"Because I'm too afraid of death, I choose Invincible (

After the four people successfully disguised their identities, they flew all the way to the Tower of Time and Space.

At this time, the Tower of Time and Space has been surrounded by the inner three floors and the outer three floors!

Individual players simply can't get in.

If you want to go in, you have to make your backpack public, and let these big forces and big game guilds check the backpack. It can be said that there is no freedom at all.

Fortunately, there is also a casual game guild.

Many people temporarily joined the casual game guild.

Even the royal family of Virgo dare not easily offend the loose game guild.

Although the scattered game guild is scattered.

But the scary thing is that it is not only scattered in Virgo.

It is scattered throughout the universe.

Yes, the casual game guild is a cosmic game guild.

There are branches in every super large cluster server cluster.

Fang Mo joined the Virgo branch of the San Man Game Guild.

Relying on the identity of the Loose Game Guild, Fang Mo and the four successfully entered the interior of the Tower of Time and Space.

Fang Mo looked silly when he entered the time and space tower.

It looks from the outside.

At this time, the tower of time and space is not very big, covering at most tens of thousands of square meters, and at most it can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people.

However, one enters the Tower of Time and Space.

The space inside is almost a hundred times bigger.

It's completely different from the outside perspective.

There are at least millions of people inside, which is very noisy.

Because the casual game guild is mainly composed of casual players, most people don't know each other, and there are still many conflicts between these casual players.

However, there are many internal conflicts, which does not mean that outsiders dare to bully.

If there are other game guilds, or people from big influences, dare to bully people from the scattered game guilds.

These scattered people will cling together and deal with those who are powerful.

That is why, other game guilds will not provoke scattered game guilds.

There are too many people in the casual game guild! It's too complicated! One who is not careful can easily offend some invisible powerhouses.

In the middle of the Tower of Time.

There is a translucent ladder leading to the castle in the sky. Players who want to exchange things can step on the translucent ladder to enter the castle in the sky.

Fang Mo observed here for many minutes.

Found that few people went up to exchange things.

Even if it is exchanged, it is also exchanged by some big power families.

Fang was not in a hurry, if he went up so blatantly now, it would definitely attract the attention of others.

At this time, the commander-in-chief of the Loose Game Guild who was in charge of this time-space copy came over.

The scattered conductor was named Tekula, a beautiful man with long red hair.

His nails were painted very bright red, and he was wearing a bright red cloak, and he looked seductive, glamorous and mysterious.

Tekula’s appearance is coquettish, but his voice is very masculine, and he is very mature and said loudly: "Okay, the members who have dug into the Star Crystal Mine, now all stand up. Our loose game guild is not as harsh, greedy, and wanting as other guilds. The members who go up to exchange the treasures only need to pay me one hundred cubic meters of orange crystals, and then I will personally take you up together. In this way, no one will dare to attack us!!"

All you need is a white cube of orange crystal, Fang Mo's eyes brighten, that's not bad, Fang Mo has 15,000 cubes of orange crystal, a white cube is completely drizzle, and doesn't care at all.

But many members still complained: "Ah? One hundred cubic meters! I dug up to fifty in the middle of the night, and I can't even pay for the tickets."

Tekula pursed his lips: "I know that you casual people are usually scattered, but you must learn to think flexibly. One person fifty is not enough to exchange treasures. You can get together ten or dozens of people together, and then send one. Represent it, and then hand in one hundred cubic meters of tickets. The treasures exchanged can be sold and divided equally."

Many people nodded: "Good idea!"

Soon many people were yelling: "Who will fight with me! Group ten people! I will pay two hundred cubic meters! Guaranteed by the honor points of the guild!"

As a player in the universe suit, you can enter the management platform of the game guild through the universe bracelet.

Then in the game guild management platform, you can earn guild honor points based on some guild tasks you usually receive, or your contributions to the guild, donations, and complete guild daily activities.

The guild honor points can be used to promote the position of the guild.

You can also enter the guild mall and use the guild honor points to buy equipment, medicines, etc.

In short, the honor point of the guild is very finally something.

In addition, if someone is willing to bet on the honor of the guild and enter into some kind of contract, it will also automatically generate a guild agreement.

Once violated!

Will be blocked by the entire guild.

There are even guild law enforcement teams forcing law enforcement.

Therefore, if the members of the casual game guild are willing to guarantee with the honor of the guild, they will basically gain the trust of the other party, unless they do not want to mix in the casual game guild, or even be chased by the law enforcement team to the end of the world.

Fang Mo also pretended to shout for team formation everywhere.

But when someone really teamed up, Fang Mo said he was embarrassed to be full.

The other casual people who did it were so blinded, how could it be full so soon.

In short, Fang Mo fake the style for a long time.

Finally, hundreds of people have successfully raised hundreds or thousands of orange crystals.

Then everyone handed over 100 cubic meters of orange crystals to Tecula and then got tickets.

Tekula had already almost danced happily in his heart.

He didn't need to do anything, just opened his mouth and successfully received tens of thousands of crystals!

On the surface it looks fair.

In fact, he is not more black-hearted than other game guilds.

In this way, Tecula hummed a little tune and took hundreds of people up the stairs at the same time.

Fang Mo was naturally among them.

Li Shaozhe and Ju Mang Wudi transferred all the orange crystals to Fang Mo.

Fang Mo now had 27 thousand crystals on his body.

Gonia did not turn.

Gonia herself also needs to exchange treasures.

But Fang Moke was hired by Geniya as a bodyguard.

How could Gonia be willing to give the crystal to Fang Mo.

Fang Mo understood this. After all, Gonia brought them in, so Fang Mo symbolically accepted Gonia a thousand crystals as a protection fee. Gonia was furious, but she had no choice but to give it.

Many other people from the game guild looked up and watched hundreds of people stepping up the stairs mightily.

"What's the matter, do people in this loose game guild have so many star crystal ores!"

"You don't understand this. Their scattered game guilds, a group of skirmishers, have no spirit of cooperation at all. It is estimated that everyone has at most a few hundred star crystals. I want to take it up early and change equipment. Unlike us, we are all concentrated. Get up ~www.ltnovel.com~ and go and change something."

"Hey, I am a little envious of this casual game guild. At least others can change things, even if they change the least, it is also their own. As for us, we can only look at it eagerly."

"Shhh, keep your voice down, don't die!"

Fang Mo stepped on the stairs, followed the scattered group, and got into it, so that no one would notice Fang Mo.


The castle in the sky opened the door.

The scattered people entered the castle in the sky one by one.

Fang Mo also entered the castle in the sky, suddenly the space changed.

All the other scattered people disappeared.

Only Fang Mo was left, and there was nothing in the white space.

Suddenly again!

An old man wearing a white robe and a white beard more than one meter long appeared out of thin air.

The old man squinted his eyes and looked at Fang Mo, and smiled: "Good boy! You are really good! In such a short period of time, you can actually collect 28,000 star crystals. It seems that you have a special opportunity!"

Fang Mo didn't panic, and calmly said: "You are the Lord of Time and Space, the owner of this copy?"

The old man touched his beard with pride: "Yes! I am the famous space-time lord of the Second Universe! I am also the creator of this world, Kiran!"


How does Fang Mo feel that this name is a bit familiar! !

its not right! Isn't this the name of the old man in the League of Legends!

Fang Mo took a closer look, the old man really looked a bit like the old man in time.

Damn it! !

Fang Mo was shocked inwardly.

how can that be!

Isn’t the second universe a completely real world? How can there be characters in the game?

Could it be! Could it be!

A bold idea appeared in Fang Mo's mind—is the Second Universe also a game world? ? !

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