Matters large and small in Gu Yue City were properly arranged.

This place can also be regarded as one of my strongholds. Gu Yue City is under the jurisdiction of Zhenyuan Kingdom. If I want to enter Zhenyuan Kingdom in the future, I can find a way here.

As for the big families, Li Xiaobai is not worried. The disciples of all the families will go to the Holy Demon Sect together with him. In other words, these people are all his hostages. The children were tied up.

I believe Zuo Da and the others will reach an agreement.

Check out the system panel.

Host Li Xiaobai.


The defensive power of the nine-turn indestructible golden body can be advanced at the sixth turn (4800060000).

Attribute point 0.

Skill muscle weakness, 100% hatred, super abdominal muscles, drunken eight immortals, blood demon Yuanhua Tianzun...

The mall is open.

Status Gorefiend Corroded.

Wait until the road to find an opportunity to increase the attribute points, and strive to completely restore the body to normal before arriving at the Holy Demon Sect.

Speaking of which, Xiang Tiandi, the true disciple of the Holy Demon Sect, seems to have been robbed by himself and the sixth senior brother, but Xiang Tiandi's space ring is in the hands of the sixth senior brother, and he is wearing a human skin mask, so he should not be able to find it on his head.

With the three unlucky Zuo Da by his side, evil cultivators outside the city are nothing to worry about.

The trip looks like it's going to go well.

"Old man, do you know old man Tianwu?"

Li Xiaobai approached the old beggar mysteriously and asked.

"Naturally, we know that the old man Tianwu is a rare genius who is rare in a hundred years, and he is an invincible opponent in the world." The old beggar said.

"Is this person still alive?"

"Then who knows, such a master is the best in the past and present, it is not something you and I can guess."

"Wang! Master Ergouzi is also a master of the past and present. Where is Old Tianwu? Ergouzi wants to fight with him!"

Er Gouzi has no eyesight, such an interruption, the topic can't continue, Li Xiaobai thinks this old beggar must be extraordinary, maybe Li Ya's guess is correct, he really found a treasure.


next morning.

After soaking in the bath overnight, the attribute points increased by another two thousand.

It is only 10,000 attribute points away from improving the defense.

After bidding farewell to Grandpa Situ and the old beggar, Li Xiaobai went straight to the gate of the city with the two dogs.

A large number of monks gathered here early in the morning, except for more than 30 disciples who went to the Holy Demon Sect, the rest came to see off and watch the fun, and several Patriarchs were also there.

I don't know what Zuo Da said to them last night, but when they saw Li Xiaobai at this time, their expressions were a little uncomfortable, and they didn't even want to say hello.

"Master Xia, the road is difficult and dangerous, how about going together?"

Wang Ruoxian sat on the compass, floating in the air and chuckled, this is her magic weapon.

"Fairy invites, but Xia flagpole refuses, big brother and third brother, come up, let's go together."

Xia Jian laughed, and threw out a picture scroll, which swelled against the wind, and the three of them rode on it, turned into a flash of light, and left with Wang Ruoxian.

The rest of the cultivators looked enviously at the two of them soaring into the sky. The disciples of this great sect are good, and the magic weapons they throw at random have the effect of flying into the sky and escaping from the earth. Unlike them, they can only hurry along with their cultivation.

"Boy, you don't have a mount or anything, it's embarrassing to walk like this."

Er Gouzi cast a sideways glance at Li Xiaobai and asked.

Li Xiaobai thought about it, and felt that it was time to use a heavy truck. He had never used this reward once. Driving a big truck in a different world has a special flavor.

Flipping the wrist, a giant truck exuding iron and blood appeared in front of everyone.

The width of this truck is at least three meters, the length is more than ten meters, and the height is three meters. It is a real heavy truck, wrapped in iron sheets, steel plates, and guardrails.

In terms of shape alone, it is extremely domineering.

The only fly in the ointment is that this thing consumes a lot of spirit stones.

Heavy-duty trucks can transport 30 tons of goods. The copper-skinned iron armor is extremely strong and consumes one middle-grade spirit stone per kilometer.

Note that there are risks for old drivers on the road, civilized driving, to eliminate road killers, start from me.

The surrounding monks were stunned. They had never seen such a car in their life. It was too domineering, and they could feel the murderous aura emanating from it from a long distance away.

If it was bumped by this big guy, it would be light to be smashed to pieces, which is too scary.

"Wang, boy, you are still hiding such a good product!"

"Boss Ye, this is..."

The head of the Xia family couldn't help asking.

"This is Liangchen's special car, a heavy-duty truck, you can also come up and ride with your disciples."

"Can they all come up?"

"Naturally, I just hope that the Patriarch will not forget what Zuo Da and the others said last night."

"Naturally, Quanzi will trouble Boss Ye."

The Patriarch of the Li family was willing to do one hundred and twenty. He had heard about the gathering last night, and it was his wish that Li Ya could find a backer.

Immediately express his loyalty; "This Tang Neng Yipin belongs to Boss Ye, and no one can take it away. In the future, Li will fully cooperate with Miss Yanyu in managing the store."

"Wang is also..."

"It's the same below..."

"My little girl, I will trouble Boss Ye to worry about it..."

"Why don't you come here quickly, you have met Boss Ye, you are obedient on the road, don't mess around, don't cause trouble, understand?"

"The disciple knows!"

The monks were extremely excited. They were very envious of Xia Jian and Wang Ruoxian's rides. This magical mount was the treasure of the monks. They didn't expect Boss Ye to be willing to take them with him.

And Boss Ye's car is much more domineering than those two before.

What kind of flying sword, what kind of magic weapon, compared with this big truck, they are all weak.

Sure enough, big trucks are a man's romance.

"Come up."

The cargo compartment at the back of the truck was big enough to accommodate the thirty disciples, and it was open-air, so you could enjoy the scenery along the way.

"Hey, thank you, Boss Ye!"

One by one, the monks got on the big truck and sat on both sides. The three evil cultivators also went up. They saw this kind of car for the first time, and they were very curious.

"Woof! Boy, that seat belongs to Mr. Er Gouzi!"

Er Gouzi sneaked into the co-pilot's seat through the window, and it immediately fell in love with this position.

The seat is made of fur, which is very soft and extremely comfortable.

Li Xiaobai opened the door, sat in the driver's seat, put in a few middle-grade spirit stones, started the engine, stepped on the accelerator, the ground trembled, and the truck roared and rushed out.

Many high-ranking family members were even more astonished. This kind of mount, this kind of power, is more terrifying than monsters.

"What is the identity of this boss Ye, to have such a treasure?"

"It's a blessing for our disciples to be able to hitch a ride with him this time!"

"That's right, safety is guaranteed. If you follow Boss Ye, you won't be bullied in the Holy Demon Sect."

"It's just a pity that Tang Neng Yipin, my disciples are all in the hands of Boss Ye, I'm afraid he will leave with peace of mind just because of this..."


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