Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1159: Two lost

In this strange silence that was almost suffocating, Ji Ning and Shangguan could clearly hear each other's breathing and heartbeat, as well as footsteps that were obviously not so light.

Something is wrong.

At this point, this sentence has appeared in the hearts of two people at the same time.

But when did it happen, when did the bugs stop calling, and when did the sound of running water stop? The two people really couldn't remember it at all.

Moreover, under the current situation which is obviously not so good, the two of them have no intention to recall the previous events.

At this time, they felt that the path they were walking on was completely different from the one they had taken when they came, but they have been walking along this path all the time, without any turning or branching at all.

After they left the village, although they walked about a dozen meters into the bamboo forest, they saw that the bamboo forest inside was very dense, but after all, outside of them, the forest seemed very sparse and transparent. Go through the gap between the bamboos and see the outside.

But now, in front and back of them, there is a dense bamboo forest. It seems that they have walked into the center of the bamboo forest. No matter which direction they are heading, there is no way to find any way out.

The road is still the one under your feet, but everything around you has changed a long time ago.

After walking for such a long time, the two have begun to feel unable to distinguish their direction, nor can they estimate where they have reached.

Shangguan frowned slightly, and there was already a slight nervous look on her face. Even if she is bold, she is not afraid of fear in normal times, but at this moment, the heartbeat has also accelerated.

After all, this was different from any situation she had encountered before.

In the face of a formidable enemy who was much higher than himself, Shangguan did not back down, even if he knew that he could not fight, he could deal with it without fear.

That's because, no matter how powerful the opponent is, they are her known opponents. She can figure out how much the opponent's ability is higher than herself, and she can also think of how much higher it is. Even if it is a fiasco under the opponent's hands, it is still in hers. As expected.

But now it is different.

Everything here is unknown, Shangguan has not experienced it at all, and never even thought that he might encounter such a general situation.

People’s greatest fear is often not about the results already known, but about the unknown.

I don't know what situation is the most terrible.

Not only Shangguan, but Ji Ning's forehead was also oozing sweat.

His mouth pursed into a straight line, and he looked around with alert, but no matter where he was, he couldn't see any flaws.

However, even if there was tension or even fear in his heart, he did not show it.

After all, from Ji Ning's point of view, he is a man, and he should be responsible for protecting Shangguan. Under such circumstances, if he gets into chaos first, he will naturally affect Shangguan.

Looking at this bamboo forest, which has no end or a way out no matter how you walk, Ji Ning stopped and said to Shangguan: "Let's not go now."

Shangguan also stopped and looked at Ji Ning with a slightly puzzled look.

Ji Ning looked serious and said solemnly: "No matter how we walk now, the surrounding scenery seems to be the same. Instead of wasting energy, it is better to stop and think of a solution."

Shangguan glanced around, then nodded.

At present, she can't think of any way, but Ji Ning's proposal is completely okay.

Two people walked here like a fly without their heads. No matter how far they went, they couldn't see any direction. Apart from wasting physical energy, it really didn't make any sense.

Ji Ning looked at the sky. The moon was still behind the clouds. He frowned and said, "During the day, the weather is always quite sunny. When we look at the sky in the village, we can still see dense stars. There is no cloudy sky at all. sign."

Now the whole night sky, like a dark curtain, shrouded their heads, there was no light in sight, and there was a feeling of depression.

Shangguan let out a "um" and said, "If you can still see the stars, you can easily tell the direction. Now you can't even see the moon, let alone the North Star."

She can also imagine that the situation the two of them are encountering now must be deceived by someone, and this dark clouded sky is also part of this conspiracy, the purpose is to make them lose their way.

Ji Ning took two steps in the direction of the densest bamboo forest, suddenly stretched out his hand, and slashed it with a palm.

Their Ji family's unique skills are palm-based. He has been in contact with palm strength since he was a child, and he can split a concrete wall of more than ten centimeters with one hand. Although the bamboo is strong, it is nothing to Ji Ning.

As he took his palm, the bamboo snapped and cracked. Ji Ning kept his palms close, and slashed again with a few palms.

It was only a minute or so. In front of Ji Ning, a piece of bamboo was already toppling over, and a road about ten meters long appeared.

Ji Ning continued to open the road as he walked toward the front.


Shangguan shouted his name behind him.

Ji Ning stopped then, turned around, and saw that Shangguan was still standing in his original position, and instead of following him, he said to her, "What?"

Shangguan frowned and said, "This bamboo forest has no edge at all, and we don't understand the situation ahead. If you go deeper and deeper, can you go all the way like this?"

Ji Ning looked at the dark and faint bamboo forest in front, feeling a little sinking in his heart.

Yes, Shangguan is right.

He didn't even know how big the bamboo forest was.

He can split a path, but after all, he is just a person, not a god, even if he has superhuman strength and physical strength, he will run out.

But at the moment, Ji Ning felt that there was no other way to think of, he could only take a deep breath, his expression becoming more solemn.

The Shangguan saw that Ji Ning was not speaking, and then he said: "The reason why we can't go out is because we can't see how big this place is, how far it is from the outside, and even though this bamboo grows densely, it doesn't look like it. The tree has a tight canopy that can completely obscure the line of sight. With the help of you and me, with the help of climbing power, you jump to the top of the wood and look around. Maybe you can find a way out."

Hearing what Shangguan said, Ji Ning immediately lit up, and immediately showed a faint smile, nodded, and said: "Yes, as long as we can look at the distribution of this forest, we can find it. It’s a way forward!"Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad, the latest chapter address: /book/103189.htmlLongevity Returns to Be a Dad Full Text Reading Address: read/103189/Longevity Return, Become a Dad txt download address: 103189.htmlLongevity return to be a dad mobile phone reading: In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1159 Lost Two people) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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