"who I am?"

"where am I?"

On the ground, the young men and women lay limp on the ground, with dazed expressions on their faces, looking around, not understanding what happened.

"The Holy Son and the Holy Daughter, I am a disciple of the Sword Dynasty, and I have come to welcome the Holy Son and the Holy Daughter back to the mountain by the order of the Dynasty!"

Several disciple monks knelt down on one knee and said respectfully.

"Sword Dynasty?"

"We were saved?"

"Sure enough, the organization didn't give up on us, the organization came to redeem us!"

The two looked at each other, with crystal tears faintly shining in their eyes, and they finally didn't have to stay in the dark little gourd.

"Heck, the money and the goods are clear, you pay attention to the maintenance, if there is any problem with the goods in the future, this deity is not responsible for the after-sales service, and slipped away."

Ji Wuqing nodded in satisfaction, turned around and left.

"Grab it!"

"This is a gang crime, ask the whereabouts of the other three of the four villains!"


At this time, from the grass in the dark, several pitch-black figures suddenly sprang out, surrounding Ji Wuqing, a fierce and powerful aura swept the audience, and the golden numerical value above his head manifested. The merit value of the leading monk is It was 900, and the others ranged from 500 to 700.

At first glance, it has accumulated for quite a long time.

"Tell me the whereabouts of the other three members of your gang, and spare you!"

The leading middle-aged man said coldly, with a cold look in his eyes. In his opinion, the so-called four villains are just a gimmick, and the real mastermind behind the scenes should be Li Xiaobai, who deliberately sent this The chicken who came to conduct the transaction probably expected that they would ambush here, and did not dare to risk their own lives, so they sent a cannon fodder over.

"Hehe, kill this deity if you have the ability. After an hour, this deity will be a hero again!"

"If you don't kill the deity today, the deity will look down on you!"

"Our four villains are the new generation of evil forces in the Zhongyuan Realm. You and other mere dynasties had better bow their heads and surrender, otherwise, your sons and daughters will be in danger!"

Ji Wuqing raised her proud head and said flatly, disdainful of the person in front of her.

"Bastard, a mere chicken, dare to threaten us, do you know how the word dead is written?"

"Brother, don't talk nonsense with it. This guy is probably just cannon fodder and has no use value. Just search the soul to find clues?"

"Souhun, don't talk nonsense with it!"

Several people spoke to each other, full of murderous intent, the middle-aged man in the lead directly reached out and grabbed the little yellow chicken in his hand.

The exercises in his body were running, his hands exerted force, and he began to invade his mind and soul, ready to seize the memory, but the next second he was shocked, because the moment the breath in his body entered the body of the little chicken in his hand, it was the moment that it The meridians all over his body were shattered inch by inch, leaving no vitality.

This little yellow chicken was directly shocked to death by a trace of immortal power he released casually, is it so weak?

He lifted his body up and shook it, his whole body was limp and weak, he was already dead and couldn't die anymore.

"Could it be an act?"

"It can't be that weak, right?"

The rest of the people also came over and asked, they didn't see the resources bursting out of the little yellow chicken's dantian, and today's matter was too smooth, with a strange atmosphere.

"It shouldn't be, it's already dead, why don't you make up a few more knives."

The middle-aged man in the lead said, spinning the immortal yuan in his hand and suddenly bombarded the little yellow chicken a few times, the small body was burned by the violent fairy air, and the whole body was as black as coke, completely dead through.

"Why didn't it explode its resources? I just saw that it swallowed all the fairy stones. Could there be another mystery in it?"

A monk asked suspiciously.

"No... no, big brother, where is the merit on your head!"

"Brother, your merit has become a sin value!"

A few people suddenly saw a bloody light flash in the void, and directly replaced the golden light. The original 900 merit points were instantly cleared to zero, but there was an extra 100 sin points.

The middle-aged man in the lead was also stunned when he heard the words, and looked up a little dazedly, and a huge bloody hundred was floating above his head.

"What the hell am I..."

"What's going on, my merit!"

"That's the merit value that I have accumulated for several years. It would have broken through a thousand in a few months. Why did I go back to before liberation today?"

The man's mood was broken, and he suddenly remembered that he killed the chicken in his hand just now, if the other party had a thousand points of evil, he could just wash away all his merits.

"No way, this chicken has a thousand points of evil?"

"It goes without saying that Li Xiaobai must have done it, maybe he just let the chicken kill some seriously injured monks on purpose, and after accumulating crime points, he deliberately sent it to our door for us to kill!"

"We are all following his way!"

The complexions of the few people all changed. It is not a trivial matter that the merit value of a strong man in the fairyland is directly emptied.

Reciting the scriptures all day long, and one move is directly emptied. The blow in it is huge. If it is not handled well, it may affect the state of mind, and it is possible that there will be no progress in cultivation in the future.

"There is something weird about this chicken, take it back and watch it in the prison, and make a decision after I report it to the Holy Master!"




At the same time, the other major sects received letters again.

"Today, the Sword Dynasty doesn't talk about martial ethics, and deals on the surface, but in fact they are hiding and ambush, which makes me very sad."

"Therefore, today's transaction is void. One hour later, at the same place, double the ransom, just send a disciple to come. If you play tricks again, tear up the ticket immediately!"

"Li Xiaobai's own handwriting."

The letter was sent to the hands of the masters of the major forces, causing a major earthquake.

"Asshole, what an asshole, dare to threaten me, I will definitely make this person pay the price!"

"Hurry up, call back all the masters of the earth fairyland who are hiding in the dark, and let the disciples of the disciples go to trade tomorrow, and don't anger the kidnappers!"

"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and raise money!"

And the instigator of all this, Li Xiaobai, was leisurely enjoying tea and flowers somewhere.

"Mr. Li's trick is brilliant. Originally, the old beggar really thought that the chicken would take the big head. Now we take the opportunity of it being killed and double the price. It will definitely make a lot of money!"

"Wang, boy, we're going to become upstarts in this wave!"

The old beggar and Er Gouzi were very excited, so Ji Wuqing, who could be resurrected, went to provoke Jian Dynasty to be killed on purpose. Using this excuse to drive up the price to increase profits, they seemed to be able to see mountains of fairy stones waving to them .

"Hey, it's getting late, it's time to collect the money, hurry up, and the chicken will be back in a while."

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