The rankings are divided into: 1V1, 3V3, 5V5.

Because Fang Mo is a 10-year old League of Legends player on Earth, he decisively chose 5v5.

The picture turns.

The picture felt my body fluttered into a whirlpool.

【Automatic matching】

[Matching is complete, the battle begins]

Then Fang Mo could see information about the battle between the two sides.

The same is the blue camp and the red camp.

Fang Mo's four teammates are actually in gold, and one of them is platinum 4;

The opponents are even more exaggerated, all of them are platinum, and there is also a platinum 1.

Combat mode: Deathmatch push tower (Deathmatch push tower has two ways to win, one is to kill all the players of the opponent; the other is to push down the opponent's base, each camp has six towers and one base)

Fang Mo called out, isn't he just League of Legends.

Battle map: Stormwind Plains.

With a flash of light, Fang Mo teleported to the birth base of the blue camp.

Before the game officially starts, both sides have 30 seconds of preparation time to specify tactics, purchase equipment, and accessories.

Some equipment and accessories are free, some are costly, and there are two options for the cost, one is limited to this game, generally only one-tenth of the price can be purchased; the other is permanent purchase , You need to buy at the original price, but you can still use it next time you qualify.

The player with the highest rank in the blue camp has the ID name of my dad, and the rank is platinum 4.

All of you here are my dad:? ? ? ?

As soon as I entered the game, I started typing, filled with question marks. (Voice dialogue and typing dialogue are available in the game, and there is a dedicated virtual keyboard that allows players to type)

The player whose ID is Sexy Widow stealing people online, spoke with his voice: What's wrong, what are you doing with the question mark?

All those present here are my dad Kaimai yelling: What's wrong? You don’t have eyes to see, what kind of matches are these? I am a thigh-holding mixed player, how can I match four lower ranks than mine, forget it, there is actually a bronze 4, the matching system of this game is It's not a problem, how could it be possible to match a teammate with such a gap in rank.

Sexy widow steals people online and suddenly breathes fragrance: I am so angry with my old lady, I just found out, what the hell, where is the Bronze 4 teammate that popped up, this is my promotion match, I can be promoted to platinum if I win, cry! !

The other two teammates are also cursing, which is incredible.

All of you here are my dad: even if it is Bronze 4, you are looking at the opposite side, all are platinum, and the highest is platinum 1. This game is not claimed to be the fairest match, where is the fairness! !

Soon 30 seconds passed. The father, the **** widow, and the other two teammates have all selected their weapons and accessories and walked out of the safe base.

All of you present here sighed and said: "There is no way, all I have to do, **** widow, you are a Sagittarius mecha, then you first show up alone, pretend to attack the road, and then the four of us go to the middle. Show up, and then let the other party mistakenly think that we are on the 41st lane. The other party will definitely mobilize most people to besiege us. At this time, we will immediately switch to the road and kill the enemy who was alone on the road with the **** widow. After killing, Don't fall in love with the battle, immediately return to the base; and the soldiers are divided into three groups to fight guerrilla warfare. If anyone comes, run away, and if no one comes, demolish the tower!

The **** widow nodded: "Yes, your tactics are very good. It is a common wandering tactic of weak and strong. The purpose is to keep pulling the opponent to fight more and less!"

"Fuck! Boxing champion! Come out!" After all those present were my father arranged his tactics, he realized that Fang Mo was still motionless at the base.

Fang Mo helplessly said, "My mech is relatively old and it takes a minute to start up. Or you are waiting for me for 30 seconds, or if you go out first, I will follow you later."

All of you present here are all my father freaking mad at once: "I’m crazy, what kind of luck is I, to be able to meet you such a wonderful teammate, you are my father! You are really my father! I am afraid of you, so you will slowly stay at the base. Stay here, time is waiting, widow, hurry up and go on the road!"

Everything was in accordance with the original plan. The widow went to the road to steal the tower alone, and then "my father is all here" took the other two teammates to the middle lane to pretend to attack the middle lane, and then immediately pretended to retreat, in fact, immediately went to the top lane.

as expected.

On the road because the widow was alone, two people were sent to kill the **** widow.

Sexy Widow’s machine and accessories have chosen many trap devices, which are arranged nearby.

Although the enemy's radar can scan out the trap, it takes more than ten seconds to break the trap device, which can gain time for the **** widow to escape.

The **** widow saw two enemies come to double-team herself.

His skills are very flexible, and he can easily escape back after a back roll.

The **** widow originally thought that the other two would be dragged by the trap for ten seconds.

Unexpectedly, the opponent would release a mechanical dog, triggering and destroying all the trap devices.

The **** widow breathed a fragrant mouth: "Fuck! The Stone Five Generations Fighting Dog! I heard that this has only been out for less than a day, and it needs tens of millions. My mother is not willing to buy it, you actually have a fighting dog!"

The **** widow didn't know that the team they met was not an ordinary team, but the largest mecha academy in the Kingdom of Yu, the Qinglong Mecha Academy, the top five Phoenix Dance team.

Feng Wu, the captain of the Phoenix Dance Team, is the youngest daughter of the patriarch of the Suzaku sacred beast clan. According to the agreement between Qinglong and Suzaku, the youngest son of Qinglong was sent to Suzaku City, and the youngest daughter of Suzaku was sent to Qinglong City to study.

Learn from each other in good name.

In fact, they are hostages to each other.

This is similar to how countries sent princes as hostages during the Warring States Period.

A super science and technology country, but the upper level is the same as ancient times, it is really very dramatic.

Feng Wu's personal strength can also be ranked in the top five in the Azure Dragon Mecha Academy. The Vermilion Mecha, which is only available with the main line of the Suzaku family, has a price and no market. Not to mention that ordinary people can't buy it, even the royal family can't buy it. .

Feng Wu is also very strange. She is playing in the promotion match for Platinum 1. According to the matching rules of the "Mecha League", she will definitely match a team with a stronger overall strength than her own team, but how to match such a group of weak opponents.

It is ridiculous that he even arranged tactics to seduce his teammates to death.

Feng Wu commanded two agile cheetah teammates to besiege the **** widow.

The **** widow is a shooter, and it's okay to steal the tower, how could she beat two Cheetah mechas.

Cheetah armor is extremely fast, attacking **** widows one after another.

The **** widow released all the mecha barriers at the bottom of the press box, but only persisted for five seconds before being hit by two Cheetah mechas, breaking the barrier.

"Widow, don't be afraid, I'm here to steal someone, Bah, no, I'm here to save you!" All present were my father staying with two other teammates to besiege.

"It's all my dad" as a Platinum 4 still has the strength, released two hooks, and directly grabbed the backs of the two Cheetah mechas, and then suddenly caught in front of me, seeing the mecha's double fists. It actually ejected two meters, knocking two Cheetah mechas into flight.

As a mixed point player, "all of you are my father" relying on this catch, is quite famous in the mixed point field, and it can turn the tide at critical times.

"All of you here are my father" excitedly said: "I'm flying! Come on!"

Both teammates are melee mechas, rushing to the mechas that are unbalanced by gravity.

Who knows that the two mecha full-body jets that were knocked out turned on, rotated 360 degrees in the air to stabilize the figure, and then turned into a beautiful arc, easily dodge the slash, and the hands like a cheetah's paw will hold the two The mech fell to the ground from midair.

Damn it!

"All of you here are my father" shouted: "Widow, save them!"

The widow shoots a bleeding arrow quickly, ten consecutive shots!

Hey, he shoots at the Cheetah mech that threw his teammate on the ground.

Seeing ten consecutive shots about to hit the Cheetah Mecha, a large shield suddenly fell from the air.

Ding Ding Ding!

With a pleasant voice, ten blood arrows snapped instantly, and a heavy mecha sprayed a flamethrower behind it, and slowly landed, sitting on the big shield, with Erlang's legs tilted, and laughed: "Just you, I want to hit more and less. ?"

Feng Wu walked over wearing a red mecha that was burning with flames. What is art? Feng Wu wore a Vermillion Bird mech as a work of art.

A pair of red transparent wings are ten meters long and spread out, and on the wings you can see pieces of feathers of special material.

There is a red energy stone on the forehead, chest, belt, knees, and ankles, reflecting beautiful red lines. Finally, there are two long chain-like red beards on the back of the mecha.

Among other things, just this set of mecha swaggered out, most of the opponents might have been overwhelmed.

What's more, there are two people wearing unicorn armor beside Feng Wu.

Kirin battle armor is the unique battle armor of the imperial Qi family, only Qi people can merge.

Legend has it that the Qi clan were all the chiefs of the four great protoss in the ancient times, and were later defeated by the four great protoss together and belittled to the common people.

After several years of development, the Qi clan, once a common citizen, has returned and become a royal clan. They have feuds with the four gods, but due to unity, the Qi clan and the four gods still maintain harmony.

"All of you here are my dad" collapsed on the spot: "Suzaku Mecha! Kirin Mecha! Cheetah Mecha! You, the second generation of gods, the second generation of emperors, ran out to bully us civilians again! Ah!"

Feng Wu is aloof, domineering: "Don't think about moral kidnapping! I am the second generation of God, but in Mecha League, there is no status, only strength! You are strong, you can still defeat us, and the nameless is your role model for civilians. ."

Indeed, whenever the common people feel that these second generations of gods and second generations of the emperor are superior and don’t even want to make it for the rest of their lives, some people will say that nameless people are ordinary people, and they have not yet reached the top, and they will not dare to provoke them when they become the four great beasts. Big shot.

The common people felt that it seemed to be the same, and immediately hit the chicken blood again. Yes, as long as they worked hard, they could surpass the four great beasts.

However, civilians don't know that there is only one second generation of the world's 15 billion people who is anonymous but hundreds of thousands.

"All of you here are my father." Seeing that he had failed in his moral kidnapping, he had to admit: "Okay! I admit it! I admit defeat! I surrender!"

"Everyone here is my father" initiated a surrender.

The **** widow and the two other teammates who were thrown on the ground quickly agreed. Wouldn't they be ashamed if they didn't agree?

Seeing that the surrender was about to pass, there was a rejection! !

You know, ten minutes before the game, all must be passed to be considered a successful surrender.

"All of you here are my father" mad and cursed: Who! Whoever refuses, is it mentally retarded?

"No, it's not mentally retarded, it's your father!"

Fang Mo swaggered over.

Feng Wu suddenly turned her head, her face changed, because her battle radar did not prompt anyone to approach! When did this man come! !

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