Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1010: Wedding gift

When it was almost noon, Tang Feng's villa became lively again, and people kept coming to visit.

Rong Guocheng, who looked puzzled, listened to them, only to realize that Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia were married, and these people had come to give gifts.

He looked at the people of the big families almost dumbfounded, and went to great lengths to send extremely expensive gifts.

For these big families, sending things to Tang Feng, naturally, can't just send things that are easy to find on the market.

The things they gave were either expensive or okay. They needed to be able to deal with Tang Feng's thoughts, and compared with the gifts sent by other families, they would not be inferior.

I got the news yesterday, and today is to prepare the gifts to be delivered. Patriarchs of these families are not easy. Some of them are still transported by night from other places, just like the Yushan sent by the Kong family.

The Kong family’s gift was delivered by a large truck.

Among all the gifts of the family, it is considered the most eye-catching, and it is also the most impressive.

This is a huge rough jade nearly three meters high and carved into the appearance of a rockery. From the polished cuts, you can see that the stone inside has an excellent head and a bright color. The ornaments made of this jade are just fine. It will be expensive, not to mention such a huge rough stone.

This rockery is worthless.

When Tang Feng saw the people who had sent the gifts, under the command of Kong Shuchou, he carefully placed the jade in the back garden, with a faint smile in his eyes.

He doesn’t care about the price of the jade mountain itself, but the jade itself is extremely spiritual. Such a huge jade is more able to excite its own magnetic field, and it complements the spirituality in this garden, making the jade set here The magic circle plays a bigger role.

Such as the gathering of spirits, it can gather more aura and make this garden more pleasant.

The teleportation circle will draw energy from this jade mountain, and it can be maintained without Tang Feng's frequent repairs.

Compared with the masterpiece of the Kong family, the gifts from other people are extremely rare, but relatively speaking, they are a bit inferior.

The Zheng family gave a pair of carved ancient porcelain vases. Although Rong Guocheng didn’t know much about these antiques, the Zheng family gave it to Tang Feng as a wedding gift. Naturally, it can’t be anything ordinary. , It is estimated that not only the price will be staggering, but also have any special meaning.

A Mercedes-Benz’s latest sports car from Zhou’s family. This car is known to Rong Guocheng. There are only ten models in the world, and half of it has been ordered to the royal family of various countries when it is released. It can be bought. This car is not only money, but more importantly, connections and strength.

The ones from Zhang’s family were many small and exquisite, but they were placed in an exquisite carved wooden box, and when opened, there were only a few plants inside.

Rong Guocheng couldn't recognize this thing, scratching his head, he was puzzled, and he didn't understand why the Zhou family had sent this unremarkable little grass.

Seeing Tang Feng’s smile and a slight nod, Rong Guocheng understood that these few grasses are definitely not simple. It seems that the weight in Tang Feng’s heart is definitely not worse than that of the ancient porcelain sports car.

Even Grandpa Sun, who had only a few connections with Tang Feng, asked people to send a pair of calligraphy by a famous calligrapher in the history of China. Although the price may not be as good as that of several other calligraphers, the content of the calligraphy is correct. It's a newly-weds congratulatory post, exactly the occasion.

Upon seeing this, Ji Ning said to Tang Feng: "Sir, Ji's gift is still on the way, and it will arrive about tomorrow."

Even though he was not in Pingyang, the ruthless old man of the Ji family was very well informed. After hearing about Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia's marriage, he also set about preparing, but after all, the journey was a little far away and he didn't catch up with the others.

Seeing everyone busy, Rong Guocheng thought in his heart that he should give a gift to make sense.

With his abilities, he is definitely not as powerful as these big families, but he should also prepare some intentional gifts if he wants to come.

Just as Rong Guocheng was thinking about it in his heart, the gifts were settled, and the people from the families who came to give gifts gathered in the living room.

Those who came to the Tang family today were not the patrons of yesterday, they were all juniors in the family.

The Kong family is himself Kong Shuchou, with a always gentle and polite smile, very humble, with polite words in his mouth, and can't help but compliment and congratulate Tang Feng.

Zhou’s family came from Zhou Wan’s father. His name was Zhou Xiaohai. He was a middle-aged man who looked savvy and capable. Because Zhou’s family had more businesses in other provinces, he was away all year round and rarely returned to Pingyang. Today is Tang Feng’s first time. See him.

Zhou Wan was very happy when she heard her father coming. She came to the living room and talked to him for a while. Tang Feng saw that the relationship between their father and daughter was very deep, probably because of the lack of time to meet each other, Zhou Wan appeared to be particularly attached to herself. Father.

However, despite this, Zhou Wan still knows the etiquette quite well. Seeing these many adults talking, they just whispered a few words, and she continued with a reluctance on her face.

Seeing this, Tang Feng smiled and said, "After your father has finished speaking here, let him go to the garden to play with you for a while."

Zhou Wan just showed a smile and went to find the little girl.

The Zheng family came, not surprisingly, it was the eldest lady of the Zheng family, Zheng Yue, but the Zhang family came, but Tang Feng did not expect it.

He originally thought that on these occasions, Chu Chu's troublesome girl would definitely be rushed, but it was not Chu Chu that appeared in front of him, but Zhang Shengdong, and Zhang Jinshuo was with him beside him.

The last time I saw the father and son was in Lin Mengjia's company.

Zhang Shengdong took Zhang Jinshuo to the house to make amends, and gave this villa under Zhang Jinshuo's name to Tang Feng.

At that time, Zhang Jinshuo was still sitting in a wheelchair. When he saw Tang Feng, he was so frightened that he could not find a place to get in.

Later, Tang Feng never saw him again. It was heard that the Zhang family sent him to Jiangnan to recuperate.

Now that Zhang Jinshuo's legs and feet are still somewhat uneasy, there is no problem with this ordinary life.

Now Zhang Jinshuo's visit to this villa can be regarded as a revisit to the old place. Seeing that his own property belongs to someone else, he naturally has no feelings in his heart, but he dared not show anything on his face.

He had been following Zhang Shengdong all the time, looking a little cowered, even if time passed for a long time, he still didn't dare to face Tang Feng directly.

However, Zhang Shengdong seemed a lot more at ease, talking with Tang Feng, he looked familiar. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1010 Wedding Gifts) reading record, and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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