"Because I'm too afraid of death, I choose Invincible (

Blood Moon Chaotic Shadow Kill!

The loose female captain felt countless **** moonlight on her body.

Next second.

The moonlight pierced her body like a sword.


There was a scream.

The loose female captain never dreamed that she would kill a new player, and still secretly learn her own moves.

On the other side of the battlefield.

Jumang Wudi, Li Shaozhe, and Geniya also beheaded their opponents very easily!

Poor members of this casual game guild, if they had a better attitude, Fang Mo would definitely give them some hard work.

It is a pity that when they see the fortune, they even want to kill people and make money.

Sometimes fate is so wonderful.

It's not that it must be wrong to kill and overtake.

Some people may actually make a fortune by killing people and overcoming goods.

Some people lost their lives by killing people and surpassing goods.

Fang Mo three bodies swallowed.

Swallow the soul **** of four people.

Suddenly, Fang Mo thought of one thing.

Even if the four of them applied for members of the loose game guild.

It is very likely to be found out afterwards.

Fang Mo activates the bracelet assistant Yana.

"Yana Pretty Girl, I would like to ask you a question, can I rob the other party's identity information directly, and then disguise the information of the other party's universe bracelet as my own."

Yana chuckled, "Fang Mo, it's too easy for you to think. If everyone can pretend to be other people, then the whole game will be messed up... Hey, no! Maybe others can't, you still There is a real chance!"

"Oh, how do you do it?" Fang Mo quickly became energetic when he heard the play.

Yana said: "You can swallow the other party's soul, maybe I can help you invade the other party's cosmic bracelet, and then you compress the other party's soul into a soul ball, and then use the soul ball to inject the cosmic bracelet, and then you can Disguise the other party’s cosmic bracelet, activate the bracelet, cover it on your original bracelet, and disguise information!!"


Fang Mo was so happy, he broke out: "Yana, I love you to death! You are really my best assistant!"

However, Fang Mo didn't expect it because of his own word of love.

Yana fell into a long time of thinking.


Love? !

what is love.

How does love feel!

Yana enters the logical self-explanation of love. Although Yana may not be able to understand what love is in a short time, when Yana really understands love, Nayana's AI level may definitely reach a new height. .

Fang Mo was very skilled, and easily condensed the souls of the four scattered game guilds killed just now into a transparent soul ball.

Then Yana extracted the information from the soul ball.





Fang Mo was dumbfounded.

The soul is clearly a vain thing.

How could it become like a prop in the game in front of Yana, which can also be analyzed and transferred.

Yana is very efficient, less than ten minutes.

Successfully invaded the four dead physical universe assistants and successfully transferred the information of the four to the universe bracelets of Fang Mo, Ju Mang Wudi, Li Shaozhe, and Genia.

In this way.

Fang Mo now directly opened the disguised male one information of the casual game guild.

Li Shaozhe is the second man in disguise, Jumang Wudi is disguised as Nansan, and Geniya is the female captain.

Don't underestimate this disguised information.

In the universe suit.

One person binds one universe bracelet.

It is equivalent to one account per person.

It is absolutely impossible to transfer.

Of course, any absolute thing is not absolute.

Except Fang Mo.

There have been many instances of identity theft in history.

Use various game loopholes, or special skills, etc.

But in the end the loopholes were fixed by the five protoss.

I don't know what Fang Mo's vulnerability will be fixed.

If Fang Mo's vulnerability is not fixed.

That's why it definitely took off.

Because there are many copies of novice benefits, everyone can only enter once in a lifetime.

First kill reward! The first clearance rewards are very rich.

If Fang Mo can disguise it through information.

Wouldn't it be possible to pretend to be tens of thousands of accounts, and then enjoy the opportunity to challenge the novice copy tens of thousands of times.

In addition to the novice copy.

Some copies can only be entered once a day, or once a month or a year. These restricted copies are generally welfare copies with high welfare and high security, so the number of times will be limited.

And if Fang Mo had tens of thousands of accounts, he couldn't imagine.

In addition, there are many official stores.

First purchase! First time consumption! There will be discounts! There are gifts!

If Fang Mo has tens of thousands of accounts, it is definitely a great benefit! !

However, with these ten thousand accounts, Fang Mo couldn't always kill people when he saw them directly.

It was too late for Fang Mo to return to the bald mountain just now.

And Yana told Fang Mo a bad news: "Fang Mo! I know what you are thinking, and put away your unrealistic thoughts. With my current ability, at most, I will help you invade 10 Account, lock these 10 accounts at the same time not to be exposed! More than 10 accounts, I will definitely be found! Then even you will be focused on by the above, so it is better to be cautious, after all, our current behavior, at least has been used BUG!"

Fang Mo suddenly remembered the game on the other side of the earth. If a player exploits the bug, he will even be banned.

Fang Mo hurriedly asked: "Then if it is found using a bug, will it be blocked?"

Yana said: "That won't be true. After all, the game has bugs, indicating that it is a problem with the game. Players can find and use it. It can only be said that players use the rules reasonably. Of course, the official attitude of the game is not to spread bugs or propaganda maliciously BUG, because the loss caused by one person using ~www.ltnovel.com~ is still within the official acceptable range of the game, if one hundred thousand people! One million people! 100 million players all use the BUG! It is likely to cause server turbulence and game release Problem, so for this kind of bad behavior, the game official will not ban you, but will directly erase you and make you disappear forever."

Fang Mo think about it too.

Even if a person uses a BUG, ​​even if he gets more rewards, the official will solve it secretly and privately. Other players will not know, nor will they complain or imitate.

If it is extended to the full server, then the game is basically abandoned.

Unless back files.

Here comes the problem.

Does this game have a rollback function?

If the game really has a backshift function, Fang Mo feels that the players are really too humble, and that they are all puppets controlled by the game.

Although the entire universe is now overlapping reality and games.

But at least you have to respect reality so that players can feel the reality of reality.

If it can be backed up, it means that the background of the game can be so powerful that it can change anyone, change any world, change any situation, and what motivation does the players have to play the game.

Just swipe a few full-level players directly in the game background!

There is no goal to strive for.


Identity disguised successfully!

Current identity name Carlos! The strength level galaxy tier 6!

Fang Mo's identity was successfully disguised.

Then it is easy to disguise, and the appearance can be changed through the flow of elements.

Of course, if you have a powerful person, you can see the disguise of Disguise at a glance, but at this time and space dungeon, the highest strength is only the galaxy level, so there is absolutely no disguise.

Fang Mo said solemnly: "Very well, you have succeeded in disguising it! Now let's go to the Space-Time Tower! We will exchange things as a loose game guild!!"

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