Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1131: Won't be him

Zi Xuan walked silently with an uncertain look on her face.

Her eyes flickered, her mouth was pursed, and the muscles on her face twitched slightly unnaturally.

Although she hadn't spoken, her heart couldn't be calm for a while.

Everyone didn't bother her, even though they still had doubts, they only used their eyes to communicate with each other without making a sound.

They all know that for Zi Xuan, these things cannot be figured out in a short while.

Tang Feng also knew that Zi Xuan had always had a deep affection for her master. Although she didn't say anything, she dared to take Tang Feng head-on when Tang Feng was scornful to her master.

Zhao Xiaoshan, who was walking in front, could not hear clearly what the people behind him were saying, but he could feel them talking. At this moment, he calmed down, making him a little puzzled, and he couldn't help turning his head and looking at them.

The guests who saw him were still following, and no one was left behind, so he smiled relievedly, did not say anything, but continued walking toward the front.

Lin Mengjia looked at Zi Xuan with a slightly sympathetic look.

She couldn’t think of it now. What was the purpose of Zi Xuan’s master playing such a hand, but he made this one, and it really made Zi Xuan’s wind and screaming grass and trees all soldiers, and she couldn’t calm her mood for a long time. He didn't dare to make any money, so he could only live in a deserted village.

For these young women, it is a bit too much.

Even if she was in the sect at the beginning, she was a bit miserable, but she wouldn't be so miserable.

It was probably the same in Shangguan's heart, and while silent, he glanced at Zi Xuan from time to time.

After all, a man’s mind is not as delicate as a woman. Ji Ning didn’t think so much. His face was deeply confused and a little surprised. The question he was considering was that Zi Xuan’s master was so powerful. .

Just walked silently for a long while, beside them, they could only hear the sound of gurgling water and the chirping of birds in the mountains. In the quiet, it was a bit crisp and sweet, and the air in the mountains was fresh and refreshing. , Are gradually calming down.

But Zi Xuan's mood was obviously not as quiet as others did. Her eyes widened suddenly, her hand waved in the air, and she said loudly, "No, it's not him!"

Her voice was so loud that even Zhao Xiaoshan in front couldn't help stopping, turned around, looked at Zi Xuan in amazement, and lost his voice: "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing, we just talked some gossip, not in the way, not in the way." Rong Guocheng hurriedly smiled at Zhao Xiaoshan.

Zhao Xiaoshan nodded and said, "If it's okay, try not to speak too loudly in the mountains, so as not to attract nearby monkeys."

Xue Rui said "Ah" and said, "The monkeys in this mountain are so afraid of people? Usually wild animals will avoid them when they hear human voices, but they will take the initiative to find them?"

Zhao Xiaoshan smiled helplessly, and said: "Those monkeys in the deep mountains, if people don't take the initiative to provoke them, they will still avoid them, but here, closer to the front mountain, nearby monkeys often go to places with many tourists, etc. As they feed, they become more and more courageous over time, naturally they are not afraid of people, and they will come up to grab things when they meet someone who is alone."

Having said this, Zhao Xiaoshan looked around at the crowd, and said: "There are only a dozen of us. If we encounter a large group of monkeys, we should be quiet. Don't let them come."

Rong Guocheng smiled and said, "Well, we know."

Although he knew that a group of monkeys was really nothing to their team, but there was no need to follow Zhao Xiaoshan to mention these things. He said what he said, and he should just follow it.

Anyway, at the end, Zi Xuan would use some means to make him lose part of his memory, but for him, an ordinary person, he didn't know anything, and it was probably the happiest thing.

Zhao Xiaoshan then continued to move forward.

Lin Mengjia whispered towards Zi Xuan, "Why do you say that?"

Zi Xuan's words naturally meant that the mysterious person was not her master.

Listening to Tang Feng's analysis, the utterances made sense, except for Zi Xuan's master, there really would be no second person. Why is Zi Xuan so sure that it must not be her master?

Zi Xuan rolled her eyes, her face staggered with excitement and a bit of loss, and said anxiously: "Have you forgotten? My master won't transmit the formation at all!"

This is indeed the crux of the problem.

If the method used by that person is really a teleportation method and can change the time, this is really a skill that Master Zi Xuan has never mastered.

When Zi Xuan figured out this joint, she only felt that the emotions in her heart were very complicated.

Tang Feng said that the person was her master. She was shocked, but she was still a bit wronged and warm. After all, this shows that her master has been protecting her secretly and caring for her, regardless of the method. It gave her some psychological shadow, but his original intention was good after all.

Moreover, it also made Zi Xuan feel that Master was not very far away from her, and she had every opportunity to meet him again.

But this time, it was confirmed that the man was not his master, and all these hopes were once again shattered.

When Zi Xuan had no hope, she didn't think there was anything, but this time and again caused a gap in her heart, and she was even more disappointed.

Xue Rui hesitated a little after hearing this, and said: "Miss Zixuan, are you really sure, Master does not understand this spell?"

In Xue Rui's eyes, Zi Xuan was already considered very powerful, and her master was naturally a master. Although she was incomparable to Tang Feng, she was not as martial as they could imagine.

Zi Xuan nodded firmly and said: "I know the old man's ability very well. If he really knows this, he will definitely teach me. Show off to me, it's impossible to hide so deeply."

Hearing that Zi Xuan called her master "the old man", and in this tone, there was no sense of respect, the Xue family sisters and brothers, Xie Huo and others looked at each other.

Whether it is a Wu Xiu sect or a big family, or the secret rules of the underground world, the etiquette of this elder and inferiority is very important, especially the status of this master and apprentice.

There is a way of "being a teacher in one day and being a father for life." Master is very important in a person's growth. People like them all understand this truth.

But looking at Zi Xuan's appearance, it's not like this at all. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (chapter 1131 will not be him) reading record, next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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