Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 781: New Evil Forces In The Zhongyuan Realm

The two and the dog each ran to different sects to make money.

With the lessons learned from the little yellow chicken, all the sects and dynasties did not dare to slack in the slightest, and they all honestly sent a disciple with a rich fairy stone to wait for the arrival of the four villains in the wilderness.

For them, the most important thing is to take the disciple back to the sect safely so as not to affect the performance of the Jianzong trial, and there must be no more accidents. As for the monk named Li Xiaobai, after that It is also possible to investigate slowly.

power dynasty.

Li Xiaobai took the storage bag from a young monk, nodded with satisfaction, and released the few people imprisoned in the purple gold gourd.

"We are very principled. If we take the money, we will definitely let him go. Take it away."

"Dare to ask Xiongtai's surname and name, but is he one of the four villains?"

the young monk asked.

"The leader of the next four villains, Li Xiaobai, go back and tell your housekeeper that if the young talents of the Li Dynasty fall into my hands again, there is still a chance for us to cooperate."

Li Xiaobai threw away the storage bag in his hand, and said cheerfully.

The young monk "..."

We don't want this kind of cooperation opportunity, let's say goodbye!

Somewhere on top of a mountain.

An old beggar in ragged clothes took the storage bag from a female nun with a smile. Looking at the piles of fairy stones in the storage bag, his eyes suddenly became hot.

"Good guy, the fairy stone really has to be obtained quickly by robbing it!"

"These days, who is a decent person earns money by working part-time honestly!"

"Dare to ask who is senior, can you leave your name? If my disciples meet with senior in the future, they will definitely treat each other with courtesy!" if.

"Old man Tianwu, one of the four villains, please remember this name. In the near future, this name will become famous all over the world!"

The old beggar's eyes shone with divine light, and his whole body shone with an invincible spirit.

"It turned out to be Senior Tianwu, this junior remembered."

The female cultivator saluted and bowed respectfully, and was about to leave. She felt that the old man in front of her was a bit evil, and she didn't dare to make more contact. I heard that if such a big devil had too much contact, he would be infected.

"Hehehe, little girl, don't worry, are you interested in following the old beggar? I promise to make you comfortable every day."

"Where is the old beggar in the Zongmen so carefree and happy?"

The old beggar looked up and down at the female cultivator in front of her, as if she wanted to see through her.

"Many... Thank you for the kindness of seniors, but this junior has already decided to dedicate his life to the sect, so he can only live up to the kindness of seniors!"

The female cultivator's face turned pale when the old beggar looked at her. Being stared at by such a monster made her scalp feel numb, and she turned around and ran away.

The old beggar picked his dirty toes and said calmly, "It's a pity."

the other side.

A snow-white puppy appeared directly in the city where many sects gathered.

There are 1,500 points of golden merit on the head, which attracts the surrounding passers-by to watch and stop. It is unheard of for a dog to have 1,500 points of merit. The highest merit they can see so far is only close to 1,000 points. .

The performance of the puppies gave them a feeling of being crushed.

"What are you doing in a daze, I am one of the four villains, Nicholas Er Gouzi, hurry up and let those masters come over and hand over the fairy stone to redeem people, and your Er Gouzi will tear up your ticket if it is later!"

The white puppy spit out people's words, spit out lotus flowers, swearing continuously, and heard the frowns of the people around him. This image of a rascal in the market is completely incompatible with the amazing merit value.

"This little dog is actually one of the four villains. Is it the one who tied up the disciples of the surrounding sects?"

"It should be, but I really didn't expect this puppy to have so many merit points. Isn't it one of the four villains? Shouldn't it be doing all the bad things? How can it add merit?"

"I feel like my worldview is about to collapse, and I'm not as good as a dog!"

"Stop talking, the disciples from the various sects are here!"

There was a commotion among the onlookers. The kidnappings were all done secretly in the wilderness, for fear of being discovered. Why did this dog go directly into the people's base camp to trade?

With this appearance, don't be too arrogant!

"Ahem, we are the disciples from various sects who came to redeem people. These are immortal stones. Dare I ask if my brothers and sisters are all right?"

A young monk stepped forward and said.

"They're all here. I'm a very principled disciple of Buddha. Go back to each house and find your own mother!"

Er Gouzi smiled happily after receiving the spirit stone, and released a group of disciples from the purple gold gourd.

"Thank you, fellow daoist!"

The young monk clasped his hands together, but he didn't intend to leave. Not only that, but the other monks around him had a faint tendency to surround Er Gouzi.

Although the high-level sect repeatedly told them not to anger the kidnappers, their hostages have now been released, and the gangsters have directly broken into their base camp.


"What's the matter, do you still want to fight with Ben Fozi?"

"Open your cloudy eyes and see clearly. If you dare to kill the meritorious deeds on this Buddha's head, this thousand and five hundred points of merit will be instantly converted into fifteen thousand points of evil and added to your heads. Now, at that time, you will be the number one target of the law enforcement team, and you will be the street rats that everyone shouts and beats!"

Er Gouzi squinted, and said with an extremely disdainful expression.

Killing a creature with merits and virtues will cause ten times the crimes, which is absolutely unacceptable for these decent families.


The group of monks suddenly hesitated. Maybe those high-level sects did not dare to act rashly because of such considerations. After all, killing a person of great merit will cause endless troubles.

"Hey, a bunch of idiots, Mr. Er Gouzi will go!"

At the moment when everyone hesitated, Er Gouzi parted his mouth and revealed a mocking smile. He grabbed a golden talisman in his little paw, and disappeared in place in a flash of light.

"Made, it ran away!"


Within the Sword Dynasty.

In the prison, the little yellow figure was lying quietly, lifeless.

Two figures are stopping, discussing something.

"Look, Holy Master, it's this chicken. This subordinate watched it swallow the fairy stone in its stomach, but after killing it now, it really didn't burst out any resources. Not only that, but the nine hundred merits of this subordinate actually It was washed clean in an instant, and one hundred points of sin were added!"

"The subordinate guessed that it must be Li Xiaobai's tricks, deliberately luring the subordinates to kill this chicken!"

A middle-aged man said.

"From the appearance, there is nothing special about this chicken. It is indeed dead. It seems that the monk named Li Xiaobai deliberately raised it into a heinous little monster, destroying my sword dynasty monks. Merit!"

"This person, what a vicious scheming!"

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