Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 942 Stop Pretending, I Am A Little Chess Master Showdown

"This entire ancient building is a magic weapon, which is specially used to seduce souls and kill people. The loser of the game will have their lives taken away, and they will never die!"

"But we have three semi-saints here, so it's not too difficult to block these silver hooks, right?"

"The state of the chess master is wrong. Only the second elder can retreat from the enemy. The goal of the silver hook is that the chess master should not affect us, right?"

The monks burst into commotion.

"With this level of intensity, it's always food delivery, behead!"

The old woman's eyes flickered fiercely, and she slashed with two knives in her hands. The light of the knives pierced the sky and shattered dozens of silver hooks that came from it.

"Hurry up and escort Lao Xiang away!"

The old man shouted, but before he could finish his words, countless hooks and locks suddenly rose from all directions, shooting at the chess master who had fallen on the edge of the stone platform.

"Puff puff!"

There are so many silver hooks that it is impossible to guard against them. Except for the two semi-sage old men, no one dares to intervene in them. The only thing that is almost unobstructed is to pass through their bodies, hoist them and slowly return them to the ancient building. The edge of the third layer joins the army of corpses.

"Brother Xiang!"

"Old Xiang!"

The two roared angrily and wanted to rush over to save others, but they were separated by an invisible force and retreated steadily.


"This thing is a little fierce, and the quantity is too much. If it is placed outside, it will definitely be a big killer."

Liu Jinshui sighed.

"It's a pity that this chess master is gone, he is a good old man."

Li Xiaobai looked at the dying old man covered in blood who was hanging in the air, and with a sigh of emotion, he flipped his wrist and took out a talisman.



After a few quick operations in the mall, a giant beast crashed to the ground.


Godzilla let out a terrifying roar, his power was astonishing, this is Godzilla from the fairyland, and he spent 10 million top-grade fairy stones, but Li Xiaobai didn't feel at a loss, for no other reason, since this silver hook can kill the godzilla in the semi-holy realm Master, the damage caused must be huge. Godzilla has the characteristic of converting damage into attribute points to feed back to the host. It is perfect to use it to exchange chess masters at this moment.

"Fuck, what kind of monster is this, little brother, what are you going to do?"

Liu Jinshui exclaimed, not understanding what the other party was thinking, did he make such a big noise at this juncture because he thought he was not ostentatious enough?

The monks on the side also looked sideways. The appearance of this Godzilla is good, and it is not difficult to judge from the breath that it is a fairyland. The most important thing is that none of the people present have seen this kind of giant beast. What did the young man want to do when he let him out.

"Here, switch places with him."

Li Xiaobai ignored the questioning gazes around him, and handed the transposition in his hand to Godzilla. Godzilla nodded, and the brilliance flowed around him with a pinch of the rune, and instantly exchanged places with the old man nailed to the air. On the stone platform, an old figure emerged from it. The flesh was riddled with holes and covered in blood, and a ferocious, fat giant steel beast was suspended in the air.

This wave of operations is in place, and the silver hooks have not changed. Obviously, this kind of gameplay does not violate their rules.

"Brother Xiang!"

Seeing this scene, the old woman couldn't care less about being surprised, and rushed forward to take out the pill and feed it to the Chess Master. The physical injuries quickly recovered. These were just flesh wounds, which looked scary but were far from hurting the foundation.

"Old Xiang!"

The old man also came up to check his injuries anxiously. The Chess Master did not suffer fatal injuries, but he suffered a great blow mentally. The chess game just now made him unable to get out of his confusion. It may take a long time for him to recover on his own. .

"Thank you for saving my life, little friend. If you encounter trouble in the Southern Continent in the future, you can come to Enlightenment Peak to find our brothers and sisters!"

"That's right, my little friend is able to save the Chess Master. You are truly a talent from the sky. If you have difficulties in the future, just speak up, and everyone in the world will give me Wu Daofeng a face!"

"Everyone, thank you for your attention. However, I have more energy than energy. I am not the opponent of the owner of the tomb. Brother Xiang is injured and I can't wait for a long time, so I left first."

The two old men cupped their fists and thanked the monks, then set up the chess master and turned to leave.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, a generation of chess grandmasters were defeated so simply and neatly, if not for that young man who rescued him, he would have become a corpse hanging on the attic just like his predecessors at this moment.

But having said that, the young man's single-handed operation just now really amazed them. Not only did he release a weird monster that they didn't even know, but he also exchanged the positions of the two parties with a strange talisman. This is not something ordinary geniuses can do. to things.

Master Purdue narrowed his glasses, and looked at Li Xiaobai meaningfully: "Amitabha, my little friend really has a lot of treasures on him, you must be from a famous family, right?"

"Hehe, no matter what his background is, he is nothing in front of the blood demon sect, the leader of my demonic way. Boy, hand over your secrets, and I will spare you!"

Blood Soul sneered, and two fiery rays of light shot out of his eyes, staring at Li Xiaobai closely, now it's up to them to say that Ban Sheng leaves the Changzhong.

Li Xiaobai's heart was in a daze. The two semi-sacred elders just said to cover him with their front feet, but they ran away with their back feet. Did they forget something? I wonder if he is in a big crisis at this moment? This is too unreliable.

"Seniors, could it be that you have forgotten that you saved the senior Chess Sage just below, and if you hurt the seniors at Wu Dao Peak, I'm afraid you won't agree."

Li Xiaobai said calmly and coldly.

The blood soul laughed strangely, a blood-colored heart suddenly appeared behind him, and countless tentacles danced in the void. "Hehe, Senior Xiang and others have already left. I want to see who can protect you!"

"Blood Demon Heart!"

Li Xiaobai was startled, he knew exactly how much danger he was facing when this familiar skill appeared on the opposite side.


"I'll see who dares to move!"

Wucheng Jue Leng snorted, a small and exquisite ice silkworm appeared in the void, the air of ice swept across, and the whole ancient building was instantly covered by a layer of ice and snow and turned into an ice sculpture.

"The ice silkworm is in your hands!"

The monks were amazed, they all participated in the ice silkworm competition, but they returned in vain, but they never thought that they would see it in the hands of this iceberg beauty at this moment, so the other party got the ice silkworm as soon as they came to the big grave up?

Master Purdue clasped his hands together and said, "Amitabha, Master Wu, as a member of the Eastern Continent's law enforcement team, do you really want to protect this evil heretic? If the old man and the others rise up and attack, today will definitely produce evil people!"

Wuchengjue remained expressionless, "You try."

On the stone platform on the top floor, the atmosphere was tense, this place was weird, no one dared to fight but just confronted each other, if this ancient building was annoyed, they might all suffer disaster.

Seeing the anxious atmosphere of the crowd, Li Xiaobai and Liu Jinshui looked at each other, they both understood each other's intentions, this dance city is very interesting, but it's a pity that if they are weak in a fight, they have to find another way. Nature is still on the chessboard.

Li Xiaobai "At first I wanted to get along with you as ordinary people, but I didn't expect that in exchange, I was really alienated. I stopped pretending. In fact, I have been walking in the rivers and lakes for the past few years. People are called little chess masters. I have dabbled in this chess, so let me play too. How about one hand?"

Liu Jinshui echoed from the side, "Yes, yes, I am famous for being very clever from ten miles and eight villages. Even I can't beat him. This little chess master deserves his name. If you seniors kill him I'm afraid I won't be able to enter the real tomb in this life."

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