Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 773: The First Prince’S Scheming

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully, the words were very gentle, but no matter how everyone listened to them, they didn't like it.

It was just a scene of compliments, why did this guy take the bait and continue talking?

It's a little uncomfortable to be taken advantage of for no reason.

"Old eighteen, did you receive yesterday's invitation?"

"I don't know if that servant has bothered you!"

The First Prince stood up and smiled, with a hint of meaning in his eyes, after a quick scan, he found that Li Xiaobai was not injured in any way, and he couldn't help being a little surprised.

The formation he placed is not simple. Although the power is not too strong, but if unsuspecting, the monks in the fairyland will also suffer. If they are unlucky, they may even blind one eye, but The current Li Xiaobai is completely unscathed, which he never expected.

"Brother's invitation card is ingenious. When I first saw it, I was really taken aback. I didn't expect my brother to be so important in my heart. I'm really flattered."

Li Xiaobai said with a cheerful smile, as if the matter of the formation yesterday was just an insignificant matter.

"My dear brother, it's good that you don't mind my elder brother's abruptness. Take your seat quickly. You are blessed today. I can't wait to share the joy with you all just after the completion of this formation."

The eldest prince was quite enthusiastic, but as the saying goes, a weasel has no good intentions to give a chicken New Year's greeting. The more polite this guy is, the more it shows that he still has something to do.

Looking around and scanning the crowd, he found quite a few familiar faces.

Yan Xiao and others who accidentally let go in the monster mountain range that day stood impressively behind the Seventh Prince, and many other outstanding disciples of the Great Yan Dynasty were all present, and the occasion was unprecedented.

The Earth Fairyland cultivators in the Great Yan Dynasty basically go out to do missions all the year round. Some devote themselves to other major sects, such as Jianzong, and some join the law enforcement team to run around all day long. Only a small number of masters stay in the Great Yan Dynasty. Among them, most of them are given official positions such as Mighty King. For them, they will not participate in this kind of junior practice gathering.

Therefore, all the people gathered here are masters of the Immortal Realm. According to Yan Liang, the real eighteenth son, in order to successfully enter the inner sect of Jianzong, this eldest prince deliberately suppressed his cultivation and did not make breakthroughs. He is already the best in the fairyland.

After all, the test for monks in the human fairyland is completely different from the test for monks in the fairyland of the earth. The higher the cultivation level, the more difficult the assessment, and the faintly dangerous level has been raised several grades, so the short-term suppression of the cultivation base has become a major challenge. The first choice of disciples.

"Elder Prince, I heard that the outstanding disciples from the major sects who came to celebrate their birthdays all disappeared within a day. It seems that they were abducted by some unknown monk, and they also blatantly blackmailed the major sects?"

After everyone was seated, a monk asked.

"Yes, I heard that even the saint son and saint daughter of the Sword Dynasty were taken away by the thief, and now all the sects and dynasties are targeting my Dayan Dynasty. Who did this? Does the First Prince have any thoughts?"

Ji Wuqing's feat caused a storm in the city yesterday, coupled with the disturbance of the various sects, almost everyone in the dynasty knew about it.

"It's obvious that someone is deliberately framing my Dayan Dynasty."

"With the prestige and strength of our clan, is it necessary to do such a despicable thing? Not to mention kidnapping, even if they came over and asked me to tie me up, I wouldn't do it. After the thief's whereabouts are found out, he must I want to behead him for public display, hang it high above Yanwang City, and return my family to be innocent!"

The First Prince said righteously.

"Yes, yes, I really don't know which bastard it is, who dares to act like this, it's really smoke from the ancestral grave!"

"Yeah, I'm short of virtue for eight lifetimes. If you say tie it up, you can tie it up. You have to do it in Yanwang City. Isn't it clear that we have trouble with us?"

"Hey, let's not talk about this, the Holy Majesty and the Supreme Emperor will take care of it, let's just take care of our own affairs, Jianzong Trial!"

The monks scolded the thief all over the place, both inside and outside the words.

Li Xiaobai sat upright, touched his nose, although Ji Wuqing did this, but he always felt that he was being scolded, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

"Hehe, that's right, everyone is invited to come here today, just for the trial of this sword sect!"

"This son is the eldest prince of the Great Yan Dynasty, and all actions are considered for the prosperity of the dynasty. If more disciples of my Great Yan Dynasty can enter the practice of Jianzong, the status of my dynasty will also be greatly improved. It’s a rising tide that lifts all boats.”

"Therefore, once this formation is completed, I invite you all to come and witness together. I hope you can take this opportunity to hone yourselves. If you can gain something from it, then it will be a truly worthwhile trip!"

The eldest prince said with a light smile, his words were upright and devoted to the public, and immediately won the favor of the monks present.

Thinking about it differently, if ordinary monks got this kind of treasure, they would have to hide it immediately for fear of being discovered by others, but today the eldest prince took the initiative to share it with everyone, and the reason for what he did was because In order to make the Great Yan Dynasty stronger, this kindness is really embarrassing.

"Eldest prince Gao Yi, he gave up his family to take care of everyone, I admire him very much!"

"That's right, clan brother is dedicated to the public, serves the common people wholeheartedly, and fulfills his duties. He is worthy of being the eldest prince of my Great Yan Dynasty!"

"This move should be recorded in the annals of history. Maybe our Great Yan Dynasty will rise to the world from today!"

"Thank you, First Prince!"

The monks were very grateful in their hearts. Such a selfless virtue is simply a natural appearance of an emperor. In the future, the princes of the Yan Dynasty will fight, and they must support this eldest prince!

The rest of the princes also praised frequently, but they felt very uncomfortable. At this moment, they finally fully understood what kind of medicine their elder brother was selling in the gourd.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of opening the formation to benefit the disciples and monks in the city to win people's hearts, as long as everyone can experience the tempering of the formation this time, they will definitely be grateful to the First Prince in their hearts. In the future, when the princes compete for the throne, these people may Knowingly towards the First Prince.

As a royal family, it is also very important to be able to get the support of monks.

They came here today just as a foil.

"It's not too late, let's try this formation together. To be honest, I haven't experienced its power for myself, so you must do what you can!"

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