Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1129: That person disappeared

At the beginning, Zi Xuan indeed thought that Tang Feng was the mysterious person who had been embarrassed by him repeatedly.

After all, in her opinion, people who can have this kind of ability are absolutely unique. Even people from other sects in Kunlun can't be so many seats higher than themselves, and can do it without knowing it. Wait for things here.

But Tang Feng can.

Zi Xuan couldn't see Tang Feng's realm, but she could see that he was much higher than him. He could easily subdue himself, and naturally he could easily do those things before.

At that time, Zi Xuan's greatest curiosity was what was Tang Feng's purpose in doing that. This was also why she followed Tang Feng in the first place.

But soon, she found out that she was wrong.

After arriving at the Tang family, she had some contact with Lin Mengjia and other people. She had also been inquiring about where Tang Feng had been in those days, both overtly and secretly.

But the answer is undoubtedly that Tang Feng has never left Pingyang.

In this way, the time is not right.

But later, the person never showed up again, and in addition to the hot and spicy food here in Tang Feng, and also being able to buy and buy, Zi Xuan soon became addicted to this and didn't want to leave at all.

"In other words, since you arrived at Mr. Tang's place, even if you got valuable things, that person didn't show up again?" Shangguan frowned, as if thinking of something.

If that's the case, could it be that the person is also jealous of Tang Feng?

Zi Xuan nodded, but then shook her head again. The expression on her face was a little complicated and said, "In fact, he seemed to have appeared once, but I was a little unsure."

Ji Ning was obviously taken aback, and said, "In Pingyang?"

"No, Xijing." Zi Xuan showed a reminiscence expression on her face, "It was the last time we went to Kunlun and passed through Xijing. That time, I was a little hesitant in my heart, but then I thought, since Tang Feng is here, Presumably the other party didn't dare to make a mistake, because I didn't tell you about it. In addition, I have also made a breakthrough. I also have a vague expectation in my heart. If I meet the other party, will I have the ability to fight against one?

Lin Mengjia remembered that Zi Xuan was indeed very contradictory at the time, and nodded slightly.

Xue Panpan and Xie Huo looked at each other, the expressions in their eyes were even more complicated.

If Zi Xuan went to Xijing the last time and met that person again, it means that he did not pass through Xijing occasionally, or came to Xijing because of Zi Xuan, but this person, who had always been in Xijing. .

Zi Xuan went on to say: "When we arrived in Xijing that night, you went out. I was alone in the hotel, just around the hotel room. I had set up a method and did enough homework."

On that day, Lin Mengjia also went to Zi Xuan and asked her if she wanted to go out together. On weekdays, Zi Xuan was always quite active, but at the time she seemed very abnormal, and she refused directly, and her expression was a little bit slightly. Not quite right.

This time, Lin Mengjia completely understood what happened.

Tang Feng raised his eyebrows lightly, and said, "That person appeared? Why didn't you listen to you?"

"Yes, Zi Xuan, if you told Tang Feng, he would definitely help you catch that person!" The look on Lin Mengjia's face was more anxious than Zi Xuan's, and her hands clenched her fists unconsciously.

As for the identity and purpose of this person, she was more curious than Zi Xuan at the moment.

Zi Xuan smiled bitterly, and said, "These things are not very glorious after all. I think it would be best if I can rely on my own ability. If it is really not possible, it will not be too late to tell you."

Tang Feng understood her thoughts, nodded, and said, "What's next?"

There was a flash of confusion in Zi Xuan's eyes, and said: "That night I felt the secret note set up was triggered, and then, a breath of Ruowu Ruowu, suddenly, towards the northwest direction, at an extremely fast speed. I didn’t have time to think about it, so I chased it out, but after about an hour of chasing it, I had already left Xijing. I still had no gain. I could only come back again. Later, I received a call from you. Phone, let me find that talisman."

Lin Mengjia said "Ah", remembering that it took a long time for Zi Xuan to answer the phone, and she was obviously panting. She claimed to be doing exercises. She was still gossiping towards Tang Feng, thinking that Zi Xuan was doing something with them behind her back. Unexpectedly, it was so.

Tang Feng's eyebrows were still frowning, and he turned to Zi Xuan and asked, "Do you really feel that someone or something else is escaping from your room?"

Zi Xuan nodded, shook her head again, and said, "Although I was aware of it, it didn't feel very clear, and I don't think the other party is running away."

Shangguan puzzled and said: "When you noticed it, you quickly pulled away, didn't you escape?"

"Before, I tried to break through to a new realm with myself, and maybe it was a chance to have a fight with the other party, but at that time, I felt that I was wrong. His realm, if he was still above me, and I didn’t know how high it was, it’s up to me. His abilities are not his opponents at all. When confronting face-to-face, he definitely has the upper hand. Why should he escape?"

Zi Xuan's voice was not high, and she slowly shook her head, her eyes filled with depression.

At that time, although she was not full of confidence and felt that she would definitely win, she also felt that she and the other party were evenly matched, but she found that she was still a lot worse, and naturally she was under great pressure.

Xue Rui smacked his tongue and said, "Miss Zixuan, you really have great courage. You know that the other party will beat you, and you still don't know what his intentions are, so you dare to chase him out alone."

Ji Ning also nodded, looking at Zi Xuan with a very admiring look.

Zi Xuan's mouth twitched, and said: "I didn't have time to think about it at the time. I just felt that if I didn't follow up, I was afraid I would never have the chance to know his face. Moreover, even though he kept targeting me several times, it didn't seem to hurt me. , I took a gamble, but in the end, it still failed."

Xue Panpan gave a soft "Huh" and said, "Ms. Zi Xuan, you have been in Xijing for a while, but has this person appeared again? I never heard you mention it."

"This is a very strange place for me. If I said that the last time I went to Xijing, this person did not dare to show up, it was because of Tang Feng. But this time, I was in Xijing for some time, and I couldn't buy it. There are few things, including gold, silver and jade, but this person has never appeared again."

Zi Xuan spoke helplessly and stretched out her hands, looking very confused. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorite\" below to record this reading (the person in Chapter 1129 disappeared) reading record, next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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