The pagoda, the first floor.

The group settled down, and neither of the two or a dog was in a hurry to use the altar to leave, and wandered around in the pagoda with their own thoughts.

The eyes of Liu Jinshui and Er Gouzi have never been idle since they entered the pagoda. Every time they pass by a layer of small eyes, they are full of hot light. Most of the monks here are in the state of being saved, and they are a little confused. Confused and muddled, using their abilities to fool them and make them obediently hand over some resources is something that can be easily grasped.

Naturally, such a good business opportunity cannot be missed.

Li Xiaobai did not act with them. The monks who entered the pagoda must have been raided by Buddhist monks. Even if there is still some oil and water left on their bodies, it is pitiful. It is difficult to find anything good, but Senior Brother Liu and Er Gouzi are eager to think. He didn't stop him from asking for the money back.

Alone, he came to Yidiba's residence, and at this moment, another old man appeared in this stone room, and it was Yan Zuzi who was dressed in a white coat with a sense of immortality.

The two old men sat cross-legged, facing Li Xiaobai with six eyes, and the atmosphere in the field seemed a little weird.

"Senior Yan Zuzi, do you remember this junior?"

Li Xiaobai laughed.

"Remember, a few days ago you threw a firecracker on the old man's head, how majestic and majestic it was at that time, now, why don't you try pulling another one?"

As soon as he picked up the basket and stared, he looked furious, he was full of anger and urgently needed to find a place to release it.

"Isn't that junior wanting to see the true faces of the two seniors? Please don't take offense."

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully.

"How did you get in? Could it be that the old man's escape plan was discovered by Wuyuzi, so he sent you all in?"

Yan Zuzi's face was full of disappointment, he still hoped that Er Gouzi would come up again to pull them up, why did these promising young people all come in within a few days?

"Recently, the luck is not good. I offended Buddhism and was sent to be imprisoned. The two seniors will wait for the next fateful person."

Li Xiaobai sighed.

"Recently, the juniors are really getting more and more unfulfilling. The group is being copied. Who can trap me when I was an old man and a teenager? You young people are still too young."

He said with a displeased face, no one understands how difficult it is to wait for the next monk who has climbed to the height of the Buddha's eyes and is not yet a Buddhist believer. If it was so easy to meet them, they would have gone out long ago.

"Is this pagoda really an unsolvable existence with no way out?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"The way out lies in the Buddha's eyes. Just pull people out from the outside. It's very simple. The difficulty is that this is the Daleiyin Temple. Those who can climb here are Buddhist monks. Foreign talents like you have almost never After reaching such heights, there are occasional unworldly geniuses who appear but are quickly transformed by Duren Lai, but it is only a flash in the pan."

Yan Zuzi said that the level of the head completely suppresses the strength of cultivation and physical strength, and there are restrictions on the stone wall that cannot be climbed.

If you want to get out, you can only get out through the gaps in the Buddha's body. It is not difficult to say that it is difficult, but no one can come up to pull them. Poor people, how can we talk about saving lives?

"What about the downstairs? There seems to be no restriction on cultivation in the three levels of the Immortal Realm. Why don't the two seniors stay below?" Li Xiaobai continued to ask.

"What's the use of going down? This Buddha's golden body has already become a climate. Even if the old man returns to his peak state, he will be suppressed in this head space. The pagoda has existed for thousands of years, and it has already accumulated a large amount of power of faith. It has become stronger and stronger. It is as unshakable as a rock!"

He said depressedly.

"This pagoda was built by the Buddhist sect with all its resources and eminent monks together more than a thousand years ago. In the early years, it was nothing but a place to detain criminals. However, with the passage of time, the power of faith in this pagoda has accumulated There are more and more stupas, and the stupa is getting stronger and stronger, and it is no longer something that can be broken by human power."

"Moreover, there are only three holes in the entire Buddha, the eyes, nose and mouth, to see the outside world. The old man must guard here all the time, not letting go of every monk who climbs up."

Yan Zuzi explained.

Perhaps it was because they had been trapped for too long. Although the two old men were in a depressed mood, they still chatted endlessly, knowing everything.

"How long did the two seniors live in the pagoda?"

"I can't remember. It's been too long. It was originally counted by Xiaolanzi, but he forgot about it."

Yan Zuzi complained.

"Fart, it's clear that you are the old man who counted. The old man remembers very clearly that you were the one who reported the number in the past few years, but in the end you did not report it!"

When he mentioned the basket, he said angrily.

Yan Zuzi was full of disdain, "It's nonsense. In the 120th year, who suddenly went mad and asked the monks in the entire pagoda to celebrate your birthday?"

"Bastard, that's because in the one hundred and nineteenth year, you asked the abbot for a black-bone chicken on the grounds of your birthday, and even ate it secretly by yourself!"

When he mentioned the basket, he flew into a rage.

"Hmph, if it wasn't because you insisted on holding a banquet in the pagoda and let the monks on the fifth floor collectively celebrate your birthday, maybe the old man would still ask the abbot and abbot for a roast chicken to eat!"

Yan Zuzi snorted coldly.

"Uh... so Abbot Wuyuzi and the two seniors are monks of the same age?"

Li Xiaobai was a little speechless in his heart, but it was better to cross-examine what should be asked.

"Of course not. How can a rising star in the new holy realm live to the age of this old man? My life is as long as the sky, only a hundred or two hundred years younger than the age of this pagoda. During this period, the abbot of Daleiyin Temple changed. How many."

The two old men said lightly, they expressed their disdain from the bottom of their hearts for today's masters in the holy realm.

"That's how it is. I once climbed the ladder to the end, and saw the handwriting left by the two predecessors. The Buddhist ladder is only to continue the second half of the ladder on the sky. I don't know what the second half of the ladder is? Is this senior familiar with Immortal Hunyuan and Beichen Feng?"

Li Xiaobai threw out a big news, which is the question he is most curious about. The end of the ladder seems to be a brand new world, which is hard to reach.

"Boy, how could you reach the end of the people's ladder? Who did you hear about this?"

As expected, the eyes of Yan Zuzi and Yi Tilan suddenly narrowed as soon as these words came out, revealing a trace of ruthlessness and scrutiny.

"The younger generation saw it with their own eyes."

Li Xiaobai will tell what he saw and heard on the ladder, hoping to get some answers.

"Impossible, a mere fairyland dares to speak so brazenly. Who taught you what you said just now? Did you, that old bald donkey Wuyuzi, send you here to spy on me!"

As soon as he lifted the basket, he became irritable. A junior who can climb to the head of a Buddha statue is already a peerless genius. How can he climb to the section above the sky?

Yanzuzi frowned slightly, "That's not right, I remember that Wuyuzi has no ability to go to the end, little friend, in which ancient book did you read those words just now?"

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