After all, the chess master sat upright, and said to the empty stone pier on the other side, "How to play this game of chess, please senior draw a way."


The chessboard trembled, and the four characters Blindfold Chess appeared at the corner, you go first.

Just stay for a second and then disappear,

Chess Sacred Heart comprehended, but he didn't pretend, and said in a full-fledged manner, "Thank you, senior!"

"Fourteen, four!"


As soon as the voice landed on the plate, a line of small characters "four, four!"

Chess master "Sixteen, sixteen!"

The small characters on the chessboard manifest "four, sixteen!"

One person, one chessboard is a way to play chess in this way. There are no pieces on the chessboard, and the pieces are only in the heart. Introducing the best landing point, everything was carried out in their minds, and everyone in the field dared not even raise their voices, and all of them involuntarily held their breath and stared at the chessboard.

Li Xiaobai could only understand the first few sentences that the two sides are vying for the star position, followed by a series of fixed formulas such as Xiaofei Gua, Dafeihang, etc., and he didn't know what was going on after that, so he looked around. The monks all had similar expressions, but although they couldn't read it, they couldn't help but look at it.

Obviously there is nothing on the chessboard, but it always feels that the battle is extremely anxious.

No one dared to speak, the field was so silent that even a needle could be heard clearly. As time passed, the chess master's speech became slower and slower. The bean-sized beads of sweat on his forehead slid down his cheeks, and his cheeks were biting. The bulge in his neck, the veins on his neck twitched violently, and his bloodshot eyes stared at the chessboard in front of him, obviously under unimaginable pressure.

Everyone became a little anxious. If all the chess masters were defeated, no one would be able to win this game of chess, and the real cemetery below would not be able to enter.

"Come on Hanako."

Li Xiaobai ignited a Huazi and threw it to the edge of the site. Wisps of smoke drifted into the chess master's nose, and he couldn't help inhaling. In an instant, the old man's stooped back suddenly straightened up. A fiery light burst out.

"Good chess, good chess!"

A gleam of joy appeared on the Chess Master's face, and his sad face instantly relaxed, and his speech speed suddenly picked up.

"Eighteen, two!"

"Seventeen, three!"

Looking at the chess master who improved his chess skills because of an unknown object, everyone's eyes flashed with surprise. What kind of treasure is this? I have never seen it before. Seeing that its burning speed is not slow, it should be once. sex consumables.

"Huh? What's the smell?"

The smoke slowly spread and floated into the noses of many monks present.

The monks just felt refreshed for a while, their internal organs were washed again, and their understanding improved a little. Many confusions on the road of cultivation in the past were solved at this moment.

"What is this, it can actually improve our understanding!"

"Fuck, my comprehension of exercises has reached a new level, but I just stabilized and broke through the bottleneck directly!"

"It's no wonder that senior Chess Master behaved like this. It turned out that it was because of this treasure. What is the background of that young man to possess such a secret treasure? Could it be that he also came from a certain powerful force?"

Everyone's hearts are full of turbulent waves. They can't know what their cultivation base is. This thing can be effective for them. If it is brought into the sect, it may immediately raise the disciples to a higher level!

Blood Soul Purdue Monk and others looked at Li Xiaobai's eyes also changed. At first, they just thought that the other party was a guy doing trouble, but they didn't expect to have such a good product on them. Now, its value is not just because of the abundance of immortal stone resources. up.

If they can get that treasure, it will be a great development for them personally and for the sect they belong to!


"Watching chess without speaking is a real gentleman!"

The old woman at the head reprimanded and said coldly, her eyes glanced at everyone, and the excited noise immediately stopped.

To calm down the restlessness in their hearts, the monks once again cast their eyes on the chess game. Anyway, the young man can't escape here at the moment. Don't rush for a while. After the chess master breaks the game, he will catch the young man and torture him to learn the secret of the treasure. .

But when they looked at the chessboard again, their eyes became astonished again.

I saw that the chess master's face was covered with beads of sweat at the moment, his brows were about to be twisted into a rope, his whole body was trembling uncontrollably, and there was a look of panic in his eyes.

His lips trembled and squirmed for a long while, but it was still a long time before he opened his mouth to say where the next chess piece would fall.

But at this moment, most of the Huazi was only burned and not completely burned.

"What's going on, why do you feel that the chess master is under more pressure with the help of this god?"

"Is this chess game so strong that even an existence like a chess master will be defeated?"

The monks were in an uproar, and could no longer hold back the horror in their hearts. They couldn't see the situation on the chessboard, but the chess master at this moment was obviously in trouble.

"It turns out to be like this, it turns out to be like this!"

"It's not chess at all, it's Yin and Yang!"

"The victory or defeat is decided in the first step. The old man has already lost in the star position in the first step. This game is divided by the pattern, and the old man's pattern is small!"

The chess master muttered to himself, a little lost, not making a move, his eyes were a little dazed, he stood up and bowed to the chessboard.

"It was the younger generation who lost, and the loser was convinced. The grandeur of the senior is not comparable to that of the younger generation who is obsessed with the chessboard."

"It's a blessing to be able to die here and witness the moment when future generations break the game."

The chess master walked to the edge of the stone platform, ready to face death.

"Brother Xiang, what are you doing!"

The old woman screamed in alarm and wanted to take the chess master away.

"Old Xiang, it's just a game of chess, what can't be overwhelmed, can we semi-holy cultivations be killed by a dead man?"

"Let's kill it!"

The old man also hurriedly stepped forward to catch the chess master, and the people in the back looked at the still empty chessboard and inexplicably felt a chill in their hearts.

It's too appalling.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe it when they told it.

"Look, the hook on the ancient building has moved!"

A monk pointed to the front and shouted, only to see a light blue light flickering directly in front of him, and a silver hook shot towards the position of the chess master as if it had life.

"Damn it, I'm fascinated, always avoid it!"

With a shake of his hand, the old man directly threw out the chess master who was in a state of confusion, and a writing brush in his hand manifested in the void and wrote a big character to hold the hook.

"Hey, want to hook my brother's soul? Fuck it!"

The old woman shouted angrily, and a pair of knives in her hands slashed out several cold lights, chopping the silver hook into pieces.

But the next scene made everyone's hair stand on end in shock. One hook was gone, in exchange for dozens or hundreds of hooks slowly rising and swaying in the void, as if they were looking for their favorite target.

The old man said in amazement, "My good fellow, no wonder you can kill a half-saint, this is a hornet's nest!"

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