Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter Nine Hundred And Eighty Five

Several young people were extremely vigilant, staring at the movement at the mountain gate.

A ferocious steel behemoth roared, charged suddenly, and galloped over the mountains.

The sect cultivators who held the handle nearby all ran away in all directions, not daring to shake their edge.

"Who dares to come to the Blood Demon Sect to make trouble!"

The leading young man said lightly, and the voice drifted into Fu Tiantian's ears, and when he looked up at the sky, a blood-colored light burst out of his eyes.

"It's him, that guy!"

"He was the one who destroyed the Moyun Cave!"

"finally found you!"

Fu Tiantian's heart was burning with anger, she could still recognize the leader of the young man in the void even if his bones were blown to ashes,

She stretched out her hand to evolve a series of blue runes in the void, but this time there was no reaction at all, and the opponent remained motionless. The human fairyland was no better than the Golden Core Nascent Soul, and it was not something she could shake.

"My lord, Li Xiaobai, I heard that the Blood Demon Sect has always acted arrogantly and domineeringly, and today it is here to eliminate harm for the people!"

Li Xiaobai got up and said calmly.

"My disciple, Liu Yin, an inner sect disciple of the Blood Demon Sect, I, the Blood Demon Sect, have never offended Your Excellency. We have never offended you on weekdays. Why did Your Excellency meet us today?"

The leading young man asked coldly.

"So it's Brother Liu Yin, do you know that this Fairy Continent is my territory, and you are calling the wind and rain on my territory to stir up the wind and clouds, but have you ever asked me if I agree or not!"

"The Northern Territory and the Western Desert are your lessons learned from the past. Today it's your turn to be the souls of my sword!"

Li Xiaobai drew his sword and said slowly.

"Your territory?"

"The young man has such a big breath!"

An old voice came, and an old man stepped on the void and came in an instant, two murderous lights shot out from his eyes, and the demonic flames were soaring.

"I've seen Elder Xueming!"

Several young people clasped their fists together and retreated respectfully behind the old man.

"Old man Xue Ming, the elder of the Blood Demon Sect, has never dared to say that he will destroy my Blood Demon Sect in the Zhongyuan Realm for so many years. The young people are a little too ignorant. If my Blood Demon Sect master crosses the border, they will There is no place for you anymore!"

"However, God has the virtue of good life. This old man has always cherished talents, and he does not want talents to be buried here. If you are willing to submit to this old man at this moment, I can introduce you to the Blood Demon Sect to practice, how about it?"

Xue Ming was a haggard old man, even skinnier than Monk Tianxuan. He looked like a skeleton with a layer of skin on it. He looked like a human skeleton. It should be a side effect of practicing some kind of kung fu.

"No matter how strong the Blood Demon Sect is, it is still in the Zhongyuan Realm. Senior, you are only in the mere fairyland. How dare you speak nonsense in front of the people below. Who gave you the confidence!"

"Come here today to plead for the people's orders to eradicate you moths on behalf of Tian Xingdao!"

The long sword in Li Xiaobai's hand swept across, and the pitch-black sword light swept across and cut towards several people in the air.

This is the Demon Sealing Sword Intent!

There was a look of fear in the eyes of the elder Xueming, and he hurriedly avoided it, but his mouth was not idle. He pointed at the hundreds of young talents who were taking part in the assessment of the Blood Demon Sect and said in a handsome voice, "It's really for the people. Excuse me, Mr. Li might as well ask them if they want you to rescue them!"

"You, a cultivator in the Zhongyuan Realm, are endangering all directions on the Fairy Spirit Continent, causing the people to live in dire straits, and the displaced people are struggling to survive. Sending you to Huangquan Road today is not only following the will of the people, but also following the will of God!"

Li Xiaobai said in a deep voice.

"Young Master, you might as well listen to their voices and see if the world really wants to be saved as you said?"

Xue Ming said lightly, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

"Senior Brother Li, you are indeed highly cultivated and talented, but you can't hinder our development!"

"Yeah, as long as I pass the test, I can enter the Blood Demon Sect to practice. You only need to make a quick kick at the door, how can you steal your love and ruin your future!"

"The three sects don't need to be rescued, Senior Brother Li should save those who should be saved!"

"Yes, yes, if you don't come, I have already entered the blood demon sect to practice!"

Hundreds of disciples below boldly said in unison, this is the opportunity they have waited so hard for, and they really don't want to let it go, even if the other party is Li Xiaobai, what a genius can compare to the ancient sect that has been standing for thousands of years The door has a profound background?

"Master came here on purpose to rescue you today, how could you do this! You are simply unfamiliar white-eyed wolves!"

Fu Tian said angrily.

"This is all his wishful thinking. If he doesn't come, I'm already a monk of the Blood Demon Sect!"

The young talents didn't buy it and said coldly.

"The Blood Demon Sect massacred common monks, including your family members. Don't you have a trace of resentment in your heart?"

"They are moths on the mainland, how many sects have been destroyed by their hands, do you have no anger in your heart?"

Fu Tiantian's eyes were full of astonishment and disbelief, and he shouted sharply.

"Our clans are all living well. Speaking of which, as long as those sects on the mainland voluntarily surrender, naturally no monks will die. These are their own choices, and they can't blame anyone!"

"And we monks just want to find a better home, get better resources and skills, and step into a higher realm, so why not!"

"If Mr. Li really wants to be good for us, he should learn to let go, instead of blocking our future here!"

The young talents also said angrily.

"I also have sect power and resources in the Zhongyuan Realm, why don't you follow me to the Zhongyuan Realm to practice?"

"Choosing this murderous demon sect is no less than playing with fire."

Li Xiaobai hid his sword in its sheath and asked calmly.

"With all due respect, Mr. Li is indeed the pride of heaven, but we are not. As the saying goes, a good bird chooses a tree to live in, and a good minister chooses a master to serve! Can the young master's power be compared with the blood demon sect that has stood for thousands of years? "

"We just want a better chance! Please let me do it!"

The hundreds of young talents below also went all out, and said loudly, instead of being grateful, they wanted to drive Li Xiaobai away. If ordinary people saw it, they would probably drop their jaws in shock.

Li Xiaobai closed his eyes, took a deep breath to calm his mind, he knew that the minds of these people below had been captured by the illusory words of the Blood Demon Sect, their hearts had been filled with inflated desires, and they could no longer listen to anyone's words.

I didn't expect that the people I ran into during this trip to Zhongzhou were not normal people, and I didn't know what to think about joining the Blood Demon Sect.

"Very well, I didn't expect there to be such spineless people as you in the Fairy Spirit Continent. Compared with the tens of thousands of heroes in Moyun Cave, you are not a star and a half behind. I don't even want to kill you and stain my hands! "

"Forget it, I will do what you wish, Xueming, right? I will give you ten breaths of time to open the altar and send all these people into the Blood Demon Sect of the Zhongyuan Realm!"

Li Xiaobai said lightly with his hands behind his back, and his tone showed that he could not refuse.

These young people want to join the Blood Demon Sect, so he will give them their blessings, and see if these young people can be cultivated after entering the Blood Demon Sect!

Sometimes you have to accept some realistic beatings to understand the world, but the price of understanding is often life.

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