Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 82 Accidentally Dropped A Valuable Item

The boss of Tang Neng Yipin is so terrifying!

"Boss Ye can't hide anything, it's the little girl's eyesight."

"That's the end of this competition."

Wang Ruoxian stood up slowly and said calmly.

"Doesn't Fairy Wang want to challenge Liang Chen?" Li Xiaobai asked.

"Boss Ye's strength is good, but he's still no match for my little girl. Body-training cultivators are rare, but they're not uncommon. In this world, after all, it depends on cultivation."

"Many of the disciples of the great sect have already entered the realm of the Nascent Soul stage, and the momentary success or failure can't be explained."

"After entering the Holy Demon Sect, our strength will improve by leaps and bounds. Boss Ye still needs to improve himself a lot. It's meaningless to use his tongue for a while."

Wang Ruoxian still looked aloof and did not take Li Xiaobai seriously.

She felt that Li Xiaobai did not have spiritual power, which meant that the other party specialized in the physical body. Such a person made rapid progress in the short term, but in the later stage, he would appear weak.

Behind her is the Hinayana Sect and the Holy Demon Sect as the backing, her cultivation has improved rapidly, so there is no need to compete with the other party.

"That's right, Ye, you don't have any cultivation in your body, it's just that your physical body is a little stronger. When my second brother enters the Nascent Soul Stage, I can kill you at will!"

Xia Liu's voice is very harsh, today, his Xia family can be said to have lost all face.

I didn't expect that even the genius Xia Jian was defeated, and it was still such a disastrous defeat.

"You want to kill Liangchen?"

"Believe it or not, Liangchen has a hundred ways to kill you, and you have nothing to do."

Li Xiaobai felt that this wave was a loss. It should have been attacked by the crowd, but it ended prematurely, which was a bit sloppy.

"Let's stop here today. Tomorrow is the day of travel. Everyone should support each other a lot. Mr. Xia, let's go back and rest first."

Wang Ruoxian interrupted the crowd. The party had grown to this point and there was nothing to see. She would not allow the crowd to shift the focus from her to Li Xiaobai.

"In that case, Liangchen will also bid farewell first."

Li Xiaobai cupped his hands, turned around, and a pitch-black token filled with a simple atmosphere fell out.

On the front of this black token was impressively engraved with the big characters of Holy Devil Sect. All the monks were breathless, their eyes widened, and they looked at the small token on the ground in disbelief.

"This is... the token of the Holy Demon Sect!"

"Boss Ye is a disciple of the Holy Demon Sect!"

Many monks felt that it was a shame, especially the three brothers of the Xia family. They thought they were proud of the qualifications to study in the Holy Demon Sect, and they had already obtained it. They have been watching them laugh.

It's ridiculous that they still treat others as fools, only now do they realize that they themselves are the real fools.

"Oh, I accidentally pulled out valuables, I'm sorry to scare you."

Li Xiaobai cupped his hands and picked up the token of the Holy Demon Sect.

"Wang, boy, you are too careless, this appearance will hit them!"

Er Gouzi grinned, with a smirk all over his face, this kind of face-slapping operation, he felt very happy.

"Boss Ye is... a disciple of the Holy Demon Sect?" Wang Ruoxian was a little stunned.

"As an advanced student, I got it a long time ago, but I just haven't gone there." Li Xiaobai waved his hand and said lightly.

"Why don't you go?"

"The Holy Demon Sect is just a foothold for Liangchen, and the goal of Liangchen is the sea of ​​stars."

"Wang, Master Ergouzi is the most powerful in ancient and modern times, how can a mere sect tolerate me!"

Wang Ruoxian is at a loss for words, she has been teaching others the truth beyond the sky, she often cites examples from sects, and wants to suppress Li Xiaobai, but she never thinks that his teachers are famous, and she keeps watching them joke!

"It turns out that Boss Ye is also a further student, so we are still in the same sect. My daughter has some friends in the Holy Demon Sect, who can have a three-point friendship. I will go to say hello at that time, and the Holy Demon Sect will not make it too difficult for me to wait."

Wang Ruoxian returned to his calm attitude. There is still a big difference between a disciple of advanced training and a disciple of the sect.

She has a lot of balance in her mentality. She has some contacts in the Holy Demon Sect and can quickly gain a foothold. This is something that Li Xiaobai can't compare to.


"It's so good."

"Alright, let's make preparations for the good day."

"This person is really interesting, will he die without a sense of superiority?"

Er Gouzi sneered, and followed Li Xiaobai away.

Wang Ruoxian was expressionless, turned around and disappeared in place.

All the monks looked at each other, they didn't expect the boss of Tang Neng Yipin to be so secretive, the body training monks really learned a lot.

Nothing on the road.

In Tangneng Yipin, everyone took a bath in the pool.

Li Ya looked very excited, "Boss Ye, you are so powerful, you really don't show your face!"

"It's just a routine operation, not worth mentioning."

"Young Master Liang Chen is very strong."

Situ Yanyu's eyes are full of small stars, but it's a pity that Li Xiaobai will go to the Holy Demon Sect tomorrow, and she can only stay in Guyue City, and the gap will only widen in the future.

"Wang, Master Er Gouzi is also very strong!" Er Gouzi was dissatisfied.

"Yes, yes, Er Gouzi is also very strong!"

Situ Yanyu said that she was Er Gouzi's only little follower.

"Tomorrow is a good day to go to the Holy Demon Sect. All the bathhouses in Guyue City will be taken care of by Misty Rain. I will go and say hello to those Patriarchs." Li Xiaobai said.

"How is this possible? Misty Rain is just a waiter, and her cultivation base is low, so she can't take on such a heavy responsibility!"

Situ Yanyu was a little flustered, she didn't have anything to ask for, she couldn't control the situation at all.

"Cultivation is not a problem. As long as there is a bathhouse, you will catch up sooner or later. Let you take care of this soup first, and I will come back in the future. During this time, don't slack off."

"Yan Yu understands."

Situ Yanyu's heart was beating wildly, and she felt Li Xiaobai's trust.

"What did the old man say?"

Li Xiaobai looked at the drowsy old beggar, and really wanted to take this old guy with him, so that he could really walk sideways in the future.

"Let's soak it."

"That wine..."

"The monthly subscription has not been fully experienced yet, what's the rush?"

The old beggar picked his toes and said calmly.

Well, it seems that that kind of wine will not be available in a short time, and the remaining attribute points have to be figured out by themselves.

The three men in black robes in the corner of the bathhouse couldn't sit still. If Li Xiaobai left, Zhang Rui's clue would be broken, and they were still pointing at this promotion to get rich.

They all got up.

"Brother Liangchen, there are a lot of monsters and ghosts on this road, and I am willing to escort you." Zuo Da said

"Of course, it's just that those Patriarchs are not easy-going lamps. It's hard to guarantee that they won't be more careful when Liang Chen leaves like this," Li Xiaobai said.

"This is easy to handle. They dare not refuse to give our brothers face. I will tell them that Tang Neng Yipin will always belong to Boss Ye!"

"Hey, thank you very much."

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