Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 81 Young Master Xia, You Are Really Weak

Xia Jian didn't make too much politeness, and directly launched a challenge. Originally, he wanted to trick Li Xiaobai into sitting in this position, so as to avenge his brother.

Unexpectedly, Li Xiaobai cooperated so well.

He is not a child of these ordinary families. He has been practicing in Zhenyuan Kingdom all year round, and his cultivation has already touched the Golden Core Stage Dzogchen realm. This realm is comparable to that of the Patriarch.

Moreover, they have been practicing outside all the year round, and there are many life-and-death fights. It can be said that they are rare opponents in this realm.

"Well, let's make a move."

Li Xiaobai instinctively started to provoke, raged for hatred, and sat quietly on the chair without moving.

"What does Boss Ye mean?" Xia Jian frowned.

"Young Master Xia, just make moves, if you leave this seat on a good day, I will lose." Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Wang, this is Lord Ergouzi's thug. If you defeat him, you will be qualified to fight your Lord Ergouzi!" Ergouzi stood up and said lightly with his paws on his back.

"Grandma, this is too arrogant, second brother, abolish his cultivation!"

Xialiu is the first fryer, this person and dog are too irritating.

"It's all about sensationalism, Boss Ye, after today, I hope you can recognize yourself and understand why there are people out there."

Wang Ruoxian looked indifferent, in her opinion, Xia Jian's victory is inevitable.

"Then Xia would be more respectful than obedient."

Xia Jian's expression was cold, his wrist was turned upside down, and a huge writing brush appeared in his hand.

"The method of ink, the gentleman is magnanimous, and the world is in harmony."

Brushes criss-crossed in the void, ancient runes circulated, and the Mantra of the Eight Sons manifested, bringing the vitality of all people to press down on Li Xiaobai.

This is the method of Confucianism. Scholars use the calligraphy in their hands as their magic weapon, use their internal talents as their means of attack, and suppress everything with their awe-inspiring righteousness.

"This is a method of Confucianism, Mohist attack, suppressing everything with one's own understanding of Confucian classics!"

"Young Master Xia should be at the Golden Core Stage, and he's not far behind the Patriarch. I didn't expect to be able to erupt with such power. This town of Yuan Kingdom deserves to have an inheritance."

"Boss Ye is probably in trouble. The suppression of scholars is the hardest thing to deal with."

"Yeah, it's a little too big..."

Attribute point +200...

Attribute point +200...

The power is not bad, not beyond the scope of the golden core period, Li Xiaobai stared at the system panel in front of him, and defended all the attribute points.

Xia Jian's hands kept moving, writing something in the void, Li Xiaobai felt his whole body tense, and the large characters in the void were pressed down with great force.

The gravel under his feet was cracked, and the ground was densely covered with cobwebs. The strong sense of oppression seemed a bit frightening.

However, it was useless. In front of the Nine Turns Indestructible Golden Body, these eight mantras only made him feel heavier.

"Young Master Xia is not frank..." Li Xiaobai continued to mock with a smile.

"Did you hear that, boy, you are not open-minded!"

"A gentleman is magnanimous, and a villain is always concerned. This is talking about you!"

Seeing this, Er Gouzi immediately became active, and ran the train with his mouth full. Li Xiaobai could resist the opponent's offensive, so he could safely pretend to be bold.

Xia Jian's complexion changed, Li Xiaobai was not afraid of his eight sons' mantra, and even the broken dog beside him had a mocking look on his face.

With the strokes in his hand, he no longer wrote the mantra, but sketched a landscape map in the air.

A long river appeared out of thin air, and the river was surging and surging.

"This is a corner of the map of mountains and rivers. This is the national treasure of the Zhenyuan Kingdom. It was left by the Great Immortal Zhenyuan in his early years. Young Master Xia has actually seen it, and even comprehended it!"

"It is said that the forces in Zhongzhou who have contacts with Zhenyuan Kingdom have maintained friendly relations because of this map of mountains and rivers."

"Once the map of mountains and rivers comes out, everything can be suppressed."

"Master Xia is truly a genius, my Gu Yue City is about to rise!"

The rushing water of the river descended from the sky, and the waves rolled down, carrying the sound of thunder crashing down, pouring directly towards Li Xiaobai with the force of thunder.

This special effect looked quite bluffing, it was different from the Golden Core stage monks I had seen before, when the river water fell, Li Xiaobai only felt his body was frozen, as if being filled with lead.

Attribute point +300...

Attribute point +300...

Although this effect is powerful, the power is still average. Even if there is an inheritance, the golden core stage is the golden core stage.

"Mr. Xia's moves are unremarkable, and Liangchen's heart is not disturbed, and he even wants to laugh." Li Xiaobai laughed.

"This is impossible!"

Xia Jian's complexion changed drastically. Just now he used the power of inheritance, showing a corner of the visualization of the mountain and river map. If ordinary monks encounter the torrential river, they will be directly impacted without leaving any residue. Li Xiaobai actually Unscathed.

But immediately his face was flushed, his chest felt tight, and his body was overwhelmed. He was actually injured. What's going on? Xia Jian's eyes were frightened and angry.

"Boss Ye, you are obviously seriously injured, don't hold on anymore, lie down obediently, and Xia will send someone to treat Boss Ye immediately!"

"Don't be brave, or the injury will worsen and damage the foundation of the Dao."

As soon as this remark came out, the surrounding cultivators were relieved. They were forced to hold on, and they were almost scared to death. They all advised, "Yes, Boss Ye, don't hold on. Compared with life, face is nothing."

"Besides, Mr. Xia is a genius in heaven, so it's no shame to lose to him."


Li Xiaobai scratched his head, a little stunned, Xia Jian felt a little too good about himself.

"Liangchen just wants to let Mr. Xia do two tricks first..."

"Could it be that it was Mr. Xia's full strength just now?"

"Hey, Mr. Xia slapped you in the face, your attack is useless. Not only was Mr. Er Gouzi not injured, he even wanted to laugh!" Er Gouzi was very excited.

Wang Ruoxian looked strange, Li Xiaobai didn't look like he was pretending, the opponent was really unscathed, just now Xia Jian's offensive can be said to have exhausted all his strength, if it were her, it would be impossible to take it unscathed.

The owner of the bathhouse, at such a young age, actually possessed such a level of cultivation, Wang Ruoxian felt that he had to look at this man again.

Xia Jian's eyes were a little dull, the other party was not pretending, his eight-character mantra didn't even leave the other party with the slightest injury, on the contrary, he suffered a lot of trauma.

"It's impossible. Among my peers, how can anyone surpass me. I am half-step to the completion of the Golden Core stage. Even if I am a disciple of the Great School, I am only similar to me."

"Who are you!"

"Under Ye Liangchen, Liangchen likes to attack those who think they have outstanding abilities."

"Consummation is consummation, not consummation is not consummation, how can there be half-step consummation?"

"Master Xia, don't find yourself a step down, you are really weak."

"In this world, the only person who can hurt Liang Chen is Liang Chen himself."

Li Xiaobai put his hands behind his back, and said calmly, Xia Jian's attack is not bad, with one set, he added two thousand attribute points to the system.

The defensive power of the nine-turn indestructible golden body can be advanced at the sixth turn (4800060000).

As soon as this remark came out, the audience petrified. Before that, no one would have thought that today's competition would have such a result.

Xia Jian used all his means, but he couldn't hurt him at all. What kind of strength is this?

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