
Liu Jinshui pierced the little snake's head with one finger.

"It's a beautiful idea, eat snake soup tonight!"

Liu Jinshui said lightly, and with a wave of his hand, the resource materials that exploded all over the sky were collected by him.

"Brother, you took too much, shouldn't you give some to brother?"

Li Xiaobai's complexion is very dark, this guy just wants to kill the opponent himself so as to get first-hand resources.

"Junior brother, I didn't rob you of the resources of the powerhouse in the fairyland that day."

"But the belongings of the twenty monks in the fairyland have all fallen into your pocket, brother." Li Xiaobai said dryly.

"Do you still value the resources of mere fairyland cultivators? Brother, you are a strong man in the fairyland. Brother, how can you let this kind of rubbish stain your eyes? Don't say that again!"

Liu Jinshui waved his hand with a righteous look on his face.

Li Xiaobai suddenly, this is a typical brave, the kind that can only get in and out.

"Congratulations to the son-in-law, thank you, the son-in-law, for taking action to put down the chaos of the Hai clan!"

"My son-in-law is invincible!"

In the cage, the imprisoned monks were full of joy and cheered.

They are no strangers to Li Xiaobai. On the day of their wedding, they watched from outside the palace. Unexpectedly, that junior human race who married the Hai Clan in a daze is now a generation of masters. It's really shocking that you can't get away with one move.

But with the other party here, the Fairy Continent will be saved, and the East China Sea Dragon Palace will be able to restore peace and stability.

"It's nothing to worry about trivial matters. It's just a matter of raising one's hand. As a monk in the Fairy Continent, it is our duty to wipe out the culprits!"

Li Xiaobai said lightly and cheerfully, he chopped out several sword qi to shatter the cage and released everyone.

"My son-in-law, be careful!"

"There's something wrong with the cage over there!"

The old Dragon King shouted loudly, he clearly saw a black sword glow slashing on a cage in the corner, but it didn't move at all, and the cage suddenly floated in the air, rushing towards the space channel built by the five-color altar.

It was a special cage, with the second son of a mortal attached to the outside of the cage, which belonged to two crazy old men.

Li Xiaobai followed the prestige, and couldn't help being taken aback. The two old men in the cage were dirty and dilapidated, and the cage was full of mud and dirt, but they still couldn't stop the two familiar old men, who recognized them at a glance. Damn, isn't it Yi Tilan and Yan Zuzi?

How did you get to the Fairy Continent?

The five-color altar he set up in the Buddhist pagoda of the Western Continent was discovered, and these two old fellows actually came down together!

"Fuck, aren't these the two seniors in the pagoda? Why did they escape!"

Liu Jinshui was also taken aback.

"Seniors, please stop. Since you are here, why don't you tell me?"

Li Xiaobai swept the long sword in his hand, and a thick sword energy cut towards the altar, trying to clean up the fairy stones piled up on it.

"Boy, the two of you are going to the Zhongyuan Realm, don't get in my way!"

"The old man is scared even if he moves his hands!"

He lifted the basket and shouted angrily, a faint purple aura flashed between his brows, and the terrifying aura suddenly suppressed like a god descending into the world. The ravines visible to the naked eye in this void were cracked inch by inch, and the sword light disappeared in an instant.

It was just a leak of breath, and it actually shattered the void directly. Seeing cracks spreading in the void like spider webs, everyone froze in place and did not dare to move.

"Old man, don't do anything, none of us will be able to get away after the void is shattered!"

Yan Zuzi slapped Yilan on the forehead, interrupting the aura emanating from his body, and then flicked his fingers, the strong wind pressure blasted a bottomless pothole on the ground, and by the reaction force The iron cage sank into the space channel at an extremely fast speed and disappeared.

"One thousand years, labor and capital are free!"

"If you kill him back, the old man will take revenge, and if you kill him in the West Desert, no one will dare to honor you!"

"Boy, the old man has made a note of his kindness today. In the future, when you are about to be beaten to death, the old man will rescue you!"

As soon as he lifted the basket, he laughed loudly, his arrogant and old voice echoed in the first floor of Linglong Tower for a long time.

"These two old men have gone back, junior brother, did we do something earth-shattering?"

Liu Jinshui's face was a little dull, he looked at Li Xiaobai and murmured.

If any of these two old men are released, they will be the top experts. If they return to Zhongyuan Realm, the grievances that have accumulated for many years will be released, and it will be a bloodbath again!

Li Xiaobai said, "No, it's not us. We just opened the passage, and they followed them down by themselves. It has nothing to do with us."

"Yeah, we are just two people who are looking for freedom. The two seniors ran out because of the unfavorable supervision of the West Mo Buddha Kingdom. We can't blame us!"

Liu Jinshui nodded in agreement.

"My son-in-law, who are those two seniors who ran out just now?"

The old Dragon King asked in horror, the cracks in the void were filled with the breath of chaos and death, it was hard to imagine that it was just a monk leaking the breath, it was really sensational.

These days, he has often seen those two old men pretending to be crazy and stupid, but he did not expect that they were truly powerful men.

"Two old seniors, don't worry, this void can't bear their strength, and they won't come down again."

Li Xiaobai explained with a few words of reassurance.

"Everyone has suffered these days. After I go out, I will invite everyone to eat seafood. It's shocking!"


That night, a large banquet was held in the palace hall.

Liu Jinshui cooks the kitchen himself, and many sea tribes stationed at the bottom of the sea have all been reduced to the dishes of the monks.

On the grill, Liu Jinshui sprinkled a lot of cumin, talking endlessly.

"This seafood is a nourishing thing, especially this kind of seafood with cultivation, the power of immortal essence is hidden in the flesh and blood, it is a real tonic!"

"But you have to be careful, these flesh and blood are at least in the fairyland. If you eat too much of them, the essence, energy and blood vessels will not be refined and will explode."

"Thank you brother Liu for reminding me!"

The eyes of civil and military officials were fiery. It has always been the Sea Clan who extracted the power of their blood for refining. This is the first time that the Sea Clan cultivator in the Central Yuan Realm refines.

The benefits of the flesh and blood of the Sea Clan in the Three Realms of Immortals are too great, and the whole person is full of energy and burns with one bite.

"Quick! Meditate to refine flesh and blood!"

The old dragon king ate the tentacles of an octopus, his whole body was blood red, and his body was steaming hot, he hurriedly sat up and practiced.

As Liu Jinshui said, even monks of the same level can benefit from eating the flesh and blood of the three realms of immortality, let alone ordinary monks who are not even in the fairyland. limit.

"Made, the fat man also ate too much, and he feels a little indigestion!"

Liu Jinshui muttered, just now he killed a whole sea lion by himself, his belly was swollen and round, and he began to meditate cross-legged and concentrate on refining the energy accumulated in his body.

Li Xiaobai stood up and said to the guards outside the palace, "Come here, distribute these flesh and blood. In the East China Sea Dragon Palace, every commoner has a piece of flesh and blood!"


"Thank you, Prince Consort!"

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