Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 774 Throw A Firecracker And Thunder

The formation is set in the bamboo forest in the distance, and it is divided into three layers. The three-layer formation is used to sharpen the fairyland monks, and if the three layers are combined, it is used to sharpen the fairyland monks.

Because of such exquisite operation, even if the master was invited to do it, it still took more than half a year.

The first level is the change of formation, which requires a strong will to get out, otherwise you will be trapped in the ghost wall, and you may not be able to get out after wandering around for a year and a half, and you will be trapped in it to death.

The second layer is the knife array, which is filled with the Qi of Gengjin, which is the essence between heaven and earth, extremely sharp, if the power of the immortal essence is not strong enough to protect oneself, it will be easily destroyed by the Qi of Gengjin Break through the flesh.

The third floor is a pure land. The formation will copy a shadow with similar cultivation level to fight against the monks in it. Only by breaking through the self release can you pass the level.

Listening to the introduction about the formation, everyone couldn't help sighing in their hearts. This formation is really wonderful. I am afraid that among the younger generation of monks in the Great Yan Dynasty, only the eldest prince has such face and background.

"This array is really wonderful and infinite. The first layer is for willpower, the second layer is for the body and immortal essence, and the third layer is for self-breakthrough. This kind of arrangement is really exquisite and indescribable!"

"Hey, why don't we compete with each other and see who is the first to pass through the three formations first?"

"I agree. With such a rare opportunity, we naturally have to wait and compete."

The eyes of the monks were full of excitement, eager to fight, full of fighting spirit.

"Hehe, old eighteen, how about we brothers also have a competition and competition?"

The eldest prince looked at Li Xiaobai and asked with a smile. He had the highest cultivation among the people present, and this formation was tailor-made for him. It is impossible for young talents of the same level to be more familiar with the formation than him. It is impossible for him to lose in a match, he just wants to stimulate the other party, so as to arouse the other party's emotions and get lost in the formation. .

"Okay, then let's compete."

Li Xiaobai smiled lightly.

There is a system, not to mention just a mere formation, even a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​flames, he dared to jump directly into the frying pan with iron thorns.

This kind of competition is simply child's play, he has no possibility of losing, the reason why he agreed is to do some tricks in the formation, yesterday the envelope gave him quite a surprise, today he has to return a gift.

"Old Eighteen is out of luck this time."

Ninth Prince said lightly.

"If you offend the eldest prince, he will have good fruit to eat. I bet he won't be able to get out of the formation, and it's the kind that he will never be able to get out of!"

Seventh Prince also said with a sneer.

"The old eighteen has become too much, and Mu Xiuyu Lin Feng will destroy him, not to mention the sudden emergence of a waste material, and the gun hits the head. It is only a matter of time before such a person dies."

"Yeah, his temperament has changed a lot now, it's a misfortune rather than a blessing!"

The rest of the princes also nodded frequently, already convinced that Li Xiaobai would not survive, the eldest prince is a smiling tiger, he seemed to be taking extra care of him today, thinking that after a while everyone would enter the formation, he might kill him.

Behind the Seventh Prince, Yan Xiao's gaze was fixed on Li Xiaobai, and the female cultivator beside him was also doing the same, for no other reason, they always felt that the Eighteenth Prince was familiar, as if they had met somewhere, but his appearance But they couldn't match the number at all, and they were a little confused for a while.

"Yan Xiao, Lu Bing, what's wrong with you?"

Seventh Prince looked at them and asked.

"Reporting to my son, I always feel that the eighteenth son has a familiar feeling." Yan Xiao said.

"I think so too. I seem to have seen it in the Monster Beast Mountain Range, but I can't remember the details." Lu Bing also nodded in agreement.

"A few days ago, Old Eighteen went to the Monster Beast Mountain Range. That's where he found his adventure. Otherwise, how could he soar into the sky?"

"Maybe you had a chance with him at that time."

Seventh Prince said lightly.

"Your Majesty is right, as it should be."

The two nodded in agreement. In fact, there is one thing the two of them didn't say, that is, they escaped their lives in the hands of Li Xiaobai in the Monster Beast Mountain Range, so they were particularly impressed by him.

On the body of the eighteenth son, they always felt that they could vaguely see the shadow of Li Xiaobai, but when they looked closely, there was some discrepancy in both appearance and temperament, and they also had doubts in their hearts.

"Let's go, enter the formation!"


Before the monks followed the eldest prince to the bamboo forest, there was no need for additional explanations, as long as they entered it, it was considered a start.

A group of people filed in.

The eldest prince smiled slightly at Li Xiaobai and said, "Old Eighteen, please."

"Brother, please!"

Li Xiaobai also responded with a smile, and after a while he entered the formation and killed the opponent.

Seeing Li Xiaobai's figure slowly entering the illusion, the first prince's smiling face suddenly darkened.

"See how long you can be proud, if you enter the formation in a while, you will be killed!"

Among the bamboo forests.

The hallucinations are criss-crossed, and the scene in front of you is not mountains, but deep alleys, which appear empty and quiet.

A road appeared in front of Li Xiaobai's eyes, and a notice was pasted at the intersection to walk southeast to get out of the illusion.

This hint is already obvious, you must walk southeast to get out of the formation. During this process, there will definitely be various disturbances to interfere with the monks getting lost and completely trapped in the ghost wall.

Although it is possible to go out with a bit of brainpower, Li Xiaobai does not intend to do so. He flipped his wrist and took out a bag of Huazi, and took out a stick of light, and his internal organs were cleansed in an instant, clearing his heart and improving his eyesight. , revealing the original scene of the bamboo forest.

Looking around, there are dense crowds wandering in the bamboo forest at this moment, with twists and turns, where they could go out in two steps, but they forcibly took a new pattern.

Beside him was the Eldest Prince, who was also fighting wits with the laneway at this moment, staring as if trying desperately to remember the direction.

"Everyone is working hard, but this appearance is too meek, and the tempering of monks is too small. Let me help you. Sure enough, monks still need to accept some beatings from social reality!"

Li Xiaobai quickly walked to the edge of the bamboo forest, turned around and looked at the monks who were working hard in front of him.

Flipping his wrist, he took out a piece of green bamboo. The manic power of immortality within it was violent and extremely unstable, as if it would erupt at any moment.

"Life needs passion, art is explosion!"

"Accept the brutal beating of reality!"

"Firecrackers and thunder, blow them over for me!"

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