"You... You were acting just now?"

The three corpse gods who were angry with the eldest prince jumped violently, their minds were unsteady, and they were almost cut off by the Qi of Gengjin who sneaked in from around them.


"When did I start acting? My little brother has been telling the truth, but none of you believe it. Facts have proved that everyone present is indeed rubbish!"

"Everyone is a young talent of my Great Yan Dynasty. Big brother, you are the son of the world. How can you be easily fooled by appearances? You need to see the depths of your soul to see things, and point to the essence of things. Today, my younger brother will give you a free review." Lesson, don't be grateful, the trial of Jianzong is coming, this is what I should do!"

Li Xiaobai waved his hand, smiled cheerfully, turned and left.


"A mere trash brother, dare to insult this son!"

"I want you to die!"

At this moment, the eldest prince felt that his lungs were about to explode. He thought that Li Xiaobai would die without a doubt, and he even put down his harsh words, but in the end the other party gave him such a slap?

Feelings, you are acting from the beginning to the end?

He felt that his dignity had been trampled on, and his self-esteem had been greatly insulted.

The monks and disciples behind were also dumbfounded at the moment.

It turned out that the eighteenth son was acting from the beginning to the end, teasing them!

It's ridiculous that they didn't see it, and even thought that the other party was really dying, so they gloated about it, but now they were trapped in the Qi of Gengjin, making it difficult to move.

"Damn it, how could Old Eighteen do this!"

"In the future, I will definitely go to Father Huang to read his book!"

A kind of monks are all stunned at the moment, their eyes are full of anger and helplessness, it is difficult for them to get out of this Gengjin Qi, and they can only wait for the eldest prince to close the formation.

Li Xiaobai was in a pretty good mood at the moment, he never expected that the eldest prince would be so stupid as to show his fangs directly to him, tearing off the last layer of camouflage.

This time the two sides were completely torn apart, the eldest prince was vicious and cunning, and he was pressing every step of the way to kill him, but it was a pity that this mere formation of cultivators in the fairyland could not hurt him.

Step into the third layer of formation.

The surrounding environment has undergone earth-shaking changes, the flowers, plants and trees have all disappeared, the sky and the ground have all turned into mirrors, and there are endless silver-white spaces in all directions.

A black figure appeared in front of him, which was exactly the same as Li Xiaobai in appearance.

"Is this my imaginary enemy? Defeating him is considered a breakthrough?"

Li Xiaobai touched his nose and muttered to himself.

The pitch-black figure in front of him also touched his nose at this moment, just like his movements.

"Well, interesting."

Li Xiaobai moved again, and the shadow in front of him also moved. He understood that the so-called self-breakthrough means that this shadow can make exactly the same movements as himself. It's hard to deal with.

But it didn't work on him.

He took out a long sword casually, and slashed at several streams of sword energy in front of him. The black shadow also released several streams of sword energy, but it was defeated in an instant, crushed into powder by the magic sealing sword energy .

"Hehe, this is the sword energy spawned by the Demon Sealing Sword Intent, and it cannot be replicated by a mere formation."

Li Xiaobai said, and once again slashed out a shocking sword light, cutting the black shadow in front of him into several pieces, turning it into flying ash and annihilating it.


After half an hour.

The monks came out of the formation one after another. When they saw Li Xiaobai who was sitting bored on the hillside, they were all furious, and their eyes almost burst into flames. If eyes could kill, Li Xiaobai would have been killed by him long ago. They have killed hundreds of times.

Judging from the urgency of the operation just now, they even seriously suspected that Li Xiaobai was the one who was making trouble in the dark.

"Old Eighteen, you need to give an explanation for today's matter, why did you provoke us, and why did you want to deceive us!"

"What kind of tricks do you have? If you can't tell the reason, we have reason to believe that you are the guy who secretly attacked!"

The Seventh Prince and the Ninth Prince separated from the crowd and said coldly to Li Xiaobai.

"Old Eighteen, let's talk about it. Everyone can understand your bad temper, but you have gone too far today. Sometimes, if you do something wrong, you have to pay the price, even if you are the heir of the Great Yan Dynasty! "

The eldest prince had his hands behind his back, and his eyes were full of coldness. At this moment, he didn't want to put on a show at all, and he didn't hide his killing intent and anger at all.

"What does this matter have to do with my younger brother? The invitation was sent by the elder brother, the formation was also made by the elder brother, and the competition between many channels was proposed by the elder brother. Why are you blaming the younger brother now?"

"We just performed too well. Don't you guys even have the last shred of tolerance for young talents?"

Li Xiaobai propped his chin and said calmly.

"Slick tongue!"

"No matter how brilliant your tongue is, you will be doomed today. Come and take it down!"

The eldest prince let out an angry roar, and the blood in his body surged again, his feet were weak and he almost fell down.

But this time, there were no monks around, and everyone was silent.

Li Xiaobai's words touched them. Indeed, their itinerary today was arranged by the eldest prince from the beginning to the end. To frame them?

"Brother, look, no one cares about you at all. All of this is just your speculation. If you want me to tell you, maybe you killed those few people. You gathered all the young talents in the city. It is to eradicate some monks who are not good for you!"

"No wonder you are so kind to share the formation with everyone. It turns out that this is the calculation!"

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

The eyes of the surrounding monks changed, and they also thought so in their hearts. After all, today was a gathering invited by the First Prince, and a monk was killed in his formation. Even if it was Li Xiaobai who did it, there must be something behind it. The shadow of the First Prince.

"You talk nonsense, this son is all for the Yan Dynasty, how could he be such a sinister villain as you say!"

"Old Eighteen, you actually spitting blood, I really misread you!"

A flash of panic flashed across the First Prince's face. The indifferent attitude of the surrounding monks made him instinctively feel a strong sense of crisis. His primary purpose today is to win people's hearts, and the second is to eradicate Li Xiaobai.

Now Li Xiaobai is not only intact, but also turned him against a group of young talents. If he loses the hearts of the people here, it will be difficult to gain their support in the future.

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