Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1039: Zhou Xiaohai's thoughts

When Lin Mengjia heard the three families in the prison city, she raised her eyebrows slightly, and she already had something to say in her heart.

When Tang Feng asked Zheng Yue to inquire about the people around Ruan Kangde, she was a little confused and wanted to ask Tang Feng about the surnames of the three families.

However, Tang Feng didn't seem to intend to disclose these things in front of Zheng Yue, and she didn't ask much.

At this moment, when Lin Mengjia was about to speak, Zhou Xiaohai took Zhou Wan and walked in from outside the living room.

The father and daughter held hands, with happy smiles on their faces, talking softly, coming in, no longer chatting, and the smiles on their faces remained undiminished.

When the two of them arrived, Lin Mengjia swallowed back when Lin Mengjia had reached her lips.

Lin Mengjia naturally didn't keep Zhou Wan from telling her anything. In her heart, she already regarded this smart little girl as her own daughter.

In addition, Zhou Wan and Tang Feng had performed such apprenticeships. The relationship between the master and the apprentice is not just lip service, but a real existence like a father.

No matter what it was, as long as Lin Mengjia thought of having a little girl, she must have brought Zhou Wan with her, it was no different.

However, Lin Mengjia's lack of defense against Zhou Wan does not mean that she is also against Zhou Xiaohai.

Even if Zhou Xiaohai is Zhou Wan's father, the relationship with Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia is much longer.

Zhou Xiaohai and his daughter walked in from the two doors. He bowed slightly to the people in the room, with a smile on his face, "I didn't interrupt you guys, right?"

Even if he is disturbed, who can drive him out at this time?

Lin Mengjia smiled and said to Zhou Xiaohai: "Mr. Zhou, if anything, come in and talk."

Zhou Xiaohai pulled Zhou Wan into the door, still with a smile on his face.

Zhou Wan stood still, saluted Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia respectively, and said respectfully: "Master, Master."

Tang Feng smiled and nodded towards Zhou Wan

Lin Mengjia smiled and drew Zhou Wan to her side, her voice was very gentle: "Wan'er played with Dad, so happy?"

Zhou Wan nodded her head with a child's innocent and innocent smile on her mouth.

Although when she was at home before, due to Zhou Xiaohai’s busy business, her body was relatively weak and it was not easy to move around. She didn’t have much time to see Zhou Xiaohai and spoke very little, but the power of this blood relationship is strong. Yes, facing her father, she will have a natural sense of intimacy.

Seeing Zhou Wan smiling happily, Zhou Xiaohai also had a smile on his face, and said to Tang Feng: "Mr. Tang, Wan'er's body is thanks to you. I couldn't have imagined that she would be so healthy one day."

Thinking back to Zhou Wan's ill and sickly appearance back then, Zhou Xiaohai couldn't help but sigh.

This week, the family has a big business, which should have been envied by everyone, but because of the bad health of this single pass, the whole family was once covered by a cloud.

No matter how large the business is, no matter how hard you work, in the end, no one will inherit it. All these efforts are in vain. Then there is no difference between all these things, whether they have been or not.

For Huaxia people, there are successors, and the inheritance of incense is extremely important.

The reason why Tang Feng was moved by Zhou Zhengyang's plea and willing to help Zhou Wan heal was because he didn't want to see Zhou's incense cut off.

As for the Zhou family at that time, it was facing a major family crisis such as the burning of incense.

At that time, Zhou Zhengyang heard that Tang Feng was such a wonderful doctor, but he was actually a little bit skeptical, especially when he saw that Tang Feng was so young, he looked like he was only in his early twenties, and he was treated by Zhang Qingyu, Zheng Songru and others. Compliments, Zhou Zhengyang feels unbelievable.

Even though Zhou Zhengyang came to Tang Feng at that time and his attitude was extremely earnest, he still had the mentality of being a dead horse doctor in his heart.

Not only him, but also the others in the family this week.

Zhou Xiaohai is one of them.

In his opinion, Tang Feng was just empty of fame, and there was no need to waste time looking for him.

Of course, Zhou Xiaohai was not targeting Tang Feng.

He had never seen Tang Feng before, and it was impossible to have any dissatisfaction with him.

The main reason is that Zhou Wan has seen a lot of doctors over the years. In the end, none of those who are known as genius doctors can cure Zhou Wan’s condition. Even aristocratic families such as the grandson family are all about Zhou Wan’s condition. Powerless.

Hopeful again and again, but disappointed again and again. Under this situation, Zhou Xiaohai's heart instinctively has a skeptical attitude towards any doctor, especially the kind that is famous and praised. The gods were all categorized into the ranks of liars by him.

Even in his mind, Tang Feng is equivalent to a liar.

He also once dissuaded Zhou Zhengyang from being credulous.

Later, when Tang Feng proposed to accept Zhou Wan as a disciple, Zhou Xiaohai also opposed it.

It was just under Zhou Zhengyang's insistence that his opposition did not play a big role, and because he was not in Pingyang all the year round, he didn't have much energy to take care of these things.

Otherwise, he and Tang Feng are afraid that there will be intersections a long time ago.

Moreover, the previous meeting must have been extremely unpleasant.

For these, Zhou Xiaohai had a faint sense of luck in his heart.

He felt that if he insisted on not allowing Zhou Wan to come to Tang Feng for treatment at the beginning, or refused to let Zhou Wan follow Tang Feng as a teacher, then at this moment, his daughter probably still looks dyingly ill, which makes people look at. All feel anxious.

At that time, if he saw Tang Feng, he would definitely offend Tang Feng.

At this moment Zhou Xiaohai couldn't imagine what would happen if it was really like that at the time.

Even if Tang Feng has great magical powers, he is not clear about Zhou's affairs and Zhou Xiaohai's thoughts at this moment. All he can see is that the expression on Zhou Xiaohai's face is extremely sincere, and the tone of his speech is also full of respect. .

Lin Mengjia smiled and looked at Zhou Wan, and at the same time said to Zhou Xiaohai: "Wan'er is now Tang Feng's disciple. Naturally, he should do his best to take care of her. This, Mr. Zhou can rest assured."

"With Mr. Tang and Mrs. Tang taking care of me, I am naturally extremely relieved," Zhou Xiaohai quickly said respectfully to Lin Mengjia, "Wan'er can have today, thanks to both of you to bother, Wan'er is really very lucky. You can become a disciple of Mr. Tang."The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Becoming a Dad: https://www.readwn. com/book/103189.htmlLongevity Returns to Be a Dad Full Text Reading Address: /read/103189/Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad txt download address: /103189.htmlLongevity return to be a dad mobile phone reading: /For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1039 Zhou Xiaohai Thoughts) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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