"Junior brother, I didn't expect you to be a famous figure outside. How many people are there in our villain gang now?"

Liu Jinshui looked at Li Xiaobai with surprise in his eyes and asked. He thought that the villain gang was just created by the juniors to play casually. He didn't expect it to become bigger and even have the power of faith. This is a sign of becoming a patriarch of the school. what!

"Hehe, my little brother is now the master of the second peak of Jianzong. If you count the monks on the entire mountain, there are probably only a million people."

Li Xiaobai laughed.

"It's nothing to say, good brothers are blessed to share, and after going out, I will go to you as a brother!"

Liu Jinshui said resolutely, the junior brother has become the king of the mountain, thinking about the crooked melons and dates under his hands, he instantly feels that the super sect is not good.

Li Xiaobai said, "What if there are difficulties?"

Liu Jinshui: "We're just carrying it together now. You can't trust your brother's character, it's all right! You can just give me the title of Second Great King later on, and we can also enjoy the feeling of being the ancestor of a mountain."

"Wang, this Buddha is the second great king, you can be my younger brother."

Er Gouzi grinned and said, he never expected that the second peak would undergo earth-shaking changes after leaving Jianzong for so long. From this point of view, even if he is no longer Buddhist, he can still return to Jianzong to call for the wind and rain, and tens of thousands of people admire him at the foot of the mountain I feel excited just thinking about the situation.

"A twenty-five-year-old boy also wants to be king?"

Liu Jinshui kicked him away with a look of disdain.

"May I ask how to use this power of faith?"

Li Xiaobai looked at Wang Wenwen, and Wuyuzi's skill of mixing the power of faith into words made him yearn for it. If he could master it, Huazi would not be needed, and he could turn Buddhist believers into His followers.

"This little monk doesn't know either, but there are similar books that can be borrowed in the Sutra Library. If there is a chance in the future, the little monk will copy a copy for Li benefactor."

Liao Wang said that his cultivation base is relatively weak, and the power of faith is too far away for him, and he will only be able to teach relevant knowledge after practicing for a while.


Several people chatted one after another, and soon walked out of the shoulder area and entered the head space of the Buddha. In fact, it is not a bad idea to put the altar on the shoulder floor, and the half saints are practicing in seclusion. No one paid any attention to them at all.

However, just to be on the safe side, Li Xiaobai decided to place it in the territory of those two old seniors. Come here and believe that they won't say anything.

"Several benefactors, the front convenience is the first floor of the Buddha's head, and it is also the highest floor in the entire pagoda, where the strong in the holy realm are detained."

Forgot to speak.

Several people stepped into it, and in just a moment, a huge pressure like a mountain suddenly hit, their steps stopped involuntarily, and their breathing became a little heavy.

The restriction on this level is more severe than the lower level, not only imprisoning the cultivation base, but also suppressing most of the strength of the physical body. This pressure comes from the strong power of immortality in the tower, and the power of immortality on this level is rich It was sticky, tightly wrapped around the monk, and every move was like walking in the mud, and he encountered great resistance invisibly.

Attribute points +50000...

Attribute points +50000...

Attribute points +50000...

The value jumping on the system panel, a wave of 50,000 increases, is nothing to him who has the system, but it takes some time for monks who have just stepped into this environment to get used to it.

"Good guy, the immortal essence in this place is as viscous as it is materialized. It's really a treasure land for cultivation! It's a pity that the power of faith here is also strong. If you really let go of the cultivation, I'm afraid it will be destroyed within a few breaths." scaled up."

Liu Jinshui sighed, the good things were close in front of his eyes, but he could only look at them but not touch them, and felt a little itchy and uncomfortable.

"Wang, boy, help me, this place is very evil!"

Er Gouzi was crushed to the ground and could not move, so he had to ask Li Xiaobai for help.

"It's useless to have merit alone, you have to have cultivation."

Li Xiaobai slid it up and looked at the surrounding environment.

Generally speaking, there is not much difference from the lower floors. The only difference is that the head space of the Buddha is slightly smaller, there are not so many rooms, and the head of the Buddha has several small layers, one for the mouth and one for the nose. , the eye level is still connected by steps.

At the moment they are standing at the mouth, they should be near Yidilan's residence.

"Who is here, and that old bastard Wuyuzi can't ask someone to tell you? Next time, let him come over and talk to the old man himself if he has anything to say!"

The familiar old voice sounded a little impatient.

"Amitabha, I'm reporting to seniors. The monk brought a few special prisoners and wanted to settle on this floor. Seniors, please don't mind."

Liao forgot to say the Buddha's name.

"Huh? Special prisoners?"

"Let the old man see which god you captured?"

The old voice was full of surprise, and in the next second, a skinny old man walked out of a cave with a cane.

"As soon as I mentioned Senior Basket, we met again."

Li Xiaobai greeted with a smile.

"It's you?"

"However, after a few days, they actually came in. It's a pity, if you had come down with a rope back then, Mr. Lan might be able to save you now. Now you can only die here!"

Looking at Li Xiaobai's appearance as soon as he lifted the basket, there was a bit of schadenfreude in his tone, making this ignorant young man feel what despair is, and he will know what a wrong decision it was not to throw the rope back then.

However, when his eyes turned to the remaining few people, he was stunned.

"You forget little master?"

"Are you Master Wuhu?"

"Why are you all in here?"

"The next time you agreed to come up and bring the old man a rope?"

When he mentioned it, his face was full of disbelief. He had been waiting for a few geniuses to come up again to pull them out. As a result, none of these geniuses had entered the pagoda and stood in front of his eyes. He!

"Wang, old man, I have a rope."

Er Gouzi threw a bundle of ropes and said.

"There is no one outside, who will pull the old man?"

As soon as he mentioned the basket, his face was full of disgust, and the chance of escape was cut off, which made him feel quite depressed.

Liao Wang smiled and said, "Senior, we don't dare to act rashly as Buddhist disciples. Next time, I can bring you some chicken legs. A few days ago, I saw Master Purdue secretly eating chicken, so I turned around and asked him for some."

"Hmph, you still have the heart, unlike these wastes who aborted the old man's escape plan before it even started."

His face was very dark when he mentioned the basket, he just wanted to be quiet now.

"Several benefactors, you can find a living room as you like. The brothers are still waiting outside, so the little monk will leave first."

Liao forgot to say a Buddha's name and left in a hurry.

Li Xiaobai and the others looked at each other, the old man in front of him was really a snobbish person, when they were useful, they kept talking and flicking, but now that they were arrested, they immediately changed their faces and ignored them.

At this time, another old voice came from above, "Downstairs, what happened, who are you talking to?"

Listening to the voice is Yan Zuzi.

"It's none of your business, just sleep well!"

Lifting the basket and cursing, he limped into his cave with a cane.

The person upstairs was not happy. "Made, dare to stand on the tank with your master Yan, and wait for Master Yan to come down to clean up you!"

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