Because I’m So Afraid of Death, I Choose Invincible

Chapter 659: Mirror of Time and Space

  The Star Warship has sailed in the universe for 11 days! !

   Fangmo felt that he was deceived by this woman again!

   Fang Mo said coldly: "Why is it so long! 11 days! Doesn't it take at least 11 days to come back! I will participate in the StarCraft competition in a month!"

Gonia pretended to be innocent and said, "Oh, it takes a long time for the interstellar voyage. Don’t you have common sense? Oh, yes, I almost forgot. It’s the first time you come to space suit! It’s okay, I don’t dislike you. , I can explain to you slowly!"

   Fang Mo can't wait to jump up and slap, just this woman slaps flying, how can people be so embarrassed! shameless! Narcissism!

   Fang Mo felt that this Geniya and Jumang Invincible were a good match.

   Two narcissists, one talks more and the other talks less.

   It is a pity that Jumang Wudi already has a sweetheart.

   Fang Mo said viciously: "Anyway, I'll just say one thing, if I can't keep up with the StarCraft tournament, I will kill you!"

   Geniya was frightened by Fang Mo's ferocious eyes, at that moment Geniya actually felt that Fang Mo would really kill herself.

Gonia didn’t dare to make a joke anymore, and quickly pretended to be very pitiful: "Oh, you are frightening people. Don’t worry, I’ve already calculated the time. I will go for 11 days and come back for 11 days. In the time and space secret, the time is the most. One second in the past! Even if you encounter some unexpected delays on the road, you can still go back to participate in the StarCraft tournament."

   "I hope so!" Fang Mo let out a sigh of relief.

   After 11 days of interstellar voyage.

  The interstellar battleship finally flew into a white sky.

and many more!

   In the universe, how can there be a sky, how can it be white.

   Fangmo looked through the display screen on the battleship, and saw the front. In the universe, there was a huge mirror that could not see the lens! ! New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   This mirror radiates all the stars around it, resulting in a huge spherical aperture formed around it, which turned out to be a light ball composed of light!

   Genia explained that this is the mirror of time and space, which compresses the space of the second universe into a mirror and stays here.

   Then they will go to the middle of the time-space mirror, where there is a time-space vortex, they can enter into the time-space mirror through the vortex, and inside is a huge time-space copy world.

   Amazing! It's amazing!

   In addition, there is a huge shock!

   I saw hundreds of thousands of interstellar warships suspended in the sky above the Mirror of Time and Space, vast and mighty, just like the pictures of Star Wars in the movie.

   Besides, Fang Mo saw countless people falling from the interstellar battleship onto the mirror of time and space.

   100,000 people!

   million people!

   Thousands of people! !

   Fangmo wanted to kill Gonia again: "Didn't you say that the quota is very limited! Didn't you say that the quota is precious! Are you not worth tens of millions of places! How come so many people come!"

Gonia also looked shocked: "No! No! Even if this is the last copy of Time and Space Mirror, according to the previous standard, you can only enter 100,000 people at most, even because of the last time, the time and space vortex has become bigger. , You can enter more people, and it won't become 10 million people at once."

Fang Mogan laughed: "Stop pretending, okay! I think you know this will be the case, so your family dare not come at all. This is definitely a copy of a large-scale collective action. I see this. Many people are in the same camp. Your family is afraid of coming over and stuffing the teeth between the big family and the big forces, so you are sent, and you know that you are outnumbered, so you found the three of us and wanted me to be cannon fodder! "

Gonia seemed to be seen through her heart, and she quickly smiled at her face: "Big Brother Fang Mo, don't you want to be angry, I am not, I am also forced to be helpless, and I swear to God, you will definitely be my life Ever the most powerful star-level powerhouse, the Temporal Secret Realm dungeon can only enter the star-level powerhouse, and you are the king of the star-level powerhouse! The supreme king!! I believe you will definitely shine in this dungeon... …"

"Shut up! Stop talking nonsense! Also, don't call my big brother, you can be my aunt at the same age as a player of this rank!!" The full text of the text is the fastest. ㈠zщ.còм/

   Geniya sees that toughness is not enough, so she can only softly say: "Then what do you want to do!"

   "I will distribute everything! And you can only get a quarter of it! From now on, you have to listen to me!"

Gonia is very smart. Although she knows that the interstellar warship is in her hands, Fang Mo would never have time to participate in the StarCraft without her, but Gonia did not threaten it because she had been getting along through the interstellar voyage for 11 days. Niya knew that Fang Mo was a typical person who eats soft but not hard.

  If Gonia really threatened with this, Fang Mo would probably kill herself directly, or even **** an interstellar warship and fly back to Kreis.

   Geniya knew that she had deceived Fang Mo many times and hid a lot of information, only to deceive Fang Mo, knowing she was wrong, so she could only reluctantly agree: "Well, I will listen to you!"

   Geniya has a special artifact to escape, so Geniya thinks she will become the final winner.

   Fang Mo and the other three will eventually be workers!

   Li Shaozhe is like a hillbilly, all kinds of yelling: "Boss, look! Look at that spaceship! It is actually two chopsticks!"

   I saw a spaceship, which actually flew in parallel like two chopsticks, and there was no connection between the chopsticks.

   Genia smiled and said: "That is called the Light Shuttle, which is one of the most advanced spacecraft at present. It is a hot-selling product of the Machinery Association, and one ship is worth hundreds of millions.

   Li Shaozhe swallowed: "Go up? Hundreds of millions of stars! Why are you so rich!"

Gonia said: "It's too normal! The earliest server is said to have started one hundred thousand years ago. You can think about how many servers there are today. Some players have established families for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years. , The accumulated wealth, hundreds of millions of stars are nothing, but the trillions of stars are nothing in the universe."

   Fang Mo was curious: "Since the space suit is so long and for so many years, there hasn't been a single strongest person, and will all the servers be occupied? Will you become the ultimate ruler of the game!"

"Hahaha! Rule all servers! How is it possible!" Gonia talked, "Do you know how big the universe is! Do you know how many small universes are contained in the universe! You know that the interstellar coordinates of many servers are hidden? How deep is it! At present, there are trillions of servers based on statistics, and there are probably at least hundreds of billions of hidden servers."

   Fang Mo was speechless: "What? Go up? Hundreds of millions of servers? Then I open the server rankings, how come there are millions of servers displayed!"

   Genia looked at the hillbilly again: "That's Virgo! There are millions of them in just one Virgo!"

   Fang Mo is really shocked this time!

   trillion servers? ? ?

   My mom! !

  Fangmo’s first reaction was, how can the server of this game be backed up! !

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