"Wang! I am a disciple of Buddha, how can you treat me like this!"

Er Gouzi struggled, punched and kicked, in exchange for some delay.

"Amitabha, be quiet!"

The leading monk flicked his fingers, and a white light sank into the center of its brows. Er Gouzi calmed down instantly, his eyes were blurred and a little dazed, needless to say, he was being saved.

Just now the monk directly injected the power of faith into Er Gouzi's body, and forcibly transformed it, without even reciting the six-character mantra, which was too overbearing.

"Take it away now!"

A few monks acted decisively and took away the remaining monks in the Heavenly Wonderland on the mountain. Blood Soul and the others wanted to resist, but a semi-holy master pointed at the eyebrows, and the power of faith swept the whole body. His eyes gradually became trance stand up.

"No fish slipped through the net, hurry back to Arhat Hall, don't waste time, the battle between the holy realms is not for us to intervene!"

The figures of the half-sages flickered, and disappeared on the mountain with a few ups and downs of many Buddhist disciples in the heavenly fairyland.

In the sky, Xiaolaodi's immortal light was scattered all over his body, as if he didn't want money, he fought more and more courageously, and the silent monk became more and more frightened as he fought, he actually felt a feeling of being suppressed.

The strength of the person in front of him seems to have become stronger again, and he can be overwhelmed by just a ray of immortal light from the fairy demon transformation, without even needing to be demonized.

"Amitabha, the Transformation of Immortals and Demons is indeed a self-created technique, and it is not disturbed by the power of the poor monk's belief at all, admiration!"

"Today, the poor monk has caught those evil spirits. God has the virtue of being good at life. Considering that you are old and difficult to cultivate, I let you live. I hope you can seize this opportunity, change your mind in the future, and be a good person. Self mistake!"

Monk Wuyan waved his Zen staff, and the image of tigers roaring and dragons singing in the sky disappeared immediately, and he left in the air after dropping a word in a calm manner.

"Made, run away if you can't beat the old man, what a wretched woman!"

The little laodi spat, he couldn't stop the masters of the same level who wanted to run away, and it was the territory of the Buddha Kingdom, which was even more dangerous, even if he stepped into it rashly, he couldn't get away unscathed.

Looking at the empty mountains, his face was a little uneasy, "Those juniors were all taken away, and the old man's wisdom was destroyed in one day. There are many dangers in the Buddhist kingdom, and it is impossible to go. I heard that Li Xiaobai is the Eastern Continent." A member of the law enforcement team, just take this opportunity to meet the Beichen wind, let your family members save you!"

After all, the old figure melted into the void and disappeared.

After a few breaths.

On the mountain, in a remote corner, a small soil bag was suddenly covered with a layer of frost and shattered, and a phantom in a beautiful skirt floated out holding a blue paper umbrella, breathing a cold air from his mouth.

"I didn't expect Killing Monk Wuyan to do it himself. Even Xiao Laodi couldn't protect Li Xiaobai. I have to go back to the Eastern Continent to report this matter to the rudder master, and let him decide."

"It's been an eventful season recently. The semi-holy and holy realms are walking around like cabbage, but I should be able to reach that point when I refine the chilling cicada. Let's discuss the matter of Li Xiaobai in the long run. There is no unparalleled road, so let's slip away!"

Wu Chengjue stared at the direction where everyone left and muttered to himself, finally turned around and walked towards the beach with lotus steps.

A dispute caused by the big tomb came to an end.


At the same time, on the other side.

Inside the Daleiyin Temple, in the Arhat Hall.

Li Xiaobai and others were personally escorted into a secret room by several eminent monks, surrounded by stone walls, and the room was empty. They were also thrown in together with Xuehun and other experts from the fairyland. , eyes a little blurred.

They have been eroded by the power of belief, and they are now in the stage of gradually assimilating their thinking, and they will be no different from ordinary people when they are completely assimilated.

"It's the first time Fatty has suffered this kind of crime in such a big age!"

Liu Jinshui muttered, even when he was brought from the Fairy Continent to the Zhongyuan Realm, he was treated with respect and courtesy, where did he suffer from this kind of crime?

"The space here is also locked."

Li Xiaobai shook the talisman in his hand and said.

"This Arhat Hall is basically the thugs of Daleiyin Temple, junior brother, I think we are in danger today."

"I'm sorry that Mr. Liu is about to die in Buddhism before he finds a daughter-in-law, but if you want to say it's miserable, it's still miserable for you, little junior brother. You will make your younger siblings widowed not long after you get married. Hey, do you think younger siblings will remarry in the future? She If you have a child in the future, who will it be?"

Liu Jinshui turned on the chatterbox attribute and chattered endlessly. Li Xiaobai knew that there was no way for him to escape from ascending to heaven, so he wanted to divert his attention in this way to calm himself down.

"Brother, don't be so flustered. There are still many nuns in this Buddhist sect. When the time comes, my younger brother will check for you and you will be able to find a good relationship before you die."

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully.

"Junior brother, brother is just enlivening the atmosphere, I know you must have a way to escape, so hurry up and take it out while there is no one else, let's slip away!"

Liu Jinshui leaned over to Li Xiaobai's side and said viciously.


The iron door of the secret room was opened, and several monks stepped in. The leader was an old monk, who was a bit bloated with a big belly, and Killing Monk Wuyan followed closely behind with a few young disciples.

Seeing this, Liu Jinshui immediately kept quiet and said nothing, but gave Li Xiaobai a look that you understand.


"Old Na Wuyuzi, the abbot of Daleiyin Temple, I have met all the benefactors!"

The old monk uttered the Buddha's name and sat on the ground. His voice was very penetrating, and occasionally there was a faint white light flowing between his words, which was the power of faith.

In an instant, Li Xiaobai made a judgment. The old monk's speech was mixed with the power of faith, and everyone who listened to his words was baptized by the power of faith, which was gradually reduced as the conversation deepened.

After hearing the old monk's words, the blood soul with dull eyes suddenly burst into two eyes, and there was a trace of fanaticism on his face.

"Buddha, are you safe?"

The old monk was very kind, and greeted Er Gouzi quite naturally.

"Amitabha, Wuhu has met Master Abbot!"

Er Gouzi stood up and paid respects, his appearance was a bit funny.

At the moment of this chat, Li Xiaobai felt his elbow being touched by someone, and glanced at him without any trace, and found that the other person's gaze was fixed on the front, with some doubts in his heart, he followed his gaze and looked forward , the body trembled suddenly.

He saw an old acquaintance.

In the row of monks standing next to Killing Monk Wuyan, he suddenly found a familiar face, forgetting the little monk!

This little monk who had a relationship in the Fairy Continent before now unexpectedly appeared in Daleiyin Temple and stood in front of him!

How did he get here?

And why does it appear here?

As if sensing Li Xiaobai's eyes, Liao Wang raised his head slightly, blinked his eyes quickly for a brief moment, and then lowered his head again as if he didn't recognize Li Xiaobai at all.

Li Xiaobai and Liu Jinshui looked at each other, they both saw what each other was thinking.

Forget that they have not been saved, they have a way out!

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