Fangmo hated game companies the most before, so what can't be done, first in the new district!

   Many games, I can’t wait to open hundreds of districts a day.

   Especially for legendary web games, open a new server in one second! Open unlimited servers!

   Many krypton gold bosses finally discovered that the entire server is actually only him. All of them are humans and machines. The most overwhelming thing is that these humans and machines still have names, and even send texts, making them look like real people.

   Thinking about it this way, Fang Mo understood.

   No matter how strong a person is, his energy is limited.

   Even if one takes a planet in one second, it takes trillions of seconds. Fang Mo can't calculate how long a trillion seconds is.

   Actually, it was not as complicated as Fang Mo thought.

   There are indeed trillions of servers.

   But at least half of the servers have become dead zones.

   That's right, just like many games, one server, one zone, no one, all become dead zones.

   That is because after one hundred thousand years of dominance and annexation, there will always be some big powers that will continue to annex other servers. Some galaxy-level powerhouses can occupy millions of servers after operating for tens of thousands of years.

   So, as long as you are strong, you don’t need to manage those small servers.

   Directly find the boss behind these servers, the black hand boss, just kill it!

   The sky above the mirror of time and space.

   is like a trade fair for interstellar warships.

  Various, strange-shaped spaceships keep appearing.

   Most of them are the same as Gonia’s interstellar warship, inverted triangle shape, this is the cheapest first-generation spacecraft.

   There are also many high-end spaceships with strange shapes like two chopsticks. These are masterpieces of the Machinery Guild.

   No one knows who created the Mechanical Guild.

   According to legend, the Mechanical Guild created a universe destruction weapon that even the Protoss were afraid of, so the Protoss did not dare to trouble the Mechanical Guild.

   This is like a game.

   There is a player threatening the game company in the game. He has mastered a technology that can paralyze the game instantly.

   Therefore, the game company is afraid to kick this player out. This player still develops various technologies. Even the player said everywhere that our goal is to destroy the game.

   Fangmo is more and more interested in this mechanical guild, next time you have the opportunity, you can go to see the branch of the mechanical guild in each city.

   One camp after another, stepping down from the spaceship neatly.

   Then, guided by a group of people wearing special blue, white and red cloaks covering their heads, they entered the space-time storm.

   Fang Mo, Li Shaozhe, and Ju Mang Wudi followed Geniya and fell vertically from the spacecraft.

   This is the vacuum conveyor belt on the spacecraft, which can transport people directly from the spacecraft to the ground.

   Upon reaching the Mirror of Time and Space, Fang Mo actually felt that his feet were stepping on the air, light and light, without any feeling.

   Fangmo pointed at some people in cloaks ahead and said, "What do these people do."

Genia once again popularized science: "These people wearing cloaks are the people of the Protoss God Association! This time-space secret copy cannot be included in the game copy, but the Protoss behind the game does not seem to want to be taken away, so they can only Manually intervene and set up a lot of game dungeon rules. It is stipulated that only strong stars of the star level can enter, and it is stipulated that people with a quota must enter. It is stipulated that the time to enter is only one month! A lot of things are stipulated!" First release www.(x81zw) m./x81zw/

   Fang Mo understood these.

   Dare to love this copy is not a copy of the game, but called a copy by the people of the Astral Spirit, and it is stipulated that only the stars can enter.

   In fact, even the entry of Galaxy level is fine.

   But the purpose of the Protoss God Society is to find the reincarnation of the second universe, so it is certain that the reincarnation must be in the new server round after round, so it is stipulated that only the entry of the star level can be entered, and only the entry of the Virgo! !

   This may be related to the fact that the people in the first universe and the second universe all came from the earth.

   Because the earth also belongs to the Virgo Supercluster.

   Fangmo sometimes has unrealistic fantasies, maybe he is the person the Protoss wants to find.

   But it doesn’t feel like it.

   Except for the three-body necklace on his neck, Fang Mo has nothing special, and the three-body necklace is not his own, but is given to him by his father.

   Could it be! Could it be! !

  Is his father the reincarnation of the Second Universe? ?

   It is really possible to think about it this way, my father is always mysterious.

Gonia continued: "The ones with the white cloak are the lowest-level ambassadors of the Protoss; the blue cloak is the intermediate ambassador of the protoss, and the red cloak is the high-level messenger; don’t underestimate their cloaks. Even the white cloak contains more stellar energy than Virgo’s saint clothing. The white cloak is said to instantly expand ten times the energy of the celestial spirits, the blue robe is a hundred times, the red robe is a thousand times! So, don’t provoke the red robe. Protoss messengers, each of them has at least star cluster level strength!"

   Fang Mo was full of expectation and even greedily looked at a woman in a red cloak not far ahead.

  Because the woman's face was covered by the cloak, she couldn't see clearly, but Fang Mo was sure that she was a woman only because the waves of the woman were so spectacular.

   The point is that this woman's head looks very small, and the waves are twice as big as her head, giving a very exaggerated visual impact.

   "Hey hey! Boss, do we see the same person!" Li Shaozhe smiled trivially.

   Fang Mo also cooperated with a wry smile and said, "It should be the same person."

   Genia seemed to see Fang Mo and Li Shaozhe's wretched gaze, and quickly warned: "Damn! You two desperate things, actually dare to fight Cerantis' idea!"

   Fang Mo continued to stare at this Cerantis and said, "Why, is there any unspeakable story about Cerantis!"

   Genia seemed to be very afraid of the woman in the red cloak, and lowered her voice: "Cerantis is the executive officer of the five protoss, she can talk to the protoss directly!"

what! !

   Fangmo’s pupils dilated!

  What is the This is equivalent to online games.

   There is a player who can talk to GM directly!

   This is a fart!

   Fangmo asked, "So, this Cerantis is a player or an NPC!"

Genia gave Mo a white look: "You ask me, I ask who will go, in a word, don't offend, don't try to provoke Cerantis, even the Empress of our Virgo, see Cerantis You have to be polite." A genius remembers Chinese in one second mx/8/1/z/wc/o/m/

   The voice just fell.

   From a distance, I heard Cerantis’ icy voice: "Break the rules! Use special interrupts to disguise the level! Death!"

   I only heard a person with a face of fear and grimace: "Don't, don't kill me! My father is the Virgo Emperor Star family, the royal family!"



   Cerantis did not give this person any time to react. There were two peculiar long beards on both sides of the head, like thorns, directly piercing each other.

   The opponent tried to resist with a star shield.

   Pong Pong!

   Two brain stabs directly pierced the star shield, killing each other easily.

   Cerantis said coldly: "Anyone, no matter what method is used, to forcefully suppress the level above the stars to the star level, they will be put to death directly!!"

Very cool!

   go up and take a look!

   Geniya was so scared that her soul was almost lost: "Hey! Fang Mo! What are you doing! Come back soon! Don't provoke her!"

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