The truck has left the wilderness and returned to the prosperous area of ​​Zhongzhou. At some point, there are countless checkpoints on the official road, one after another, densely covered with cobwebs.

Li Xiaobai narrowed his eyes. This was an order from the Blood Demon Sect. It seemed that the other party already knew their whereabouts and whereabouts.

However, these local monks are not even in the Mahayana period, so they can't stop this heavy truck and can't even delay the time.

Fu Tiantian's murderous intent was already on the rise, he stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom and slammed into the obstacle on the road, without any intention of stopping.

"They rushed over!"

"They're going to rush straight over, run!"

"What kind of mount is that? A monster from the Zhongyuan Realm? It's power is too astonishing!"

"Don't worry about it, just run. Anyway, we can't stop Mr. Li. It's just right for him to trouble the Blood Demon Sect. Then we will be free!"

The team that was orderly a second ago scattered and fled in all directions at this moment. Most of these monks were forced to do nothing. They all hoped that Li Xiaobai could raze the Blood Demon Sect to the ground like he killed Mighty King and Master Tianxuan. As soon as they come to Zhongzhou, the people will be able to live a stable life without worrying about it anymore.

No one will tell them what to do all day long.

"Stop! Can't escape!"

"Whoever dares to escape, I will report to all the immortals of the Blood Demon Sect when I go back, I will not spare you!"

A leading monk looked annoyed, and said angrily that they all took the initiative to join the Blood Demon Sect and became eagle dogs and were even proud of it. If the superiors knew that they did not stop Li Xiaobai but chose to let Li Xiaobai go, the first person to be punished would be Li Xiaobai. They are the ones taking the lead.

However, in front of the giant steel beast, no one listened to him, they were all running wildly for fear of running too slow and being involved in the killing.

"My lord, let's run away too, Li Xiaobai is an existence that can kill even Master Tianxuan, we can't afford to provoke him!"

A follower beside the leading monk reminded him, but it was already too late, Talisman had no intention of chasing those monks who voluntarily gave up and escaped every day, but there was no reason to let these leaders go, and the little hand stretched out the window again to outline a complex pattern out of thin air. texture.


In an instant, several leading monks felt that they were imprisoned and could not move. They watched the iron-blooded and ferocious steel giant swiftly passing by them, and the corpses were scattered all over the field.

"Aiding the tyrant in the tyranny deserves death!"

Fu Tiantian snorted coldly.

The gates of the city at the end of the official road are closed at this moment, and there are many teams standing on the city tower paying close attention to the movement in the distance. There is a loud thunder, and the heavy truck's accelerator is stepped on to the end. It is like a whirlwind from far to near, directly hitting The broken and closed city gate broke through the wall.

"Quick! Go and report to the elders of the three sects, Li Xiaobai is calling!"

"Hurry up and invite the blood demon sect's immortal!"

The monks were terrified and retreated one after another, not daring to challenge the sharpness of the heavy truck.


At the same time, within three cases.

In the mountain gate, hundreds of young monks are gathered here to accept the test of the Blood Demon Sect. Those who pass the test can enter the Zhongyuan Realm to practice and master more advanced exercises.

For them, this is a great opportunity to reborn and get rid of the reputation of pigs. Although their homeland is occupied by the Blood Demon Sect, they don't care. As long as they can enter the upper realm to practice and obtain more exquisite exercises, they will definitely be able to do so in the future. Get ahead, and no longer need to be confined to the one-third-acre land of the Fairy Continent!

The eyes of many young people are full of fanatical light, and they are bound to pass today's test!

"I heard that Li Xiaobai from the Fairy Continent is back. Yesterday's Fairy Daily reported that they had arrived in Zhongzhou. Could it be that they came to challenge the Blood Demon Sect?"

"How can a mere person like the Blood Demon Sect be able to fight against such a colossus? The cause of Master Tianxuan's death is still unknown, and it is still unknown who killed him. Then Li Xiaobai is just the follower of the Fairy Continent, how can he compete with this monster?" The Blood Demon Sect contends?"

"Yeah, I saw Li Xiaobai with my own eyes in the Sanzong Dabi one year ago. Although he is indeed a heavenly genius, he is only compared with the monks on the Fairy Continent. Even the most ordinary disciple has reached the cultivation level of the human fairyland, far surpassing the fairyland, how can he compete?"

"No matter what his strength is, as long as it doesn't hinder our test and future, it has nothing to do with us! As long as he successfully enters the Zhongyuan Realm and enters the sect of the Blood Demon Sect, the gap between them will only increase in the future. Big!"

The monks whispered to each other, and sneered at the heroic teenagers portrayed in the Fairy Daily recently, quite disdainful and indifferent.

Several disciples of the Blood Demon Sect sat nearby, watching everything that happened during the assessment, but there was an unconscious look of anxiety on their faces, and they seemed a little uneasy.

They have already received the news that the monk named Li Xiaobai has entered Zhongzhou, and he may reach the blood demon sect's sphere of influence in a few days.

"The selection of this group of disciples is about to be completed right now, but we can let the elders take the monks who passed the assessment to the upper realm together, transporting talents, dispatching troops and generals to seek rescue without any mistakes!"

One of the disciples said that the space channel is ready and can start at any time.

"Yes, I just hope that Li Xiaobai's movements should not be too fast, but slower."

"But having said that, the following pigs are really stupid to die. It's so hard for such a proud to drive out the outsiders and let them regain their freedom. They don't care, and even have this resistance deep in their hearts. Really I don't know what to think."

Some disciples ridiculed and mocked, Li Xiaobai's power even they are extremely afraid of, and those pigs below have more confidence than them, it is really difficult for them to cultivate to this level.

"A pig is always a pig. There is a saying that the outside is always the best. If Li Xiaobai can wait a few more days to come, we will have no fear."

"What are you afraid of? That dog is in our hands. It's enough to threaten him. Just wait for my Blood Demon Sect masters to come in large numbers. Even if Li Xiaobai has the ability to reach the sky, he can only surrender."

"Furthermore, my Blood Demon Sect's skills are the best in the world, and there are elders from the Immortal Realm sitting in command, so we may not be able to fight against them together!"

Several monks whispered and whispered, so far they only know that Li Xiaobai went to the remains of the Moyun Cave, and have not received news of the other party's killing, and it is expected that it will be delayed for a while.

But at this time, there was a loud noise from the gate of the three sects, followed by shouts of killing all over the mountains and plains, but most of them were cries of fear.


"An enemy is coming!"

"The mountain gate was destroyed, and it was Mr. Li who came!"

"Young Master Li has killed all directions, and he is here to find trouble with the Blood Demon Sect!"

In the void, countless monks stepped on flying swords and fled into the air, trying to avoid this disaster.

The breathing of several Blood Demon Sect youths suddenly stagnated, and a trace of fear flashed in their eyes.

"He really came, why so fast? Isn't he looking for treasure in the remains of Moyun Cave?"

"Go and ask the elders to come forward!"

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