Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1130: Zi Xuan's Master

Everyone's eyes fell on Tang Feng's body.

Regarding such situations, even if they had some guesses in their hearts, they could not do anything about it.

They can all think that this person must be a master, but what kind of master he is, is not what they can think of.

Lin Mengjia cleared her throat and asked Tang Feng, "How good is this person?"

In Tang Feng's mind, he was also calculating this problem.

This person is familiar with the teleportation method, and what he uses is not the very superficial one used by Tang Feng, but has changed the time. This means that he has at least the power of the five realms of Qi refining, and he is touching After Zi Xuan's realm, she quickly left, so that Zi Xuan could only feel a vague aura, which was at least two levels higher than Zi Xuan.

Moreover, he is not sure whether the breath he felt by Zi Xuan was what Zi Xuan really felt, or he did it deliberately.

Tang Feng squinted slightly and looked towards Zi Xuan. He didn't answer Lin Mengjia’s question. Instead, he asked Zi Xuan very thoughtlessly: "If your master appears next to you, you can feel it. ?"

Zi Xuan was stunned for a moment, then she understood what Tang Feng meant, and shook her head quickly, saying, "It can't be him!"

"Do you suspect that it is Zi Xuan's master?"

At almost the same time, Lin Mengjia's eyes widened in surprise.

"A qi refiner with the sixth realm of qi refining, and possibly even higher, may have something to do with Zi Xuan. Apart from her master, I can't think of anyone else for the time being."

Tang Feng said slowly, his tone was slightly relaxed.

This person, he still doesn't know who it is.

When Zi Xuan talked about the previous events, he was also a little murmured in his heart. If this person is really extremely powerful, he might even be higher than his realm. At this time, he doesn't know whether the opponent is an enemy or a friend. Below, it is really troublesome.

However, from Zi Xuan’s description, apart from being good at using the teleportation formation, the opponent seems to have nothing more powerful. It should not break through the foundation building realm. At most it is the seventh realm of Qi refining. Will exceed eight realms.

In this way, he was relieved.

"Why does this person have to have something to do with me?" Zi Xuan frowned slightly, a little unconvinced.

"There are three reasons," Tang Feng raised three fingers and said lightly, "This person did nothing in Xijing before you arrived in Xijing and after you left Xijing, whether it was Lao Xie or Xue's family. Knowing nothing, this means that this person’s actions are aimed at you."

Xie Huo nodded repeatedly, confirming Tang Feng's words.

Xue Panpan also let out a soft "um".

There is no doubt about this, and both of them have expressed this before.

Zi Xuan reluctantly said: "Even so, why didn't it be what I had guessed before, it was the people whom I had taken the money out of them, and they came together to deal with me?"

"This is the second." Tang Feng raised the corners of his mouth lightly, showing a slight smile, "He didn't hurt you. If the other party seeks revenge for this purpose, he will definitely attack you. It's not that you are not your opponent and dare not do anything. Since you can take your things without knowing it, why don't you hurt you? Are those people who have been pitted by you, and they still have to be moral to you?"

Rong Guocheng nodded thoughtfully, and said in a deep voice: "On the road, if you really encounter such behavior as Miss Zi Xuan, and have the opportunity to take revenge, the means will definitely not be so gentle."

Xie Huo also nodded silently.

Both of these people were born in the underground dark world, and they knew the rules of the road.

In fact, Zi Xuan's practice is really a big taboo. From the perspective of the Tao, it is almost the same as a traitor.

According to their underground rules, for such a person who is against the bones, once caught, they will have their hands and feet severed. How can it be only to recover the money?

Especially Zi Xuan, who collected money from several houses at the same time, left without saying a word, it was especially serious.

Zi Xuan bit her lip and said, "Well, even this makes sense, so what is your third reason?"

"What's the third time? The last time you arrived in Xijing, he reappeared, but he didn't show up. It seemed that he wanted to try your skills. Obviously, he got what he wanted. The answer, when you arrived in Xijing again this time, he did not appear again. It was because of your realm that there was no new improvement, and he did not need to come out."

Zi Xuan's mouth twitched, and said angrily: "According to you, he cares about me a lot. Is everything done for my good?"

Ji Ning calmly said: "It seems to be true. The money you got by improper means was stolen by him, but you followed Mr. Tang, but the money you got was your husband and wife. The gift is not the arrival of evil ways."

Xie Huo and Xue's siblings also nodded.

These people did not spend less on Zi Xuan's body.

But they are also willing.

After all, they also had a good relationship with Zi Xuan sincerely, and Zi Xuan's arrival in Xijing this time has helped them a lot.

It can be said that the money that Zi Xuan has now and the things she has bought can be regarded as truly earning by her ability.

Zi Xuan opened her mouth slightly, trying to say something, but for a while, she couldn't think of anything.

Tang Feng's speculation sounds quite reasonable.

"But, but—"

Zi Xuan only felt that her thinking was a little confused, "but" after a long while, she said again: "But my master said that he still has something to do. If he wants to stay in the sect, let me leave first."

Xue Rui’s eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said: "Miss Zixuan, Master Xu Shi wants you to go out and practice alone, but he is not at ease. Therefore, it is just such a rhetoric. When you go out, you will secretly follow behind. Seeing that you have the possibility of going astray, it is to take action. When you see that everything is normal, we will stop interfering."

Lin Mengjia nodded and said, "I think this is the case, otherwise, where would anyone do something that seems like a joke?"

Zi Xuan only felt that her mind was getting more and more confused. She waved her hand again and again, saying, "Don't tell me, let me think about it... Master has been following me? Then, when did he follow me? When I arrived in Pingyang , Is he still with me? Or, when I return to the sect, can he still follow? If so, why doesn't he show up and meet me? He knows clearly that I miss him very much!"

Hearing Zi Xuan's broken thoughts, everyone did not bother, but looked at her tangled face. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1130 Zi Xuan’s master) reading record, and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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