"It's the son-in-law!"

"The son-in-law is back!"

Seeing this scene, the monks trapped in the cage became excited.

"Hiss! It's really my son-in-law who came back. Why didn't you see my daughter?"

The old dragon king stared at Li Xiaobai, and his heart was even more suspenseful. The sea monks who came down from the Zhongyuan world are all in the realm of immortals, and they are not on the same level as them. Can this young man beat him?

"Oh? Prince Consort?"

"I didn't expect you to be the son-in-law of the old Dragon King of the East China Sea. No wonder you chased him all the way here. So, you also have the power of the Sea Clan's blood in you?"

Ao Yun narrowed his eyes and asked leisurely.

"I have a sea of ​​stars on my body, and the power of mere blood is nothing. It's a pity that you are about to be reduced to dinner, and you won't have the opportunity to see it."

Li Xiaobai put his hands behind his back, and said calmly, with his defensive power in the fairyland, it is easy to deal with these monks in the fairyland.

No one can shake his edge if the semi-sacred powerhouse does not come out.

"Big words without shame, don't know what to say."

"The mere pig who rose from the Fairy Continent, thinks he has some abilities and wants to go to heaven? There are some things that ants like you can't intervene in, and the fat man over there, I think you are also from the super sect of the Southern Continent My disciple kindly let you go, but I didn't expect you to be so ungrateful, since you are so eager to come to die, then I will help you!"

"Take it!"

Ao Yun waved his hand and said lightly.

The breath of the twenty monks behind him exploded, instantly surrounding the two of them at the entrance, revealing the power of the Earth Fairyland without a doubt.

"You two, before my young master gets angry, I advise you to kneel down and make amends, maybe you can save your life."

A monk said coldly.

"Without those insidious and insidious tricks, do you think Fat Lord will still follow your advice?"

"Small seafood, let the fat man die!"

Liu Jinshui let out a long roar, and a gold-threaded big ring knife came out of his hand, breaking through the formation of the crowd with supreme power, and stabbing straight at Ao Yun's eyebrow.

In an instant, the blue-clothed youth who was sitting lazily on the master chair was so startled that his hair stood on end. A strong sense of crisis swept his whole body. He wanted to get up and dodge but his body couldn't move. He was locked and couldn't move freely.

Ao Yun turned pale with shock, and shouted, "Uncle Hui, save me!"

"Bold little thief, dare to hurt my young master!"

The complexion of the middle-aged man who had been closely following Ao Yun also changed, and he stretched out two fingers, and his hand firmly clamped the golden machete that came out like electricity.

"There is such a master in the fairyland. You are worthy of being a master disciple of a super sect. I waited to underestimate you!"

The eyes of the middle-aged man named Uncle Hui shone with surprise.

"You are in the Heavenly Wonderland!"

This time it was Liu Jinshui's turn to be shocked, the monk from the Sea Clan hid too deeply, and there was still a monk from the Heavenly Wonderland.

"Uncle Hui, kill them!"

"I want to drain their blood and make them alive!"

Ao Yun screamed sharply, Liu Jinshui's knife just made him a big fool, and he must make the other party pay the price!

"You are indeed somewhat extraordinary, but you can only stop here. As a fellow of the fairyland, devouring your flesh and blood should make my young master's strength go up to a higher level!"

With his hands behind his back, Uncle Hui took a step forward and came to Liu Jinshui's face in a blink of an eye. He probed his hand slightly, and pointed his sword in the air to seal Liu Jinshui's cultivation. He was extremely confident.

"Hehe, this is Baihuafu's finger. If you hit this finger, it will be difficult to mobilize your internal cultivation."

Liu Jinshui didn't speak, but just stared blankly at Uncle Hui's outstretched arm.

The other monks in the field also fell into a strange silence, all staring at the arm hanging in the air, their eyes were a little straight.

"Hehe, don't be so surprised, it's just a trick of the Heavenly Wonderland, but even so, it's not something your mere Wonderland cultivation can resist."

"This huge gap like a moat is the gap between you and me. It's a pity that you have no chance to cross it!"

With a sneer on the corner of Uncle Hui's mouth, he didn't notice the abnormal reaction of everyone at all.

"That... Uncle Hui, your hand!"

In the back, Ao Yun couldn't sit still anymore, stood up and said tremblingly.

"Huh? What happened to my hand?"

Uncle Hui's eyes were a little puzzled, and he slightly lowered his head to look at his hand, his pupils shrank instantly, and his hand was gone!

It was chopped off at the root of the wrist, and there are still strands of black breath flowing through the cut.

"Tick tock!"

A drop of blood fell, and the sound echoed in the first layer where the needle could be heard. Only then did he really react. A piercing pain came from the bottom of his heart, and his face gradually distorted in pain.

"What the hell...my hand!"

"Who cut off my hand!"

Uncle Hui's eyes were scarlet, he covered his wound and howled, his shrill voice made everyone's hearts light up, and they all looked at the culprit queen.

"I accept your hand, show yourself, let me see what kind of seafood you are."

Among the crowd, Li Xiaobai slowly withdrew his sword and said calmly.

"Is this the Hundred Flowers Fuxue Hand? I love it!"

Liu Jinshui laughed loudly, and returned to Li Xiaobai's side in a flash.

"Kill them all!"

Uncle Hui was furious, and his body twisted and deformed to reveal his original appearance. It was a sea bear with a blue body and the same shape as a brown bear. One of its front paws was cut off, and blood continued to flow.

"It turned out to be a bear's paw, this thing is a great tonic!"

"Come on, obediently let me cut off your other three bear paws!"

Li Xiaobai chuckled, and pointed the sword in his hand at Uncle Hui.


The sea bear let out a frightening roar, rushed towards Li Xiaobai with strides, and slammed down the thick bear paw like a fan.


The remaining 20 fairyland monks were not idle either, and they manifested their bodies and operated their kung fu skills to bombard them with all their strength, trying to tear the two into pieces.

Attribute points + 1.2 million...

Attribute points + 1 million...

Attribute points + 800,000...

The values ​​on the system panel jumped, and the damage was quite considerable, but Li Xiaobai was not satisfied. The damage that monks of the same level could cause was quite limited, and it was still necessary to find some dangerous places to experience in the future to be the right way.

The air condensed, and the surface of the ground was crushed inch by inch by the invisible force, but Li Xiaobai remained motionless.


With a swing of the long sword in his hand, he slashed down again. In the void, there was only a flash of sword light, and the sky filled with sword energy turned into a huge net and fluttered towards the people in front of him.

The giant net disappeared in a flash, passing through the monks' bodies, silently, strangely and smoothly.

For a moment, Uncle Hui and the others involuntarily widened their eyes, watching their bodies being chopped into flesh and blood, and then there was darkness in front of them, with no life left.

"They are all good ingredients, don't waste them."

Li Xiaobai took out the gourd and collected the flesh and blood all over the ground, then looked at Ao Yun who was slumped on the grand master's chair, "What do you say?"

"You...you are also a cultivation base of the Heavenly Wonderland!"

"Let me go, all the resources on me belong to you! From now on, you will be a distinguished guest of my Sea Clan!"

Ao Yun's body trembled like chaff, shivering uncontrollably.

"What species are you?"

"Sea... sea snake!"

Liu Jinshui took out a small golden bowl and said lightly, "Get in the bowl quickly."


"Please let me go!"

Ao Yun twisted his body, turned into a sea snake and obediently got into the small golden bowl.

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