Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1009: Decent

When Ji Ning came back, Tang Feng called him to the study.

Ji Ning still used his most concise way to talk about Linji County in a few words.

Rong Guocheng heard him finish the whole thing in less than a minute, then looked at the file box on the coffee table on the table with a dazed expression, and looked at Tang Feng in a daze.

He knew that Ji Ning's speech was concise and concise, as much as he could be, and he definitely didn't talk too much nonsense, but he was able to put so many files in the box and finished it in a few words, so he could not accept it for a while.

Tang Feng nodded and said, "Some of these details are not important. If you are interested, you can check it out for yourself."

Rong Guocheng looked at the boxes again, and decided to believe in Ji Ning's brief introduction and not to trouble himself.

Tang Feng gave the file of the disappearance case to Ji Ning.

Ji Ning took it over and looked at these printed documents. It seemed much easier than the first ones before. In addition, he already knew a general idea about the things inside, and looked at them at a glance.

When he saw Yucheng Mountain, he also raised his eyebrows slightly, but he didn't say anything, just continued to look down.

After Ji Ning read all the information, he said to Tang Feng, "Sir, this matter is probably not that simple. There is a sect in Yucheng Mountain."

Tang Feng nodded slightly. Ji Ning really knew it. Although he had heard Rong Guocheng talk about Jade City Sect, he still wanted to hear what Ji Ning said.

So, he said to him: "How much do you know about this Jade City Sect?"

A slightly ashamed expression appeared on Ji Ning's face. He shook his head and said, "I only know that there is a sect here. It seems that the scale is quite large. I don't know much about the specific situation."

Tang Feng also thought of this before.

Ji Ning comes from an ancient family, and his temperament is high and cold. He doesn't like to care about things that have nothing to do with him. He doesn't know about Wu Xiu's sect.

Ji Ning thought for a while, and added: "This sect seems to be quite old and capable. I have heard the uncle mention it, but because it has been too long and has not been too focused, it has no impression."

Tang Feng cast a wink at Rong Guocheng, and Rong Guocheng immediately understood, telling Ji Ning what he knew about Jade City Sect.

Listening to what Rong Guocheng said, Ji Ning nodded and said: "There are so many ways in the sect. I have never heard of it before. This time I have been taught. ."

While speaking, he was very humble and leaned toward Rong Guocheng.

Rong Guocheng said hurriedly: "Mr. Ji, I don't dare to take this. If you don't know anything about this little thing, just ask me."

Ji Ning nodded, turned to Tang Feng, and asked him: "Mister thinks this matter is related to Yucheng Sect?"

"This Gu's technique is from Southern Xinjiang. Judging from the situation of Jade City Sect, this is a well-established sect that has been passed down for a long time. The martial arts in this sect are also those of the Central Plains and seem to be in line with Southern Xinjiang. It doesn't matter much." Tang Feng said with a hint of hesitation.

"But," Ji Ning frowned, "the place where the accident happened is very close to the place where the Jade City Zongmen is located. Who would dare to do this kind of behavior near such a huge Zongmen?"

His implication is extremely obvious.

Every sect and ancient family have their own spheres of influence, and under normal circumstances, others are not allowed to set foot in them.

Nowadays, not to mention who the person who played the Gu is, just because he can perform this kind of behavior within the Jade City Sect's sphere of influence, it is very powerful, or, very suspicious.

According to Ji Ning's view, even if this matter was not done by the people of the Jade City Sect, it could not be separated from them.

With a slight hesitation on Rong Guocheng’s face, he looked at Tang Feng, and then said to Ji Ning: “The Jade City Sect is a true elite of the Huaxia Sect. Nowadays, there are very few practitioners and the Wu Xiu Sect is almost withered. Under the circumstances, the Jade City Sect can almost be regarded as the mainstay. According to his position, I don't think he can do such a thing."

He came from a sect. Even if he encountered some unpleasant things in the Dragon and Tiger Sect, he was finally expelled from the sect, but in his heart, he still has some feelings for this class of Wu Xiu sect, so he has to help them speak. .

Especially the big sects like Yuchengzong were the objects he looked up to at that time, even now, they are two rebuttals.

Ji Ning didn't think so. According to his personality, he would have some doubts about what he hadn't seen with his own eyes. No matter who was holding a ticket to him, he would not completely believe it.

Of course, except Tang Feng.

Ji Ning just nodded faintly, and then said to Tang Feng: "Sir, no matter whether this kind of thing is related to the Yucheng Sect, since we already know that there is a huge sect here, we must be more careful when we go this time."

Although Tang Feng did not come from any major sect or ancient family, he only came here as a personal person, without any background, but his original facts are too many, if the people of the Yucheng Sect knew it, there would be no suspicion. .

Tang Feng knew his concerns, but said: "If the things we are investigating have nothing to do with this sect, it is naturally that the well water does not violate the river water. They don’t find us, and we don’t pay attention to them-let alone this, Zi Can you contact Xuan over there?"

Hearing Tang Feng asking about Zi Xuan, Ji Ning nodded and said: "I have told Miss Zi Xuan all the situation. She said that she will take care of the things over there in the next few days and wait for ours. Notice, when the day is confirmed, she can rush to Sichuan Province."

"Miss Zi Xuan is coming back?" Rong Guocheng was a little surprised when he heard the news, and hurriedly asked Ji Ning, "I don't know how things are going on with the Xue family?"

After all, Xue Rui and everyone in the Xue family can get involved with Tang Feng because of him and Xie Huo. Zi Xuan went to Xijing this time for the Xue family’s affairs. Rong Guocheng couldn’t help but feel in his heart. concern.

He also talked to Xie Huo on the phone before, but Xie Huo didn't tell the inside story about the Xue family.

Ji Ning said, "Everything is going well. The people in the Xue family who are on Xue Panpan's side are now staying in Xijing. Because of Zi Xuan, many people who were vacillating before have also chosen Xue Panpan's side."

Rong Guocheng breathed a sigh of relief. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1009 Mingmen Decent) reading record and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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