Li Xiaobai looked dumbfounded. Although Ji Wuqing was indeed very good, the aura emanating from this woman was also quite strange. I thought that the monks of the law enforcement team who came to chase him down should only be cultivated in the fairyland. Now look at this The indifference between the woman's gestures, as well as the incomparable powerful aura, obviously not only such a little cultivation in the fairyland!

It's just to capture him, a little cultivator who has just been listed in the fairyland. Is it necessary to use this level of powerhouse?

Or is it that all monks from the law enforcement team have this standard?

"Damn, we can't beat this thing!"

The old beggar stood on Ji Wuqing's wings and yelled.

"Hehe, this is the result of your idleness and laziness on weekdays. If you have the strength and cultivation like Master Er Gouzi, you will never be in such a mess at this moment."

Er Gouzi curled his lips in disdain, stretched out a paw and kept beating the Colorful Qingluan's head, causing it to neigh for a while.

"Who is coming, but the master of the law enforcement team?"

Li Xiaobai shouted loudly.

"Law enforcement team, Wuchengjue."

The beautiful woman in the silk skirt parted her vermilion lips slightly, and exhaled a cold air, without the slightest smell of fireworks. She moved her lotus steps lightly, and appeared in front of Ji Wuqing, face to face with everyone.


Looking at Wuchengjue in front of them, several people couldn't help but gasped.

This woman was so beautiful, her temperament was terrifying, she was clearly ice, but she exuded a noble elegance, she looked graceful and luxurious, if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have imagined that such a strange woman really existed in the world.

But this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that Li Xiaobai clearly saw the line of crime value above his head.

1.73 million!

That's right, it's 1.73 million evil points!

The long string of zeros dazzled Li Xiaobai, which proved that the woman in front of him had nothing to kill and was a complete monster.

Now they finally know why they don't need to worry about the crime value above their heads after joining the law enforcement team. This woman is the best explanation.

"My dear, nearly two million points of evil, how many people have to be killed!"

The old beggar couldn't help sighing, although he looked terrified, he didn't feel panic and fear because of it. Their coping method was invincible, even if the strongest came, they couldn't kill them. Many times.

"Wang, why are you talking so much, run away!"

Er Gouzi looked very anxious. It should be a happy thing to be stared at by such a beautiful woman, but at this moment it has a creepy feeling, as if it will become an ice sculpture in the next second.

"The four villains are wreaking havoc on the Yan Dynasty, and the law enforcement team has issued a wanted list to take your heads."

"Li Xiaobai's crime is worth a hundred thousand, and there is no pardon for it."

"I didn't expect that after a few days, the evil value of this chicken actually exceeded 90,000. Fortunately, I came in time. If I continue to let it go, I'm afraid there will be another person on the list of villains in the Eastern Continent."

"You seem to be called Ergou. Although you have merits and virtues, you still have to die today."

Wuchengjue briefly stated the evil deeds of Li Xiaobai and others, showing her absolute confidence, but she stopped halfway through the words.

Staring closely at the old beggar next to Li Xiaobai, for the first time a ripple appeared on his frosty face.

"You are... Senior Xiaolaodi?"

"What the hell?"

The old beggar had a confused face, picked his dirty nostrils, and asked in a daze, "Big sister, do you call the old beggar little brother?"


"You don't remember me, you're not him?"

Wuchengjue also seemed to be a little puzzled. The dirty old beggar in front of her was exactly the same as a senior she knew in terms of body shape and face, and even this wretched temperament was exactly the same, but judging from the other party's reaction Looking at it, it seems that he doesn't know the name of Xiaolaodi?

"Ten years ago, you taught me, so I was lucky enough to break through the cultivation base of the Heavenly Immortal Realm."

Wuchengjue continued.

got the wrong person?

The old beggar turned his eyeballs, and the expression of laughter on his face suddenly subsided, and he straightened his face, with a look of calm and prestige, waved his hands, and said lightly, "I didn't expect that in this corner of the place You have been recognized, little girl, you can go, remember not to mention today's matter to outsiders."

Li Xiaobai was speechless, this old guy immediately went crazy with his acting skills when he disagreed with each other.

"Like, it's so similar, I didn't expect there to be such a similar person in the world, but it's a pity, you are not him!"

"Senior Xiao Laodi did indeed point me to breaking through the realm, but it was not ten years ago, but eight years ago. His old man's achievements are so great that he won't fail to remember this. You can obey the law."

Wuchengjue shook his head slowly, his eyes were shining with faint blue light, the surrounding air suddenly condensed, and the extremely powerful icy air froze the entire void, this was to prevent Li Xiaobai and others from using The talisman means to escape, and the lion fights the rabbit with all his strength. She understands this truth well.

"Ahem, that's right, it's indeed eight years, I just remembered it wrong."

The old beggar is still showing off his acting skills.

"He never claimed to be himself."

"Whether you are him or not, you will know once you try it. If it is really Xiao Laodi who is here, you will not be able to kill him!"

Wu Chengjue stretched out her slender hand, and slowly opened the umbrella in her hand, and the icy cold air was completely unfolded. In an instant, the creatures in the entire trial ground felt a great sense of crisis.

"come on in!"

Ji Wuqing roared up to the sky, spit out a scorching flame to burn the void, then swallowed the two people and the dog on the back with his mouth, and then spread his wings soaring into the sky, trying to escape into the distance.

But at this time, the umbrella in Wuchengjue's hand was completely opened, and in an instant, the entire trial ground was covered in ice blue color. Ji Wuqing felt that her eyes were dark and she lost consciousness. The huge Qingluan slowly Slowly shrinking into the posture of a little yellow chicken again, covered in ice and snow, lifeless.

A large number of low-grade immortal stones shot out from its mouth, spraying all over the ground, as many as 100,000 pieces.

The entire trial ground was turned into a dead zone at this moment.

Wu Chengjue poured out a mouthful of turbid air, put away the flower umbrella, and landed on the side of the little yellow chicken lightly with the tip of her toes like a feather.

The bloody light above the head flickered, and the value increased sharply. The crime value was 1.99 million!

"It's a pity, after all, you are not Xiaolaodi. If you are really him, I have a lot to say to you."

Wu Chengjue looked at the little yellow chicken's body, and muttered to herself, in her opinion, the little yellow chicken, together with the two people and the dog it swallowed just now, should be frozen into ice at this moment, with no life left. .

"Accidentally destroyed another domain and increased the crime value by more than 200,000. I just forgot to look at the crimes on Li Xiaobai and others. The numbers should be right."

"The explosion of 500,000 low-grade immortal stones is indeed their limit."

"Arithmetic is too troublesome, don't think about it, it should be dead, go back and return to life."

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