Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1092: Treasure hunt in the mountains

Shangguan frowned lightly and said, "Could it be that the officer didn't tell them what he was looking for?"

The hostess nodded and said: "I heard these things from the old people at home. The specific details are not very clear. I have thought about this before. When I ask, the old people are also vague. After all, they It is also heard from the previous generation, and I have not personally experienced it. It seems that the officer has a map in his hand to indicate the direction, but the old man who talked about these things said that the officer treated the map as a treasure at the time, and did not let the Chinese people Look, it’s just that some people glance at it occasionally, but say that they don’t understand at all, and can only be sure that this map is not of Yucheng Mountain at all."

Thinking about these things, they all happened nearly a hundred years ago, and there must be people who haven't seen all of them are still alive.

However, this Japanese officer, holding a map of another place, came to this Yucheng Mountain to find the treasure, which is really incredible.

Xue Panpan said: "The Japanese country admires Chinese culture very much. Some things in China will inevitably be deified. It must be this officer who heard a few words at first, and he believed it and came to this mountain to look for it. Or maybe because of some language barriers, it is possible to misheard this place."

Her analysis made everyone present nod their heads.

Rong Guocheng also said: "That's right, otherwise it would be unreasonable. The Japanese people from far overseas know what treasures are in Yucheng Mountain, but the locals have never heard of it."

Xie Huo nodded and said in agreement: "At that time, many Chinese people arrived in the country. The officer learned about the so-called baby from them, but unfortunately, by mistake, he thought he was in Yucheng Mountain. The people here have brought such a disaster."

Just when everyone nodded, Ji Ning shook his head and said: "No matter what this treasure is, this military officer must use such a vicious means to obtain it. It must be extremely extraordinary. It is unlikely that he will not engage in it. When it’s clear, it’s rash action."

Shangguan also nodded. Obviously, she agreed with Ji Ning's idea. She still frowned slightly and said: "At that time, the Japanese Kingdom made very sufficient preparations to invade China. Many officers in the army were proficient in Chinese language. Chinese people don’t need translation at all to communicate, and there is no possibility of such a big problem in language."

Ji Ning added: "Also, this map is in his hands. If you compare it, you can see it clearly. How could he make such a mistake?"

Xie Huo argued: "It's not impossible to make a mistake. After all, a Japanese officer didn't know the terrain of Yucheng Mountain, and he refused to show the map to the locals. It is very likely that this happened by mistake. Very low-level mistake."

Suddenly, the people present began to discuss this topic.

Everyone has spoken his own truth, there is a reason and evidence, but no one can persuade the other party.

In this way, Zi Xuan seemed extremely boring.

She has been following her in the mountains, of course, she has no knowledge of this period of history. It is not her at that time, even her master may not have experienced it before, so it is impossible to mention it to her.

After Zi Xuan came to the city, she didn't have the opportunity to learn these things, and it was even more impossible to think of learning them. She listened to the discussion and felt confused.

It sounds to me, but I just understand that, nearly a hundred years ago, another country once invaded China. This battle was extremely tragic. It took China a lot of effort to win. The country was driven out.

And this country has committed countless crimes on the land of China, and they have reached the point where they cannot be pardoned.

Zi Xuan stretched out her hand, rubbed her forehead, showing a helpless expression, and said to the waitress: "No matter what the matter is, it is already over after all. Discussing this is useless, you might as well talk about it. What happened afterwards."

Although Zi Xuan said this to the waitress, everyone else in the room stopped discussing.

These side matters are not important, Zi Xuan is right, it is the key to listen to how this incident of going into the mountain looking for the baby ended.

The hostess nodded and said: "Each village chief has chosen a few strong laborers in his village to form a team of nearly a hundred people. Under the **** of the Devil Soldiers, this team entered in mighty force. The mountain, after entering the mountain, the officer did not let them lead the way, but instead looked at the map and asked them to follow."

"This is really interesting." Zi Xuan's face showed a somewhat funny look, "Since he can find it himself, why is it so troublesome to let the mountain people follow? This search for a baby is really extremely Isn't it better for him to get the secret things secretly by himself? It's obviously not good for him to create such a big battle, and everyone knows it?"

After all, Zi Xuan didn't understand this period of history, and couldn't guess the viciousness of the Devil of the Kingdom of Japan. That's why she had such doubts.

Xue Rui hurriedly said to Zi Xuan: "Miss Zi Xuan, you don't know something. Presumably, there must be something dangerous about this trip. This danger cannot be easily resolved. Maybe someone needs to find the way. These Chinese people will be brought along with the purpose of sending them to death."

"These guys are so bad?" Zi Xuan couldn't help but frown, her face filled with indignation, "Does this country still exist today? Has it been wiped out?"

Xue Rui showed a bit of embarrassment on his face and said, "It still exists."

Zi Xuan raised her eyebrows and said angrily: "What? Why didn't you kill them?"

Zi Xuan’s knowledge of history is those recorded in the classics. In the history of China, large-scale wars occurred between countries. If the hatred is quite deep, when the country finally wins, it will often be destroyed. Fall out of the enemy country.

In Zi Xuan's cognition, she saw that the Huaxia Kingdom is now very good and very powerful, and she took it for granted that in this war, the Huaxia Kingdom won, and that Wa Kingdom will definitely be destroyed.

Now that the Japanese country has committed that many sins, which are completely inexcusable, it is a little bit beyond Zi Xuan's expectation that they are still in existence.

Xue Rui looked at Zi Xuan with a daze. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1092 Treasure Hunt in the Mountains) and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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