Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1040: Academy education

"It's easy to say," Tang Feng nodded faintly towards Zhou Xiaohai, "Wan'er is talented and intelligent, and she is a rare good seedling."

Hearing Tang Feng complimenting herself, Zhou Wan's cheeks reddened slightly, but the smile on the corners of her mouth was even more moving.

In her mind, nothing is more important than getting Tang Feng's affirmation.

Seeing his yellow, thin, and weak daughter, who had become such a slender girl, Zhou Xiaohai felt very happy just looking at it, and when he heard Tang Feng’s words with a certain degree of affirmation, Zhou Xiaohai even more. She laughed so hard that she couldn't close her mouth, and said hurriedly: "Mr. is ridiculously praised, thanks to Mr.'s training, Wan'er will have such an achievement."

Tang Feng just smiled slightly.

The wisdom root of Zhou Wan he was talking about was her wooden spirit root.

This is really the result of Zhou Wan and childbirth, and it has nothing to do with his cultivation.

However, looking at Zhou Xiaohai's appearance, he didn't know anything about it, and he didn't explain too much, just smiled.

Zhou Xiaohai was polite on behalf of Zhou Wan, and then asked Tang Feng: "I just heard Wan'er say that she will go to school with her husband's daughter in a few days."

Tang Feng nodded slightly.

Although I had already talked to Zhou Zhengyang about going to school, it was obvious that Zhou Xiaohai didn't know too many details.

Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia now have the right to take full responsibility for Zhou Wan's affairs, but no matter what, Zhou Xiaohai is the biological father of this little girl. He should have some understanding of her situation.

Therefore, Lin Mengjia smiled at Zhou Xiaohai and said, "Although Wan'er can learn a lot here, but at her age, after all, she should get along with her peers, which is more beneficial to the cultivation of her character."

"Mrs. Tang is very true," Zhou Xiaohai showed a few serious expressions on his face, "Today's age is not what it used to be. The distance between people is getting closer and closer. I agree with Wan'er at her age. 'S child should go to school, but because of her previous poor health, it was delayed."

For large families such as Zhou’s family, most of the education of young masters or daughters invited some private teachers to give one-on-one guidance at home. Such situations are extremely common among Zhou Xiaohai’s generation. Most of them have never been to a public school, and they have all studied at home.

But with the changes of the times, this is obviously no longer feasible.

Nowadays, the hierarchical system of social class is gradually becoming blurred. People are equal at the legal level. This requires these big families to change their previous cognitive methods and let their own The children of the aristocratic family are also integrated into the larger social structure as soon as possible.

Therefore, many years ago, these young masters and daughters also walked out of the house one after another, no longer being personally guided by private teachers, but also entering the school like ordinary children, learning those public courses, and private teachers Responsible is only some niche teachings such as etiquette, language, literature, and even riding skills.

However, most of the schools that these wealthy children go to are not ordinary schools, but private schools run by the nobles, just like the school that the little girl and Zhou Wan are going to go to.

Hearing Zhou Xiaohai agreeing with her educational philosophy, Lin Mengjia smiled at the corner of her mouth, nodded to Zhou Xiaohai, and continued: "I contacted them the Weiqing Noble Academy, and I will send them to school in a few days. If it is convenient for Mr. Zhou, you can follow along."

The Weiqing Aristocratic Academy is well-known throughout Jin Province. Even for school-age children who do not go to school there, Zhou Xiaohai knows this school and also knows that it is located in Jinyuan.

He groaned, and said: "I have made an appointment with my business partner. I have some issues to discuss. I will leave Pingyang tomorrow. However, after the negotiation, I can arrive in Jinyuan immediately. We can make an appointment. Meet up with your husband and wife there and send them to school together. How good does your wife think?"

"This is also a good way. It will not delay Mr. Zhou's business, but also send Wan'er to school in person." Lin Mengjia smiled and nodded, then turned her head to Tang Feng and said, "What do you think?"

Tang Feng nodded slightly.

When she heard that her father was going to send herself to school, Zhou Wan smiled happily. Her eyes were crooked like a small crescent. From her face, one could see the joy of her heart. situation.

In fact, the child's mind is really very simple, as long as he gives a little sweetness, he is extremely happy.

Zhou Xiaohai chatted with Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia again, and agreed on a date to meet after arriving in Jinyuan, and then he said goodbye to Zhou Wan.

Seeing her father leaving, Zhou Wan showed a very reluctant expression on her face, but after all, she was extremely sensible and did not cry at all. Although she couldn't bear it, she followed her father to leave and personally sent her out of the yard.

When Zhou Xiaohai's car drove away, she was still standing at the door, waving her hands constantly.

Seeing Zhou Wan like this, Lin Mengjia couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

She thought that when she was young, she had a close time with her father, but this thing changed somehow.

As she grew up, the relationship between father and daughter seemed to gradually become separated.

Especially after she told her father that she was in love, her father's face suddenly changed.

Lin Mengjia was full of joy to share this happy event with her parents, but unexpectedly, it would be like this.

Her father rebuked her loudly and asked her to sever relationship with the poor boy.

Lin Mengjia couldn't imagine that harsh tone at all. There were also words that almost stung her, which were actually spoken from her father, and she did not expect that her father would be so disgusted with Tang Feng.

Before, even though Father Lin didn't love Lin Mengjia too much, he was considered a good father. He cared about Lin Mengjia and would try his best to meet her requirements.

Looking at Lin Mengjia's feeling in her heart, Tang Feng knew that she had remembered the matter between him and Lin's father again, and also knew that this was always Lin Mengjia's heart disease.

Lin Mengjia naturally had no intention of discussing other topics when she touched on the heart disease, that is, she was a little tired at work, and she wanted to go back to her room to rest.

Seeing Lin Mengjia like this, Ji Ning and Shangguan did not continue to talk to Tang Feng, but got up together and went to work on their own affairs.

Tang Feng also returned to the bedroom, comforting Lin Mengjia in every possible way. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1040 College Education) reading record and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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