Fengwu only noticed that Fang Mo had already appeared behind everyone.

   The current situation is that in the red camp, two Cheetah mechas slammed the two men in the blue camp to the ground immobile.

   The **** widow and "All of you here are my dad" (hereafter referred to as my dad here) were beaten all over by two Kirin mechas.

  Fengwu is disdainful to take action, dealing with these novice rookies.

My father in the audience watched Fang Mo finally come slowly, and vented all his anger on Fang Mo: "What are you doing now! Blame you!! Slowly and slowly swallow! Fuck! I'm really upset. After eight hundred lifetimes of mold, I actually matched a teammate like you."

   Fang Mo faintly replied: "Oh."

   Feng Wu is not an impulsive person. On the contrary, as a hostage of Qinglong City, Feng Wu has learned to be independent since he was a child and learn to think twice before acting.

  The ranking match of "Mecha League" has always been fair. It will use the data simulation of the strength of both sides to maintain the winning rate at 50%.

   The four mechas that were knocked to the ground in front of them were obviously weak. How could they be compared with a Suzaku mecha, two Kirin mechas, and two Cheetah mechas?

   The only possibility is that the person in front of him is the real powerhouse of the opponent, and he has raised the average level of the blue camp alone.

   Fengwu didn't rush to take a shot, but the energy of the whole totem runs, keeping the Suzaku mecha in a combat state, ready to fight at any time.

   Fengwu pretended to be very calm, and looked at Fang Mo: "Are you very strong?"

   Fangmo grinned: "It's normal, but it should be enough to hit five of you."

   Fuck? ! !

   The two Kirin mechas were silly. They are not so mad as the royal family. The mecha in front of me is so arrogant that I don’t know what it is.

   Even Fang Mo’s teammate "My father here" mocked: "Hey, kid! Are you crazy! Do you know what mech they are wearing!!"

   The two cheetahs understood, their black alloy claws directly slapped the two mechas of the blue camp.

   Then turned on the Cheetah's swift jet, which increased the speed several times, and pounced on Fang Mo at the same time.

   "An old Bronze 4 mecha is so arrogant, watch the claws!"


   The paws of the two Cheetah Mechas extended a full half a meter!

   The sharp black claws draw ten silver blade arcs in the air.

   Fangmo's fists turned into hand knives, facing the black claws of the two Cheetah mechas.

   Two-handed knives intercepted midway, like two kitchen knives, accurately locking the attack trajectory of the black claws, and then cutting diagonally across the cross section in advance.

   uses the principle of leverage, which is the previous force to hit the force, four or two.

   Pong Pong Pong Pong!

   A series of sweet metal cracking sounds.

   saw the claws of two cheetah mechas break at the same time.

   The two Cheetah mechas looked at each other, looking silly, what is this, the other party cut off their high-strength alloy claws with just the palm of their hand.

   These two Cheetah mechas are both royal families, and they don’t lack money at home. They both use top-quality alloy materials. They were cut off by a hand knife. One can imagine how hard the opponent’s mecha is.

   Fengwu's number one licking dog Qi Ji, integrated into the Kirin IV generation all-round armor, is very good at melee, long-range, elemental, and defense. It can be described as the most complete mech on the market.

Moreover, there are still four generations. The number of the four generations is only a hundred in the world. Most of them are the high-level core of the Qi family. It is possible to have a four-generation Kirin. It is conceivable that Qi Ji’s position in the Qi family. Still very important, it is said to be one of the ten heirs of the Qi family.

   The other one who uses the Kirin III power mech is Qi Ji’s younger brother, Qi Jie. Both brothers like Feng Wu and are Feng Wu’s bodyguard, dog licking and childhood sweetheart.

Qi Ji's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it. This Cheetah Black Claw knew very well that even his Kirin fourth-generation mecha was not enough to cut it off with a knife. It was even more exaggerated. Qi Ji didn't even feel it. When the opponent uses any totem energy or mecha accessories, he cuts off the black claws directly, which shows that the opponent cut off purely by the strength of the mecha.

   tusk tusk, Qi Ji watched Fang Mo's mecha repeatedly, thinking, what kind of genius designed this new mecha, how could it look like those old antique mechas.

   Is the Renaissance popular now? ?

   The **** widow looked at Fang Mo with affection: "Brother, you are so handsome!"

   "All of you here are my dad" still don't believe my eyes: "Is this really bronze 4, it's wrong."

   Qi Ji and his younger brother Qi Jie looked at each other, they were in a tacit understanding, and they shot at the same time.

   Qi Ji rose to the sky, with a flame gun in his hand.

   Kylin Musketeer!

   Qi Jie crawled on the ground, like a real unicorn, bursting into flames all over his body, accelerating suddenly, and fists in flames! !

Fang Mo looked at the opponent's flame fists and the picture of the unicorn pounced, and remembered his own flame ball, his own flame ball can also blast out the unicorn illusion with one punch. I don't know if he can swallow him after killing this person Kirin Mecha, maybe you don't need to unblock the blood fist totem, you can release the flame fist.

  Thinking room.

   There was a unicorn musket on top of his head, and all the unicorn fists in front of him blasted over.

   Fang Mo stepped on Lingbo's microstep and easily avoided the unicorn musket above his head.

   and grabbed Qi Ji's wrist with one hand, took the Qilin musket, and stabbed him!

   directly pierced Qi Jie's mech that was blasting with his fists.

   Qi Jie's eyes widened, and he didn't expect that he was killed by his brother's unicorn musket.

   Qi Ji did not expect that the Kirin Musketeer is an exclusive accessory for Kirin Mechas, and other mechas cannot be used. Seeing this ugly metal shell, he can actually use his Kirin Musketeer! !

   "Brother!" Qi Ji was full of energy, and a large muzzle with a diameter of 30 cm was spit out from the middle chest of the Kirin Mecha.

   Then the flames of the unicorn monster all over the body gathered in the cannon.

  Target locked!



   A huge flame shock wave with a diameter of one meter directly rushed towards Fang Mo.

   Fangmo even if Ling Bo dodges with a slight step, he can't have time for the rapid movement of the flame shock wave.

  Kylin Mecha is equipped with the highest technological content of thermal tracking, shadow tracking, torso tracking and other tracking methods to ensure that it is foolproof.

   Fangmo’s Lingbo microsteps were originally composed of thousands of steps that were then combined together, reaching a dazzling state.

   But the AI ​​equipped with the mecha can use exhaustive calculation methods, with tens of billions of computing power per second, instantly calculating the pace of Lingbo's microsteps.

   Then Qi Ji releases the Qilin Emperor Yan Blaster and enters the battle AI hosting mode.

   Fang Mo cannot evade the opponent's tracking with stronger computing power unless he has a higher-level combat AI.

   Seeing that Fang Mo was about to be hit by the Qilin Emperor Yan shock wave.

   Suddenly, Fang Mo's body flashed in darkness.

The ugly and rusty brass mecha just now turned into a dragon-shaped mecha with dragon wings, dragon tails, and dragon horns. The smooth, curved, and proportioned mecha is simply a work of art, which is more than the legendary. The beautiful Azure Dragon Mecha is even more beautiful! !

   Boom! !

   Fang Mo remained motionless, the terrifying Qilin Emperor Yan shock wave bombarded the ancestor Black Dragon Mech, and the Black Dragon Mech was unscathed.

   Black Dragon Mecha is most afraid of physical attacks. Flames of the level like Kirin can’t hurt Black Dragon Mecha at all!

   "What!!" Qi Ji was horrified, he was a unicorn mecha, one of the strongest mechas comparable to the four great beast mechas! !

   The strongest move, Qilin Emperor Yan Blaster, didn't even hurt the fur of the opponent's mecha. What a thing.

  Feng Wu was startled: "I finally know why we are comparable to such a weak opponent. As expected, it is all because of the person in front of me! His mecha is very strong!"

   Qi Ji said with lingering fear: "This dragon-shaped mech, will it be the newest mech of the Qinglong clan?"

Feng Wu shook his head: "Impossible! I have never seen this kind of mecha, and you can see from the player information that his mecha is still called the ancestor mecha, but there is a black dragon with a bronze skin behind it. Have you seen mech skins."

   Qi Ji discovered that the black dragon mecha in front of him was actually skin! The mecha skin of Bronze 4 is unprecedented.

   Fengwu finally couldn't help but want to make a move: "Don't be close by him, we two will go together!"

   The voice just fell.

The tail wing of the Phoenix Dance Suzaku Mecha was erected upright, and then thousands of feathers fell off and turned into thousands of flame alloy blades, shooing and shooting Fang Mo.

   Fangmo’s Black Dragon Mecha is not immune to physical attacks, so he quickly raised the evil spirit shield to block the flame feathers.

   Fengwu said calmly: "Qi Ji, the opponent's Black Dragon Mecha seems to be unable to withstand physical attacks! Go and attack him behind!"

   Qi Ji's plasma thrusters are all turned on, and the speed of propulsion is activated, reaching ten times the speed of sound in an instant~www.ltnovel.com~ like teleporting.

Plasma thrusters are currently one of the fastest thrusters of mechas. Generally, only the fifth-generation mechas can be configured. Qi Ji’s fourth-generation mechas cannot be configured at all, so the youth version of the plasma thrusters installed can only Advance for one second, as an emergency escape, chase and kill.

   Ten times the speed of sound, so fast that there is no shadow.

   Fang Mo is agile with the evil spirit suit 2000, and can only reach 2 times the speed of sound at most. Of course, this is because Fang Mo does not have the soul ball accelerated by the wind. If he has the ability to accelerate, ten times the speed of sound is still very easy.

   Fang Mo is trying his best to stop Feng Wu's Suzaku wing impact.

   Qi Ji uses a plasma thruster to teleport behind Fang Mo, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

   Fire and Thunder double guns!

   This is Qi Ji’s strongest move. At the same time, he holds the thunder gun with his left hand and the wall of fire with his right hand. The thunder and fire intersect, and the power is superimposed, which can break all mechas.


   Fang Mo smiled contemptuously at the corner of his mouth.

   Raised the evil spirit shield with his right hand to block Feng Wu's wing impact.

   his left hand impressively held two ball of law of elements at the same time!

   Thunder Magic Ball! Ice and snow magic ball! !

These are the two major elements currently absorbed by Fang Mo. Although the three-body totem is sealed, the groove of the three-body totem is still there. Fang Mo put the ice and snow totem (mecha) and thunder totem (mecha) into the three-body totem. In the orange groove.

Although    cannot awaken the three-body totem, it can increase the power of the two totems placed in the orange groove to the third form. .

   Thunder and Snow double burst! unarmed!

   Fang Mo squeezed the Thunder Magic Ball and the Ice Magic Ball in his palms, and then pinched them together, punching the fire and thunder double spears!

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