Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 970 This Little Girl Has Operations

"Amitabha, little benefactor, the Buddhist sect is pure and there are only some rough tea and light food. The monks don't eat meat and fish, so please forgive me. It's very empty. Quickly fill this little benefactor with more soup."

An old monk in a yellow robe said with a faint smile on his face.

Behind him, a few gray-clothed monks immediately stepped forward to take out a steaming white-faced steamed bun, and then scooped a large bowl of goat's milk from the big wooden basin and handed it to the little girl.

"Little benefactor, why didn't your parents come?"

The old monk still said in a pleasant manner.

"I'm going fast, they'll be there soon."

The little girl said lightly, her dirty face was full of indifference.

"Amitabha, goodness, goodness. Now the western desert is not peaceful. Except for the Bodhi Temple, it is almost a desert for more than ten miles. It is too dangerous. How about the little benefactor go to the Bodhi Temple and sit for a while, waiting for the elders of the clan to come?"

"There are a few side rooms in the temple, and it's not a problem to add a few sets of dishes."

The old monk said cheerfully, his face full of kindness and kindness.

If it were someone who didn't know the inside story, I would be grateful to the old monk at this moment and completely follow the other party's way, but the little girl was unmoved at all, quickly packed up her things, pulled the wooden board, turned around and left, there was nothing wrong with her. The meaning of the answer.

"Hey, it's not safe for the little benefactor to walk on the road, so let the old monk, a scoundrel, accompany you for a ride."

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the old monk, and he beckoned, a young and strong monk in gray clothes immediately stepped forward and followed the little girl closely, never leaving her.

"No need, thank you for your kindness, master, please go back, my elder is right in front, and with his cultivation base during the tribulation period, he can protect me well."

The little girl continued walking with her head sullen, and the little milk boy on the wooden board made various gestures to the gray-clothed monk as if to drive him away.

"Amitabha, it's all right, the monks are compassionate, and the little monk will only send the almsman for a short time, and will never stay."

The gray-clothed monk showed a smile on his face, and said slowly.

The one big and one young in front of him can't be let go easily, the little girl's eleven or twelve-year-old appearance, and the milk baby's two or three-year-old appearance are exactly what the Deity Sect needs.

Catch two high-quality children in one wave, and the Tianjiao elders of the Tianshen Sect will definitely praise him after he returns.

The little girl didn't say anything, she silently pulled the board and walked towards the distant wasteland.

Li Xiaobai secretly followed behind the two, he wanted to see how the little girl would avoid risks.

The gray-clothed monk is a local monk from the Bodhi Temple, not from the Zhongyuan Realm, and his cultivation should not be too strong, but it is obviously not something that this little girl with a little bit of navigation can deal with. It is somewhat dependent.

The few people walked farther and farther away, gradually deviated from the official way, and entered a deserted wilderness.

After a cup of tea, the little girl continued to walk forward, and the gray-clothed monk couldn't help feeling a little puzzled, unable to figure out the little girl's tricks.

"Amitabha, the poor monk is very empty, haven't you asked the name of the little benefactor?"

Monk Shixu couldn't help breaking the silence. He resisted the impulse in his heart and didn't rush to do it. He wanted to find out whether there was really an elder in the Transcendence Tribulation Stage, and he was only in the Golden Core Stage. Cultivation must be cautious.

The little girl walked faster without answering.

"Little benefactor, where is your family? Why don't you show up? Otherwise, let's go back to the Bodhi Temple with the poor monk and take a break. Even if you are in good health, little benefactor, this child is still young and cannot withstand the toss."

Monk Zhenxu continued to persuade.

"Don't bother Master, if Master feels tired, just go back."

said the little girl.

"Amitabha, little benefactor, we walked for a cup of tea, but we haven't seen your family for a long time. Maybe it's because of some things that delayed us on the way."

"Or, there are no so-called elders of the family at all, and everything is made up by you?"

A cold light suddenly shot out from Monk Zhenxu's eyes, he would lose if he hesitated, and he was going to make a move.

The little girl was still silent, walking with her head bowed. Monk Zhenxu felt that something was wrong. He had released his aura and coercion. It stands to reason that the other party should be suppressed. No matter how bad it is, he should feel afraid. How could this be the case? Calm down? There is no reaction at all!

Covered with spiritual power on the palm, he reached out to grab the little girl with his claws.


Without the slightest resistance, the palm directly passed through his chest, but there was no feeling of touching the flesh, this is not a real person!


The little girl in front of her instantly dissipated into a puff of green smoke and disappeared without a trace.


"When did the bag change, the poor monk didn't find out!"

Monk Zhenxu was startled, he stretched out his hand again to grab the milk baby in the barrel, only to hear a "bang", the milk baby also dissipated into a wisp of green smoke.

The two children, one big and one small, had completed the transfer under his nose at some point, and the most important thing was that he didn't notice it from the beginning to the end!

"The mere basic talisman actually fooled the poor monk's eyes, you are doomed!"

Monk Zhenxu was furious, he pinched the seal formula with his hands, two destructive golden lights shot out from his eyes, he looked around, and in an instant he found a little girl on the ground behind who was running wildly with a baby in her arms.

"Amitabha, I found you. I didn't expect you to be a little clever, so I was almost careless."

Monk Zhenxu heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, and quickly chased after him, appearing tens of feet away in the blink of an eye.

He focused all his attention on the two figures, one big and one small, in the distance, completely unaware of the strangeness in the wooden board behind him.

After a few breaths, a pot on the wooden board suddenly shook, and a thick white mist gushed out in the next second, and the pot turned into a human form and looked like a little girl.


The little girl gave a clear drink, and tapped another pot on the wooden board with her fingers, and the figure of the milk baby was also revealed.

"Yi Yi Ya Ya!"

The milk baby danced and seemed to be gesticulating something, and seemed very excited.


The little girl didn't dare to delay, she took out two talismans and pasted them on her feet, turning into a gust of wind and pulling the wooden plank away quickly.

At the same time, on the wasteland in the distance, Monk Zhenxu caught up with two figures who were running wildly together.

In a flash, he stopped in front of the siblings.

"Amitabha, the little benefactor's scheming is good. The poor monk almost fell into your way. It's a pity that the gap in strength is flawed. Judging by your behavior, there should be no elders to follow you. The outside world is very dangerous. Or Quickly go back with the poor monk!"

Monk Zhenxu said lightly, raising his hand to grab someone.

But what happened in the next second made his expression startled again,

Because the older and younger siblings actually passed through his body and continued running into the distance, as if he didn't exist at all.

Monk Zhenxu's complexion turned ferocious in an instant, and he was furious, "Damn it, it's an illusion!"

"Cheat the poor monk twice, and the poor monk will crush you!"

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