Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 793 Delicious \"Ingredients\"

Li Xiaobai sprinkled a circle of low-grade fairy stones around her, and then reluctantly took out two herbs. He didn't know this herb, but the bursts of fragrance from this herb were very attractive and could greatly increase the growth of herbal medicine. Zhen Jian's allure.

Zhen Jian's heart is broken, isn't it attractive enough with his old lady's figure and baby-like smooth skin?

Looking at the busy figure of the other party, she suddenly had a strange feeling, is this guy cooking?

She even sprinkled seasoning on her, this is really treating her as an ingredient for monsters!

"Girl, life is just like that. Since you can't resist, then enjoy it. If your mentality is different, the world you see in your eyes will be different."

"Come on girl, everyone has a bright and beautiful future!"

The old beggar looked at Zhen Jian who was lying on the ground with no love, patted her on the shoulder to comfort her, and very understandingly drew a formation on the ground that could diffuse the breath, so that it could spread the air around her. The blood energy emitted spreads farther, attracting more monsters around.

Zhen Jian "..."

The eyes that looked at the old beggar were full of resentment.

Old guy, my mother, thank you so much.

After a cup of tea.

Zhen Jian lay motionless on the ground, and Li Xiaobai could smell the bloody smell coming from the wound on his body from a long distance away, which was faintly mixed with a woman's unique fragrance, which seemed extremely delicious.


The roars of beasts in the jungle gradually increased, and the voices were rough and loud, setting off a gust of wind.

Attracted by Zhen Jian's aura, the monsters began to rush over from all directions.

"Won't it attract monsters from the fairyland?"

Li Xiaobai said that if they attracted big guys, they might have to leave Zhen Jian and run away.

"No, the distance that the formation can spread is very limited. We have checked before we came here, and there are no monsters from the fairyland around, so there should be no problem."

The old beggar thought for a while and said.

"That's good. If this wave can be harvested, we will be prosperous."

Li Xiaobai nodded, looking around constantly, looking for the traces of the monsters.

That being said, if he really ran into a big guy, he would immediately turn around and run away. As for Zhen Jian, let her resign herself to fate!

At this moment, on the ground in the distance.

Zhen Jian didn't move, it wasn't that she didn't want to move, but she didn't dare to move at all. Ever since she heard the roars of beasts neighing, she felt her whole body was stiff, which was a kind of fear from the depths of her soul.

If it was a one-on-one, she was sure that she would not be severely injured by the monsters who were also in the human fairyland, but judging from the roars around her, there were no less than twenty monsters rushing towards her at this moment.

If Li Xiaobai shrinks back at this time, she will really die!

She silently prayed in her heart that this group of monsters could fight together with the monsters, and it would be even better if she could get both sides hurt, and it would be even better if she could attract the monsters in the fairyland to kill them.

Her thoughts were good, but unfortunately she didn't know that in the hearts of Li Xiaobai and others, they were ready to abandon her at any time, if they knew that at this moment, they might have the desire to kill someone.


The roar of the beast was endless, and after a few breaths, the monsters slowly walked out from the depths of the jungle.

Mammoths, tiger demons, rhinoceros, eagles, golden eagles, and various birds and beasts entrenched around, surrounded Zhen Jian, and did not move, his eyes were cold and bloodthirsty, shining with greedy light.

On the one hand, their eyes scanned the seemingly unusually delicious food, on the other hand, they were wary of each other, warning and declaring their sovereignty to prevent monsters from stealthily attacking and robbing each other.

Zhen Jian panicked, fearing that these monsters would tear her into pieces regardless, why the hell didn't Li Xiaobai make a move?


In the void, the golden eagle was the first to be unable to bear the loneliness, and suddenly two golden lights shot out from its eyes, and it swooped down, aiming at Zhen Jian.

Its actions instantly ignited the audience like a fuse, and dozens of monsters broke out collectively at this moment, rampaging and fighting each other, vying for the ownership of the food.

Blood splattered in the void, and the terrifying aura raged. The monsters flew upside down after being beaten, but in the next second, they rushed into the center of the battlefield bravely and fought together, which was quite tragic.

"Do it!"

"Blood Demon Heart!"

In the darkness, a huge blood-colored heart suddenly appeared behind Li Xiaobai, and countless blood-colored tentacles swarmed towards the group of monster beasts in front of him like lightning.

"Puff puff!"

The monsters were engrossed in the fight, and they didn't even notice the swift attack. When they reacted, it was too late to dodge. The tentacles stabbed the monsters' bodies almost without any hindrance. Put on.

The heart of the Gorefiend shone with a bewitching red light. In just a few breaths, it sucked up dozens of monsters, turning them into mummified corpses and falling to the ground, lifeless.

"It's done!"

The bloody heart dissipated slowly, and a morbid rosiness flashed across Li Xiaobai's face. He always felt that his heart had become more and more violent recently, and he even had a feeling of being nourished.

"Take the baby!"

"Get rich!"

The old beggar jumped for joy, jumped three feet high and ran towards the nearest monster. With five fingers and claws, he divided the monster's corpse into several sections, and took away all the useful materials. Although it was only the first time, the whole process It looked smooth and smooth, not like a novice at all.

A group of people entered the station circle and began to clean the battlefield, unloaded all the important parts of the monster, and packed them away.

The horn of the rhinoceros, the bone of the golden eagle, the tooth of the king of the tiger, all good things were collected, and Li Xiaobai counted them, and a total of 27 monsters from the fairyland were attracted to the field.

After peeling and cramping, the obtained monster materials can be said to be piled up like a mountain. Although their value is not clear yet, this quantity alone will definitely fetch a good price.

During the formation, Zhen Jian got up with a pale complexion, trembling all over his body, and the way he looked at Li Xiaobai and the others completely changed.

She will never forget the thrilling and exciting scene just now, and the feeling that life and death are hanging by a thread is stronger than ever.

She somewhat regrets being on a pirate ship. This group of people do things lawlessly and are not restrained at all. The most important thing is that her proud looks and the little bird's demeanor are completely incapable of being perceived by the other party. Among these guys In his eyes, there are only fairy stones, no women!

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