Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 794: The Powerful Law Enforcement Team Monk

"Miss Zhen, you did a great job!"

Li Xiaobai laughed.

"This... This is what the little girl should do. I am also very happy to be able to help you." Zhen Jian smiled reluctantly, with a look of shock.

"Not good, someone is here, look at the breath is a master!"

The old beggar took a sip of Huazi, suddenly looked to the sky and said, he could feel the strength of the coming person, far surpassing anyone he had known before.

"Made, there must have been a commotion just now, we were being targeted!"

Er Gouzi barked, he also felt that terrifying aura, it was a kind of force majeure, it was too powerful, he was definitely a great master.

"Heck, run!"

Ji Wuqing ran away.

"Mr. Li, you go first, and I will buy time for you!"

Zhen Jian said firmly, as if he wanted to sacrifice his life for Li Xiaobai.

Li Xiaobai noticed a flash of joy in her eyes, and suddenly understood in his heart, maybe this woman secretly tipped a certain strong man to guide him to find his location, no wonder this guy is begging for nothing Lai must follow them, feelings are such a game.

It seems that the person who came was either a certain master of the Great Yan Dynasty, or a strong man of the law enforcement team. No matter what kind, he was not able to deal with it now.

"If that's the case, it's Miss Lao!"

Li Xiaobai said lightly, turned around and led the crowd to gallop away, riding away in a single stroke.

"It's finally here!"

Seeing the people leaving, Zhen Jian smiled a victorious smile, the law enforcement team arrived, and she won!

Along the way, she took advantage of everyone's inattention to inform the law enforcement team many times. At this moment, the other party finally came from the direction of the mark she left. If there is a real strong person to make a move, the four villains will undoubtedly die !

There was a cold killing intent in Zhen Jian's eyes, she will definitely pay back tenfold for the suffering she has suffered!

After a while.

A ray of light covered the void in the void, and a woman in a Chinese dress appeared in front of her. She was slender and slender, holding a flower umbrella in her hand, and wearing a light red silk dress. Breathing the icy cold air.

The face is exquisite and stern, and the powerful aura reflected in the gestures of the hands and feet covers the original charming and otherworldly fireworks.

For a moment, Zhen Jian's eyes were a little dull.

Even though she is a woman, she has to admit that she is deeply attracted by the woman in front of her. The light red Qiluo skirt seems to grow on this woman. There is no second person who can control such luxurious clothes.

There is an elegant temperament all over her body, repelling people thousands of miles away but still beautiful, she is like a fairy descending to the mundane world.

"Is that the message you sent to the law enforcement team?"

The beautiful woman in Qiluo skirt spoke, and immediately brought Zhen Jian back to reality. From the corner of her eye, she inadvertently glanced at the blood-red handwriting above her head, and trembled in fright.

"Senior is right, it was the little girl who sent the signal all the way, please senior to kill those four villains!"

"Just now they noticed the arrival of the senior and ran in that direction!"

"Those four villains have committed heinous crimes, and I ask the seniors to take action to eliminate harm for the people!"

Zhen Jian said hastily, with a look of compassion.

"You are very good. You take the initiative to do things for the law enforcement team. The benefits are indispensable. Within three days, you can go to the law enforcement team branch to receive the reward."

"My law enforcement team will not treat anyone badly."

The beautiful woman in the silk skirt parted her vermilion lips slightly, and said calmly.

"Thank you senior!"

"Senior is really a bodhisattva. It is a blessing to have someone like senior in my Eastern Continent!"

Zhen Jian was overjoyed in his heart, bowed his head to the beautiful woman in the silk skirt, but when he raised his head again, there was no one in front of him, and at some point, the beautiful senior disappeared without a sound.

"Hahaha, Li Xiaobai, old man, and that dead dog and chicken, you are dead!"

"With the help of this senior, your cultivation path is over!"

Zhen Jian is in an extremely comfortable mood. All the hardships she has suffered during this time are worth it. It is probably a big benefit for such a powerful senior to speak in person. Maybe she can use this opportunity to break through the human fairyland and reach the earth fairyland The cultivation base is also uncertain!

"By the way, I have to confirm that all the monks in the purple gold gourd are dead. If they are not dead, I will help them!"

"Presumably, senior won't mind if I go to watch the battle!"


at the same time.

On the other side, deep in the jungle.

Wisps of cold air spread, and a light red figure shuttled unhurriedly through the jungle. The place it passed was frozen for thousands of miles. No matter it was trees, insects, fish, birds or animals, they all turned into cold air at this moment. ice sculptures.

Most of the jungle has been reduced to the Ice Age, and several tyrannical auras are fleeting. They are monks who have been trained in the place of trial. After realizing the great sense of crisis, they immediately flee away. They would rather give up the opportunity to enter the Sword Sect I don't want to lose my life here.

"Made, there is a crazy woman chasing after me!" Er Gouzi yelled.

"Hehe, it looks like it should be a strong member of the law enforcement team. It should be that Zhen Jian called it. She seems to think that calling the monks of the law enforcement team can punish me."

Li Xiaobai said lightly, with a playful light in his eyes, he had foreseen the situation of being chased and killed by a strong man, and naturally he had thought about the way to deal with it, otherwise, how could he be rampant and kill at will? ?

"Hey hey, shall we use that trick?" The old beggar laughed strangely, glanced at Ji Wuqing, with a malicious expression on his face.

"Hehe, the plan is good, but it's a little bit expensive!"

Ji Wuqing was full of reluctance.

"Try it, as long as it succeeds, we will be invincible in the Zhongyuan world from now on!"

Li Xiaobai said, put away the Lamborghini, and took out several low-grade immortal stones for Ji to swallow ruthlessly.


In an instant, the scorching air billowed, and the flames soared into the sky. The little yellow chicken swelled against the wind, and quickly swelled up. A long string of flames shocked the sky.

Opening his mouth and spitting out, the colorful flames turned into pillars of fire and sprayed towards the woman in the silk skirt who was approaching from behind.

But in the next second, there was a storm in everyone's hearts, and they saw that before the flame approached the woman, it was frozen inch by inch, turning into a thick popsicle, falling to the ground and breaking into a pool of debris.

And the woman was still walking forward without haste, holding the umbrella with both hands behind her back, walking like a stroll in the courtyard, and she could quickly get closer to Li Xiaobai and the others with every step.

"Good guy, are all the monks in the law enforcement team so fierce?"

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