Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 782 Why Is It So Similar To The Eighteenth Prince?

A man dressed in imperial robes said in a deep voice, his eyes swept across the little yellow chicken, and there was an aura of calmness and prestige on his face.

"Holy Master, the crime value of this subordinate..."

"It's okay, I recently found a good scripture from Ximo, which you can read and understand. It's just nine hundred merits, and you will be back to the top soon."

"Thank you, Holy Lord!"

"There's no need to do that. I see all the suffering you suffered for my Sword Dynasty. You deserve all of these. Now the Holy Son and Holy Daughter are safe and sound. This chicken looks like an eyesore. Let's find a place to bury it!"


The conversation between the two kept echoing in the quiet cell, but none of them noticed. At some point, the little yellow chicken in the cell opened its eyes.

The middle-aged man walked towards the little yellow chicken slowly, planning to take it away and sell it on a grave.

But at this moment, the man in the royal robe seemed to sense a change in his face, and hurriedly shouted, "No, it's not dead, there are other breaths of life in this prison!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man froze.

Ji Wuqing, who was still quietly lying in the prison, suddenly jumped three feet high, and the coke all over her body fell to the ground. The golden feathers shone with a gorgeous luster, and she was reborn.

"Hehe, the deity is back!"

"The hour has come, and this deity is another hero!"

"You two are idiots, you still want to kill this deity, and you still want to bury this deity, it's just a dream, I'll eat you!"

"Thousand-mile teleportation talisman, let me go!"

Ji Wuqing laughed loudly, sneered with disdain, spit out a golden talisman from his mouth, and his body was full of golden light, and disappeared in the blink of an eye without a trace.

"What the hell am I..."

"This chicken is really cheating!"

"How did it do it? If it is really cheating death, how can I inherit the crime value on its head? Could it be that it can die and come back to life?"

The middle-aged man hurriedly made a move, and the immortal energy in his dantian exploded, directly crushing the prison in front of him into powder, but it was a step too late, the moment the thousand-mile teleportation talisman was activated, the figure of the little yellow chicken disappeared in this direction within the space.

"I was fooled by it again!"

There was a strange luster in the eyes of the emperor's lord, and he hadn't noticed much before, so he nodded slightly and said,

"This chicken is not a simple character, let alone cannon fodder. I'm afraid it has some kind of means to deceive the world. The name of the four villains is not groundless!"


Dayan Dynasty, in the mountain cave.

Li Xiaobai and the others are taking a refreshing bath, and almost all the hostages in their hands have been cleared out. This wave directly made a lot of money.

This order allowed him to obtain 500,000 top-quality spirit stones. After doubling the price, it can be said that he received the spirit stones softly.

The outstanding disciples of those sects and the heirs of the dynasty are really worth their money.

"This is a good way to make a fortune." The old beggar was full of emotion.

"Yeah, I've become rich all of a sudden, so what's the point of doing an honest job?" Er Gouzi was soaking in the bathhouse, smoking Huazi, and chanting scriptures, his expression extremely comfortable.

"Hehe, this deity has contributed a lot. The Holy Master of the Sword Dynasty can't even take a single move in front of this deity!" Ji Wuqing said proudly.

"That's because you're dead before someone makes a move."

Li Xiaobai was speechless, and clicked on the attribute value panel to observe Ji Wuqing's state.

Pet Pudong Rooster (Currently has twelve deaths).

The blood of the undead phoenix is ​​0.01%.

This guy just died once again, but the number of deaths is still too small, which is just a drop in the bucket for the massive number of deaths required by the undead phoenix bloodline.

"Speaking of which, since that person killed you, your sin value should be inherited by that person, right?"

Li Xiaobai looked at Ji Wuqing and asked.

"It's natural. If you dare to attack this deity, not only will that guy's 900 merits be wiped out instantly, but he will also have an extra 100 sin points. At this moment, I'm afraid his intestines are full of regret."

Ji Wuqing said proudly, although the sin points accumulated for several days are gone, but it doesn't feel distressed. It has successfully tricked a wave of bosses and showed off a wave of operations. It feels very worthwhile. From then on, Ji Wuqing's name It should be widely spread among the Sword Dynasty.

"Wang, this 1,500 points of merit of my Buddha will be confessed wherever I put it. If anyone dares to kill me, he will face the endless pursuit of the law enforcement team. Speaking of which, this merit has the power of amulets. It works!"

Er Gouzi also said flatteredly that the higher the merit it found, the more no one would dare to touch it. After all, if it is killed carelessly, it will become a heinous person in an instant.

"Hehe, now our Four Great Evil Ones have a bad reputation, and there are more and more judges these days."

The old beggar rubbed his teeth and sighed.

"When will it be on the list, it will be called a murderous name. Now in this three-acre land, it is nothing more than a small fight, but after this battle, it may not be long before the Yan Dynasty will find out It's over our heads."

Li Xiaobai said lightly, the characteristics of the four of them are too obvious, and it is only a matter of time before they are found out, but now that the resources have been obtained, and the hellfire has been given to the Supreme Emperor who was at the peak of the fairyland that day, it is time for a showdown with the dynasty.

"I have to run away."

The old beggar nodded, he didn't mean the result.

Ergouzi said, "Let's go to Jianzong. People go to high places and become stronger quickly when they are among the giants. This is an eternal truth."

Ji Wuqing "agreed."

Li Xiaobai's expression was indifferent, "You go first, I also want to send a big gift to the Yan Dynasty!"


at the same time.

Yanwang City, inside the palace hall.

In the hands of all the high-level elders of the sects, there was an extra letter, which was secretly believed to be sent by their respective sect forces, which described the basic characteristics of the four villains in detail.

Looking at the letter in his hand, Yan Nian's complexion gradually became ugly, and there was no other reason. The monk described above was very similar to a person in his memory.

"Li Xiaobai, the head of the Four Great Villains, is suspected to be the genius of the earth and spirit world that the Mighty King said."

"Member Nicholas Ergouzi, a snow-white puppy with 1,500 merit points, can only be captured alive, not killed."

"Member Ji Wuqing, a little yellow chicken, seems to have great supernatural powers to hide from the world, and the crime value on his body is so high that he can only be captured alive, not killed."

"Member Tianwu Old Man, an old beggar, dressed in rags."

"Find these four people and punish them severely!"

"I didn't expect that this time it was a monk from the earth and spirit world who committed the crime. No wonder I heard that Li Xiaobai's name sounded familiar. It turned out to be the genius mentioned by King Mighty."

"However, the passages are guarded by experts from the upper realm, so how did Li Xiaobai get here?"

"It's obvious. It's because Mighty King kidnapped his relatives and friends. That's why he deliberately retaliated against us. I have to say, this guy is very courageous!"

The elders nodded and spoke slowly, but their words still pointed the finger at the Yan Dynasty intentionally or unintentionally, as if they intended to let him take the blame.

But at this time, someone in the crowd suddenly said, "However, do you feel that the description of these four villains is somewhat similar to the eighteenth son of the Yan Dynasty?"

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