seemed to be looking at a disciple who performed well, without the slightest blood favor.

"There should be quite a few people who commit crimes in this world, right? Could it be that all the monks with a crime value of more than 5,000 have been taken away?"

Li Xiaobai asked out the doubts in his heart, and monks at the disciple level didn't know this, maybe the Supreme Emperor could know something.

"Bastard, you, as the prince, symbolize the face of our Great Yan Dynasty. If you are full of crimes and walk outside in the future, how will the world treat us?"

"Do you want my Great Yan Dynasty to be named as a demon?"

Yan Nian was furious, he always looked down on this youngest son, but today he felt that this son had a deep scheming mind, and he was bewitching the world with his useless appearance, but he had been practicing in secret all the time, just waiting for today's opportunity to become a blockbuster, and he couldn't be precise Controlling the dynamics of each prince, he felt that his authority had been challenged.

Although Li Xiaobai has made great achievements today, he is extremely unhappy in his heart.

However, the other party may still have some good things in their hands. For the sake of cliché, for now, I still have to endure the dissatisfaction in patience for the time being.

The Supreme Emperor frowned for a moment and then relaxed, nodded and said, "It's okay, if you want to kill in the future, just go to the law enforcement team to make a name, it's not a problem."

"As far as this old man knows, even within the Sword Sect, there are plenty of people with heinous crimes. As long as you go to the law enforcement team to register your name and complete the regular missions every year, you can always be a non-staff member in the law enforcement team. Even if your crimes are heinous, no one will touch you, many monks do this."

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