Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Seven Hundred And Seventieth Eight Chapters Go Their Separate Ways

"Hehe, if you have anything to say, tell Grandpa Huang when you go back. I will definitely participate in the big brother's book for today's matter!"

"Brother, you are gone. Today you lose the hearts of the people, and tomorrow you will lose your status as First Prince. The future Great Yan Dynasty will definitely belong to me, Yan Zhatian!"

"And you, there is no hope, go home, wash and sleep!"

Li Xiaobai looked indifferent, looked at all the princes and said indifferently, as if he was just stating a fact.

"Bah, why didn't I find out before, why are you so shameless!"

"It's clear that you pretended to be physically weak to provoke us in Gengjin Qi, and lured your comrades into the formation. Now you are still brazenly saying that you want to be the master of the Great Yan Dynasty. Who dares to say such rebellious words? Confidence for you?"

"Whether a guy like you can survive the Jianzong trial is a problem!"

All the elders glared at him with extreme indignation, wishing to cut Li Xiaobai to pieces immediately, and unconsciously involved the injury, causing a burst of grim expressions.

"In the presence, I was the only one who survived the three-layer formation unscathed, while all of you were seriously injured. Could it be that fellow daoists couldn't see the difference?"

"It is enough to prove that this son is the most gifted genius disciple in the Great Yan Dynasty, and you can only be reduced to running with him."

"I am addicted to the power struggle all day long and cannot extricate myself, but I can't reach the end of my practice!"

Li Xiaobai chuckled, and left in the midst of the glaring eyes of many disciples.


After a few days.

Among the mountains, one layer.

The old beggar and his party have already left the customs, and their aura is stronger and fiercer than before. All three of them have completely stepped into the realm of human immortals, and their eyes are full of radiance, which is very extraordinary.

They were originally talented people, but they were unable to break through because they were restrained by the environment of the earth and spirit world. Now that they have entered the Zhongyuan world, they have obtained sufficient spiritual stones and exercises, and their cultivation speed can reach Said it was a thousand miles a day.

Entering the Immortal Realm is like a matter of course, very smooth and natural.

Er Gouzi and Ji Wuqing presented the map to several people early on. In the past two days, everyone has made a decision on whether to go or keep it.

"Mr. Li, the strength of the Zhongyuan Realm is extraordinary. The mere realm of the Immortal Realm is nothing. It would be a waste of time to practice casually outside. I am going to the island between the east and west continents to find the ancestor of the six-eared macaque, and ask him to guide me in my practice. !"

Liuren's eyes were firm, staring at the small island on the map.

"Senior, have you figured it out?"

"The mark on this map is the same as if there is no mark. We don't know where the island is in this sea area. The journey is far away, and I'm afraid it's dangerous."

Li Xiaobai frowned slightly and said, it's not that he didn't want Liuren to find the six-eared macaque, but this map is too weird, he thought that even if he wanted to leave, he would at least have to get a slightly more detailed blueprint better.

"It doesn't matter, it is a difficult and dangerous road to find the ancestors and seek the true Dharma. If you wait until everything is ready, the opportunity will have slipped away from your fingertips. It is enough to know the general direction. This can also be regarded as a part of the test. ring."

Liuren could see it, he didn't look depressed at all, there was only excitement in his eyes, it was a kind of excitement that he was about to meet a strong man and practice with him.

Just thinking of this, the fighting blood in her bones began to frenzy and boil.

"Well, boy, this seat is the same. After entering the human fairyland, this seat feels more and more small. If you want to live nourished under this sky, you must become stronger as soon as possible. Time is not waiting for me, and a moment cannot be wasted. , I am going to join the Sea Clan to find the best cultivation method!"

Kun also said.

It is not a long-term solution to cheat here and steal some resources. He needs to go to the truly vast sky.

"Seniors can have such lofty ambitions, and this junior admires them very much. To us, the Great Yan Dynasty, and even the entire Eastern Continent, seem a bit small, and we should indeed practice among the great powers."

Li Xiaobai nodded and said in agreement.

"The old beggar doesn't want to go anywhere, so he will follow Mr. Li from now on, as long as there are Huazi and the bathhouse!"

The old beggar is very bachelor, he is alone, he has no worries, no ancestors for him to pursue, as long as he takes a bath every day and Huazi can practice at a fast speed, it is really beautiful!

"Then let's set off without delay."

"Mr. Li, please take care of yourself. I hope that when we meet next time, we will both be famous people!"

Liuren clasped his fists and said with a solemn expression, after a brief tidying up, he disappeared into the cave.

"Boy, there is actually one thing I have never told you. My name is not Kun. When I was walking in the land of the human race in the early years, I was given my life by a village chief. Since then, I have been Keep the name alive."

"You're fine, my name is Lu Yifa!"

"The green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever. We will have a date in the future. When we meet again, this seat will definitely crush you!"

Lu Yifa said indifferently, turned his feet, and his figure disappeared in place in an instant.

Only a few people with strange faces were left.

In the cave, the two and the two beasts looked at each other, Lu Yifa?

Why is this name so unique?

No ten-year-old thrombus in the SLR can't call this kind of name. I really don't know what the respected old village chief thought at the time. Could it be that he saw the mighty power of this sea clan boss?

"As expected of a boss of the Sea Clan, even his name is so different!"

After a long time, Li Xiaobai broke the silence.

"Hehehe, this just reflects the wretchedness of that guy's heart. I didn't expect that he looks like a rough old man on the outside, but in fact there is a scourge hidden in his heart!"

The old beggar thought so deeply, and there was even a look of sympathy on his face. When we meet again in the future, he must take Brother Lu to appreciate the beautiful and beautiful spring scenery in the bathhouse.

"Wang, there are only four of us left, what's next?" Er Gouzi asked.

"Heck, do you still need to ask, the time is almost up, we should go to the big families to ask for money to redeem people!"

Ji Wuqing's small eyeballs shot out two rays of light, it has been counting the days, and it is time to collect the money tonight.

"Is there such a welfare link?"

The old beggar's eyes widened. He didn't expect that after a few days of retreat, Li Xiaobai made another big deal. Sure enough, following the other party was a correct choice, and there was meat to eat!

"It's indeed time. It's time to collect the bill. This time we can make a lot of money."

Li Xiaobai nodded, turned his wrist, and took out a sports car from the shopping mall again. Several people got into the car, and disappeared outside Yanwang City after a gust of wind.

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