Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1091: Crimes of the Japanese Kingdom

The hostess has completely integrated into the conversation of the people at this moment, and she smiled and said: "Mr. Buddy, my family is the local mountain people. When I was young, I used to live in the mountains. After going to school, the family moved to the city."

"It must be very interesting to live in the mountains, right?" Xue Panpan's eyes felt a bit of envy.

She has grown up in a deep house compound since she was a child. What she usually hopes most is to have a vast world, and among these mountains is her favorite place.

Xue Panpan is very glamorous here, but Zi Xuan pouted slightly, saying: "It's not fun at all, it's not convenient to do anything. There is no express delivery, no takeout, and no internet. I didn't know before I came out, this world It's so interesting."

Shangguan sitting next to Zi Xuan, although he didn't speak, he nodded gently. Seeing the expression on her face, he really agreed.

Both of them grew up in the sect, and this sect was in the mountains.

For children, playing around in the mountains is naturally interesting, but when they grow up, they can perceive all the inconveniences. If they haven’t left the mountains for a while, maybe they won’t be there. Compare, don't think anything.

But Zi Xuan and Shangguan both left the sect and entered the world, and there was a gap in their hearts.

When Tang Feng came back, she didn't need Shangguan to protect Lin Mengjia anymore. She could completely unload this burden and return to the sect, but she chose to stay.

The main reason for this is naturally that she wants to follow Tang Feng's practice, and she knows that only by following Tang Feng can she get a better breakthrough. There is also a small reason, that is, it is too inconvenient in this mountain.

Not to mention Zi Xuan.

Her sect has long been dilapidated, and there are not even a few people. Shangguan has the same sect here. Even if it’s inconvenient in the mountains, it is at least personal and lively. Zi Xuan’s sect is completely It is a life of asceticism.

It's no wonder that after she entered this colorful world, she was immediately fascinated. If she was allowed to live back to her previous life, she would be unwilling to kill her.

The hostess smiled and said: "There are indeed many inconveniences in the mountains, but there are also many fun, and the air in the mountains is good, and the food is safe. These are all incomparable outside."

Tang Feng didn't have any interest in this, just said, "Then you are just talking about how much do you know about the cultivators in this mountain."

The hostess nodded and said: "When I was young, I heard the old people in the village say that there are immortals in the mountains. Some years later in the morning, some people have seen them."

"Didn't you say that no one can see it, why has someone seen it again?" Xue Panpan's face showed a little puzzled expression.

The hostess hurriedly said: "Those who saw those who cultivated immortals have all passed away. People who follow them listened to them, but there was no one. You can see them with your own eyes."

Rong Guocheng curiously said: "So, these things are already quite a long time ago?"

"Yes, this happened nearly a hundred years ago. At that time, the world was not peaceful. Years of wars, coupled with foreign invasions, continued wars, and the people were not living. Even in this mountain, there is no peace. The people always feel scared. "

Everyone knows that the foreign war that the hostess was talking about was the invasion of the Japanese nation. On this Chinese land, war broke out, and the international convention was flagrantly ignored, and innocent civilians were massacred, causing countless massacres in the city, which was heinous.

At those times, the life of ordinary people was extremely difficult.

"Among the Japanese army that invaded at that time, there was an officer who did not know where he heard that there are rare treasures in Yucheng Mountain. He was asked by local people to inquire about it. But what he said was never heard by the mountain people. It was denial, but the officer didn't believe it. He believed that the mountain people had concealed it. In order to make the mountain people obey, he resorted to extremely vicious methods."

When it came to this, the waitress's tone was a bit of disgust.

Everyone can understand these emotions.

Most Chinese people are somewhat human. Thinking of this history, all Japanese devils hold great hatred.

Lin Mengjia frowned and said, "These Japanese soldiers are very hateful. If I were to live at that time, I would definitely be a swordsman!"

The waitress smiled at Lin Mengjia.

She didn't know Lin Mengjia's current abilities, but felt that a beauty of her status must be a daughter of everyone, with a delicate body and noble body. She was afraid that she would complain even if she walked some long distances. What can she do to kill a devil?

She only said that Lin Mengjia said that, but because of the hatred in her heart, she had been addicted to her mouth.

Shangguan said to the hostess, "What did the Japanese officer do?"

The hostess said: "He ordered the soldiers of the Japanese country to drive people from several villages to a clearing in the mountains. Although the mountain people near Yucheng Mountain live in several villages, they are intermarried with each other, and they have some affinity with each other. In fact, they can be regarded as acquaintances. This officer asked the soldiers to catch all the children, and in front of everyone, he used the Japanese soldiers as targets and stabbed them with bayonets. All of a sudden, the mountain was crying and crying. The child was stabbed to death alive, and the parents wanted to resist, but they were also shot or bayonet killed by the devil soldiers."

Listening to the resentful voice of the waitress, the people present did not speak, but a trace of hatred flashed in their eyes.

This nearly a hundred years of things may seem untruthful, but they believed what the Japanese soldiers did, even if they were a hundred times more cruel.

Because at that time, the Japanese army could hardly be called a human being. They were inhumane. Everyone's hands were covered with the blood of the innocent people of China. They were completely the incarnation of sin and the devil.

Even now, there are still some people in the Japanese Kingdom who still don't want to repent, and they still worship these demons who invade China.

The hostess took a deep breath, calmed down her emotions, and then said: "This cruel killing is unbearable. The heads of those villages at the time were so helpless to say that they were willing. I took them into the mountains to find the baby, but in fact, they didn’t know what the officer was looking for, and they couldn’t find it. But in order to save the lives of those children, they could only do that, and they I also knew in my heart that I couldn't find the so-called treasure, and the lives of these people would certainly not be preserved. Under the circumstances at the time, they could only count one step at a time."The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: of Longevity and Become a Dad Full Text Reading Address: of Longevity and Become a Dad txt download address: Returns to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1091 The Crimes of the Japanese Kingdom), and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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