"Amitabha, the poor monk doesn't want to use force, so I ask the benefactor to cooperate."

The silent monk said lightly.

"Noisy, let's see how this old man breaks off your bald head and kicks it like a ball!"

The little laodi volleyed a palm, and the yin and yang energy in his body manifested, and a huge Tai Chi map enveloped the entire city to suppress the murderous monk in front of him.

"The benefactor's painstaking cultivation of yin and yang seems to be a little out of balance. The killing intent is too strong, and the yin is flourishing and the yang is declining. The poor monk advises the benefactor if he is willing to be weird. My Buddhist sect can eliminate hidden dangers once and for all through the careful adjustment of Buddhism."

Monk Wuyan held his Zen stick in his hand, and a golden yin and yang diagram circulated, covering the entire city from bottom to top, blocking the black and white Tai Chi diagram evolved by Xiaolaodi.

"If you talk about murderous intentions, who can compare to you, a monk who kills, look at your crime value, you have killed a lot recently!"

"The ranking on the villain list is almost catching up with the old man, you are the one who is too murderous!"

Xiao Laodi said in a cold voice, the yin and yang diagram in the void turned into two auras, one black and one white, poured into his hands, a pair of fist marks flew out and blasted towards Wuyan, the mountains cracked inch by inch, the gravel rolled, and for a short time During the fight, the ground was sunk several times, and the ground under everyone's feet was already sunken in a bad shape, and even the entrance of the big tomb could not be distinguished.


The two fought against each other in a group, their figures and skills were flickering, and sometimes they collided to produce powerful aura fluctuations, but sometimes there was no aftermath, and their figures kept changing between nothingness and reality It also makes the skills and moves mysterious and unpredictable.

This is the use of entering the void with the body, and it is a skill exclusive to the strong in the holy realm.

Many monks below all looked terrified, the offensive of the strong men in the holy realm enveloped the entire city, if there was a fight, how could they die?

"Why can't I count the crimes of these two seniors? Junior brother, please help me to see how many zeros are there on top of their heads?"

Liu Jinshui looked at the two fighting in the void, rubbed his eyes and asked, he was also curious about how much crimes the two big villains, number three and number four, had accumulated.

"Three hundred million! The evil value on the little brother's body is three hundred million!"

"Kill less monks, it should be 280 million!"

Li Xiaobai's heart was shaken when he saw it, and he was dazzled by the series of zero-watchers. At this moment, he finally understood why the master of the Sword Sect, Ying Diao, had tens of millions of evil points and finally only ranked in the thousandth place.

The number at the top of the villain list has exceeded 100 million, which is really terrifying, how many people have to be killed!

The third place Xiaolaodi already carried 300 million crime points on his body. It is hard to imagine how much crime the blood god son ranked first and Beichen Feng who ranked second were carrying.

"Damn it, isn't it so much, Fatty, I have only saved hundreds of thousands of crime points after busying myself, how did they do it?"

Liu Jinshui was horrified, this level of evil value can no longer be accumulated by simply killing people, the one who kills must be a master who also has a large amount of evil value, and it can only be achieved by passing the crime on to himself. Killed a monk of the same rank!

"Little Emperor, you don't need to worry about it, you will take down the evil heretics as soon as possible!"

The killing monk on the sky had no words to avoid Xiao Laodi's sharp edge and said to the semi-holy monks below.


"Follow Master's instruction!"

"Evil heretics, punish them!"

Several eminent monks did not dare to be negligent, and jointly took action to take down Li Xiaobai and others.

"Transformation Immortal!"

"Stop everything, old man! If there are any small moves, wait until the old man finishes beating!"

The little laodi shouted loudly, and the yin-yang diagram covering his body was running at high speed. The black air slowly dissipated, and finally only the white fairy air flowed. In the sea of ​​breath, it feels like the body is soaked in the mud, and it is difficult to move.

The power of faith disappeared at this moment. This is the domain, birth and semi-holy realm, which has always accompanied the growth of monks.

"This is the realm of Xiaolaodi's cultivation technique, Immortal Demon Transformation!"

"He can freely control the transformation of the two spirits of immortality and devil. Fortunately, it is immortal light. If it is transformed into black light, we will only have a dead end!"

Several semi-holy monks were shocked, the domain is like an extension of human limbs, in their own domain they are gods and can manipulate anything at will.

The other Celestial Wonderlands didn't dare to move at will. This level of fighting has already exceeded their cognition.

"Hmph! Even if you have a small skill, you dare to fight with an axe, look at me, a mighty Tianlong!"

Monk Wuyan waved his Zen stick in his hand and shouted angrily. A golden dragon shadow rushed out from behind him. A golden Buddha character on the center of the dragon shadow's eyebrows shone brightly with a breathtaking light. Scatter most of the fairy light.

"The power of faith is useless to this old man, look at your grandpa's Immortal Transformation Fist!"

The little guy screamed strangely, squeezed his fist seal to continue to evolve, and collided fiercely with the golden dragon, punching through the golden dragon's eyebrows and crushing the Buddha seal, the fairy light field ate away at the silent monk's golden Buddha light, with a comprehensive suppressed tendency.

"Amitabha, look at the mantra of the poor monk!"

"World Honored One Ksitigarbha!"

"Prajna Buddhas!"

"Prajna Bakong!"

Monk Wuyan was startled, and muttering something, a phantom of a Buddha covered in golden shackles appeared in the void, pointing at Xiao Laodi, and countless golden chains swept towards him, wanting to nail him Die in the void.

At the same time, the golden dragon shadow that had been pierced through the head came back to life again, and opened its bloody mouth to swallow Xiaolaodi.

"What are you waiting for, the little laodi has been dragged by the poor monk, get him quickly!"

The silent monk shouted angrily, looking at the Buddhist eminent monks who dared not make any changes below, he felt a little bit of hatred for iron.


"Take it!"

Several semi-holy masters reacted, and hurriedly stretched out a giant golden Buddha hand and shrouded it in Li Xiaobai's direction.

"Thousands of miles forward talisman!"

"Five Elements Earth Escape Talisman!"

"I rely on it, or can't it be used?"

The two of them used all kinds of runes indiscriminately, but the void was fixed and could not be used. When they couldn't dodge, they were directly held in the palms of semi-sage masters and thrown aside.

Attribute points + two million...

The values ​​on the system attribute panel are jumping, and the power of the means used by the semi-saint powerhouse is extraordinary, and the power of the powerhouse that can be done casually has faintly surpassed the power of the powerhouse in the fairyland.

Li Xiaobai's body surface was showing a tendency to crack, so he hurriedly took out a handful of Tianxiang Life-Extending Pill and stuffed it into his mouth, and the injury quickly healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Brother, are you alright?"

"It's okay, small problem."

Liu Jinshui responded, just now he took out a stack of strangely shaped talismans to reduce a lot of its power, at this moment he only suffered some minor injuries and it doesn't matter.

"Made, that old man didn't break the restriction in the void for us, it's unreliable!"

Er Gouzi said angrily.

Li Xiaobai glanced at it, no matter how unreliable it is, how unreliable are you?

This broken dog directly used the two of them as a shield just now, and hid behind unscathed, and now he still has the face to jump out and make sarcastic remarks.

"Senior, you forgot to untie the trapped void!"

Li Xiaobai shouted loudly.

In the sky, Emperor Xiaolao slapped the golden dragon's head away, touched his nose and said embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, I'm too busy beating bald donkeys, so I forgot about this, I'll definitely do it next time!"

Li Xiaobai "..."

Liu Jinshui "..."

Er Gouzi "..."

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