Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 969 Self-Improvement Little Girl

"Mr. Li, the Celestial Sect is stationed in the Bodhi Temple ten miles outside the city. They are vassals of the Buddhist sect. The monks in the Bodhi Temple have defected and joined the Zhongyuan Realm."

An old man at the city gate told him that he was surprised to learn Li Xiaobai's identity.

"There are rumors that they are catching children for experiments, testing new methods, and want to take a different path."

"Master Xuanku wanted to stop it, but was finally suppressed."

Another monk said that when he came back from outside the city, he had witnessed the kidnapping of monks in a village.

It is understood that this new method was proposed by the Buddhist master Tianxuan, but the Buddhist monk Cherishing Feather did not want to end it in person, so he asked the Tianshen Sect to implement it on his behalf.

This is a desperate plan to destroy the hope of the future of West Desert.

"If they succeed, there will be no future for West Desert. The moment they tear up their disguise, the entire continent will be turned into a slaughterhouse."

"These traitors should really be sent to the execution ground. It's a pity that there is no one who can be a referee in this world."

The old man said with a faint sigh, facing this kind of predicament, they are also powerless, the difference in cultivation base is too big to contend with.

"The boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge."

"Thank you both for letting me know."

Li Xiaobai nodded, and urged the golden chariot under his feet to drive out of the city.

The land of Ten Thousand Buddhas is very large, and it is a country composed of Buddhist temples. This Bodhi Temple is located on a wasteland ten miles away from the main city. There is a huge golden Buddha statue in front of the temple, and the body surface can be seen from a long distance away. The golden light emitted, the whole body is gilded, and the power of faith is faintly entangled on it. The monks in Ximo do not practice the power of faith. This Buddha should have been built recently.

"It seems that there is an inseparable connection between the God Sect and Buddhism, and it seems that the practice also has the power of faith."

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself, driving slowly along the official road, the exiled people on the side of the road gradually thinned out, they could not make a living in the wasteland, they could only gather in the city and wait for help.

In response to the old saying, the wine and meat of rich families stink, and the road is frozen to death.

"Gululu, Gululu!"

It was at this time that the familiar sound of wheels drifted into his ears again.

Looking in the direction where the sound came from, I saw that the little girl was also walking towards the wilderness outside the city, still carrying a bundle of sesame seeds on her shoulders, dragging the wooden board, the difference is that the bottles on the wooden board at this moment The bottles and cans disappeared, leaving only a small wooden barrel containing the babbling milk baby.

The little girl's clothes were in tatters, without even a single patch. It was obvious that the color of the wrapping cloth on the baby girl was exactly the same as that of the little girl's clothes. It was obvious that the parts that could be torn were used by the little girl as a bag for the baby girl.

One big and one small are all dirty, with some green broken leaves and juice residue on their faces.

Li Xiaobai judged that this little girl should be here to buy and sell medicinal herbs. Earlier, those bottles and jars were filled with medicinal herbs she collected, and they were exchanged for immortal stones with temples that still had resources. Will refuse, as long as there is one spirit stone left, I will buy the transaction.

However, although the skin under her tattered clothes was covered with dust, it could be clearly seen that there was no scratch. Ordinary people would be injured by thorns when picking herbs. This little girl is not simple, at least she has cultivation.

Seeing that the direction of one big and one small was exactly the same as his own, they were all heading towards the Bodhi Temple. Curious, Li Xiaobai put away the golden chariot, activated the basic invisibility talisman, and followed him from afar.

Occasionally, sporadic monks greeted her on the road, and there were even well-meaning people who wanted to lend a helping hand, but all of them were blocked by her cold response.

In this sensitive period, she couldn't tell the good from the bad, so she could only shut out all the monks. Only by reducing people's interest in her siblings could she survive as a little transparent and safe.

"Yi Yi Ya Ya!"

"Wow wow wow!"

The milk baby on the wooden board suddenly started crying, the little girl didn't stop immediately, she pulled the wooden board to a remote and uninhabited place and then put down the rope on her shoulders, looked around to make sure there was no one there, and then carefully touched it from her arms. A small piece of spirit stone came out, and a thin layer of spiritual power was covered in his hand, and he gently crushed a corner of the spirit stone into powder and sprinkled it on the little milk baby's body.

The rich spiritual power dissipated in the air, and a little of it penetrated into Naiwa's body, and the crying stopped, but it only took a few breaths for a more heart-piercing wail to resound through the wasteland.

Li Xiaobai witnessed all this, the spirit stone could not solve the problem of hunger, the spirit power penetrated into Naiwa's body could help her to lay a firm foundation and cleanse her meridians, but at the same time it consumed more and more energy.

In other words, the milk baby's physique has become stronger, and his appetite has also increased, so he is even hungrier now.

"do not Cry!"

"There is milk in the Bodhi Temple, sister is taking you there, just bear with it!"

The little girl obviously knew this too, she put the Lingshi in her arms to comfort the baby, the baby's physique is much stronger than that of ordinary babies, even though she is hungry at the moment, it will not hurt her body, as long as she finds milk to satisfy her hunger.

The milk baby is still howling and crying. Babies don’t know what patience and restraint are. They cry when they are hungry. The little girl scratches her hair anxiously. Their whereabouts need to be hidden. Letting the milk baby cry will definitely attract attention to where they are I can't go either.

"If I had known earlier, I should have kept some of the medicinal herbs."

"Let's have another bowl."

The little girl’s eyes were full of helplessness, she got up and began to dig the soil. The whole area under her feet was covered with loess, and not a single grass grew. She took out a small bowl, grabbed a handful of loess and mixed it with water to dilute it evenly, and put the mouth of the bowl to the baby’s mouth. I'm about to feed it.

Milkman seemed to sense the smell of food, and immediately calmed down, with her small mouth straight into the bowl.


At this time, a steamed bun suddenly fell from the sky. The steamed bun was wrapped with grass leaves and steamed.

Milkman's mouth was frozen, and his big black eyes stared straight at the white flour steamed buns on the ground, and suddenly he felt that the mud soup around his mouth was no longer fragrant.

The little girl also glanced around in amazement. She didn't believe that there would be food falling from the sky. Someone must have thrown it to her, but the surrounding area was empty, and there was no one in sight.


There was another sound of inclination, and a roast chicken wrapped in lotus leaves fell from the sky, and happened to land at the little girl's feet, and the aroma was overflowing.

"Yi Yi Ya Ya!"

Nai Wa pushed away the muddy soup in front of her, and gestured while pointing at the roast chicken and steamed buns.

"Which senior is helping in secret, please come out and see?"

The smell of roast chicken was too tempting, the little girl's nose also stirred a few times, but she didn't make any moves, but looked around vigilantly, and at some point there were two extra talismans in her hand.

A breeze blew, but no one responded, as if the food was really thrown down by God.

"Yi Yi Ya Ya!"

Milkman continued to point to the roast chicken on the ground and gestured for a while. Seeing that the little girl was motionless, she wanted to climb out of the barrel to get it herself.

Seeing this scene, the little girl took two steps forward and took the steamed bun into her arms, holding only the talisman in her hand, for fear that it was a trap for someone with a heart.

"Sister, try the poison first!"

Stuffing the milk baby back into the barrel, the little girl quickly took a bite of the steamed bun, and then nervously waited for something. The little milk baby stared at her with wide eyes. After a while, there was no abnormality. Take it easy.

She tore up the steamed buns and fed them to the milk baby. After eating half of the steamed buns, the milk baby was satisfied. She pointed to the roast chicken on the ground and continued to babble and gesticulate.

The little girl shook her head, stood up and clasped her fists towards the empty wasteland and said, "Thank you senior for your kindness. Mantou, my brother and I, are subordinates. If there is a chance in the future, I will repay the kindness of senior!"

After finishing speaking, he carried the straw rope and pulled the little milkman away quickly. The little milkman kept staring at the roast chicken until the siblings disappeared into the horizon, but this time he didn't cry anymore.

After a few breaths, a figure appeared next to the roast chicken.

"This is too vigilant. No wonder you can live with the baby for so long. It's a good seedling. It's a pity to let it fend for itself in the West Desert."

Li Xiaobai picked up the roasted chicken on the ground, tore off a chicken leg and ate it. It was bought in the nearest big town with a teleportation talisman, and he was shocked enough to see that little girl wanting to drink mud. It's obviously not the first time he has done this without changing his face.

But now that he has discovered it, he won't let this baby eat mud anymore.

"I just heard what the girl said. It seems that she is going to the Bodhi Temple to get milk. The Bodhi Temple is occupied by the Tianshen Sect. The Tianshen Sect plundered the children wantonly. To feed the milk that these dolls will be full of, this girl's thinking is clear."

"It's just that her cultivation is obviously not enough to escape from the hands of the Heavenly God Sect. I'm afraid there will be no return."

"Forget it, anyway, my goal is also to teach the gods, so I might as well watch this girl's operation for a while."

Li Xiaobai took another bite of the chicken leg, and I have to say, it tastes really delicious.

The golden chariot under his feet manifested, and the invisibility symbol was activated to chase after him again.

After half an hour.

Outside the Bodhi Temple, a sloppy little girl brought the baby to the gate of the temple.

At the moment, the front of the monastery is full of people. A long table is full of steaming gruel and steamed buns. There is also a large wooden basin filled with fresh milk. More than a dozen monks are distributing food to the victims.

On the huge plaque standing on the side, there are a few large characters written to open a warehouse to help food!

Most of the people who gathered here brought their children, lined up neatly and waited silently for the distribution of relief food.

Although many mothers with children brought enough milk and food, their faces were full of worry, and they left in a hurry, as if they were afraid of something.

Li Xiaobai noticed that whenever people or monks with children left, a monk would follow them quietly, obviously with a conspiracy.

People turn a blind eye to this, and those who will come here to receive relief food are forced to try their luck and try their luck. Maybe people look down on their children, or there may be some coincidence that they will not be caught arrive.

"Amitabha, all benefactors, don't fight or grab. The Bodhi Temple has enough food and milk, which will surely satisfy everyone!"

"Priority is given to children, don't starve them!"

The monks said cheerfully with smiles on their faces.

"I want a bag of milk and some steamed buns. It would be even better if there is meat."

The little girl dragged the milk baby forward and said.

Seeing this pair of combinations, the eyes of all the monks in the Bodhi Temple who were distributing food brightened.

"Amitabha, little benefactor, don't worry, the poor monk will present it to you!"

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